Alchemy of Blood. Olga Shakirovna Isyanova

Alchemy of Blood - Olga Shakirovna Isyanova

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wiped a tear from his mother’s cheek with his thumb.

      “And why did you have to save that fae?” asked the sad mother.

      “You know me, I couldn’t do anything else,” the guy smiled gently.

      “You’ve always had a kind heart. Take care of him,” the woman said, and hugged her son tightly.

      Selene, who became an unwitting witness to the family drama, became uncomfortable, and she decided to quietly leave. She was already deep in the forest and walking along the path when she heard the sound of quick footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw a young mage hurrying towards her. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

      The druid caught up with her and stood with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. His heart was pounding. His lynx appeared on a nearby tree branch.

      “What else do you want?” Selene asked irritably.

      “I still haven’t thanked you for saving me,” he said, panting.

      “A simple ‘thank you’ is enough,” the girl replied, and turned to continue on her way. To her annoyance, however, he followed her.

      “I’m Frey,” the mage said.

      “Selene,” she said reluctantly.

      She didn’t really want to reveal her name, and she’d already left enough traces here.

      “Where are you going?” Frey asked curiously.

      “What’s it to you?”

      “You heard I’m an outcast now, so we’re in the same boat.”

      Selene stopped, already beginning to regret saving his life.

      “Look, if you’re going to come after me, you shouldn’t. I’m not the most reliable travel companion. I’m a wanderer, just like you,” she tried to dissuade him, but he was adamant.

      “So much the better. I’ve always wanted to see the world,” he said cheerfully.

      “You’re too optimistic for an outcast,” Selene said grimly.

      She had heard from the Heka6 priests in her homeland that witches who left their coven for any reason were considered outcasts and despised by other witches. After all, when you go your own way and don’t look back at anyone, you become impossible to control.

      “One door closes, another opens,” Frey said, smiling.

      Selene rolled her eyes again and shook her head. They walked in silence for a while, until Selene realized that she didn’t know the way.

      And then a thought occurred to her, “You really can help me, you know. Take me to the nearest settlement, or I’ll change my mind and eat you.”

      Frey stared at her for a moment, then smiled.

      “Just promise not to kill anyone.”

      “I won’t promise anything about you,” Selene said, a slight smile on her lips.

      “We’ll definitely get along,” the druid said, grinning broadly.

      “I doubt it,” Selene muttered, realizing that for the first time in a long time, she wasn’t alone.

      Chapter 4

      When Selene returned to the palace, the sun had already set. She walked through corridors decorated with gold sconces, huge paintings, and other works of art. Her footsteps echoed off the marble floor. All the way there, she wondered why she had been summoned to the Prince’s presence so urgently. As she approached the tall double doors, she nodded to two guards in strict black suits, who let her inside.

      Once in the large and luxurious hall, decorated with dark marble and wood, lit by many candles, Selene bowed her head respectfully as she greeted the man sitting on the dais in a high carved chair. His scarlet eyes strained over the lines of paper, and he didn’t seem to notice her at first. Candlelight glinted off his thick, jet-black curls, setting off his sharp features.

      “You wanted to see me, my lord?” Selene broke the silence.

      The man looked up from his paperwork and finally turned his attention to the girl.

      “Selene, there you are. Fine,” he said with a tight smile, tucking the folded papers into the inside pocket of his black jacket.

      Prince Adrian ruled the vampire empire for more than a thousand and a half years, raising it from the ashes of disparate clans and uniting all vampires under his powerful hand. He established centralized power, created a code of laws and punishments that put an end to centuries of chaos and violence. His wise policy was followed by the leaders of other supernatural races, who recognized the wisdom and power of unified government. Selene always respected the Prince and supported his views, but there were also those who did not share her opinion.

      “Our scouts have captured a suspected spy from the First Pack,” the Prince began without preamble. “He entered the city a few days ago and was collecting information.”

      Selene frowned at the news. Why would the werewolves send a spy? She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye.

      “What makes you so sure it’s a spy?” she asked after a moment’s thought. “Perhaps he came for another purpose?”

      Adrian shook his head, “If that were the case, he would have come to court first, as he should,” he replied, pacing the room nervously, hands clasped behind his back. “Yes, we made a peace treaty with the previous Elder Alpha, but who knows if the new one will follow it?”

      His pale, usually unreadable face was tense and anxious, even in the dim candlelight. Selene understood the reason for his agitation: the Prince and the Elder Alpha had once been allies, if not friends. The unexpected death of the werewolf leader a few years ago shocked and saddened the entire supernatural world. Together, the two leaders reached an agreement that ensured a fragile peace between their peoples. But after the new Alpha ascended to the throne, there was turmoil among the werewolves. Many did not share the radical views of the new leader and deserted from the First Pack. Others, on the contrary, flocked to it, strengthening its ranks.

      “Maria is currently interrogating the prisoner, but so far to no avail,” Adrian said with a wry smile. “Do it while there’s still something left of him. You know how much she gets carried away sometimes. As soon as you’re done, let me know immediately.”

      Selene, trying to hide her annoyance, left with a bow.


      Selene grew increasingly uneasy as the elevator sank into the depths of the dungeon. The oppressive atmosphere of the upcoming interrogation weighed heavily on her. She had hoped for a quick and painless testimony, avoiding a scene of bloodshed.

      The smooth elevator doors swung open, looking out of place on the old, damp stone of the dungeon. Selene approached the massive metal door and entered the access code. The surveillance camera was like a cyclopean eye, watching her every move intently. The green light came on, and the door slid open with a crash.

      Animal howls and desperate human screams reached Selene’s ears. She strode resolutely down the narrow stone corridors, her heels clicking loudly.

      The detention cells were located opposite each other. As she neared the right camera, Selene’s sense of smell picked up the sharp smell of a wolf mixed with the metallic tang of blood. Finally, as she turned the corner, she saw Thomas and Greg, the Prince’s bodyguards, standing at the end of the corridor. Together with Maria and Selene, they formed the Prince’s Personal Guard – an elite group of clan members who performed particularly important tasks.

      The bodyguards, dressed in severe black doublets, stood silently in front of the cell’s entrance. Their faces and clothing bore the marks of a recent battle. There were fresh wounds on their skin that were just beginning

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Ancient Egyptian god of magic.