Судовые механики. Базовая лексика. Олеся Андреевна Сугралимова
Part 6
are added – добавляются
top point of the system – верхняя точка системы
clean all pipes – очистить все трубы
once a month – раз в месяц
clean water inlet – вход чистой воды
Put words in gaps:
1. Materials ……………….as they are prepared.
2. This involves used high-pressured water to unclog and…………………
3. A check will be performed ………………………
4. Bacteria are added at the………………………….
5. Clean sewage treatment plant once a month with the………………………
Read the text and do exercises:
Bacteria are added at the top point of the system, so they can clean all pipes and the system.
Clean sewage treatment plant once a month with the clean water inlet.
Put missing words in the gaps:
once a month clean all pipes top point of the system
Bacteria are added at the……………………., so they can …………………and the system.
Clean sewage treatment plant ………………… with the clean water inlet.
Put words in correct order to make sentences:
of the system Bacteria top point are added at the, pipes can all so they and the clean system.
sewage clean treatment a month Clean with the water plant once inlet.
Answer the questions:
How many tanks are in the sewage treatment plant?
What is barbotage?
Why do bacteria need air?
Why do we add bacteria at the top point of the system?
When do we need to add running water?
How do you perform a sludge test?
Oil mist detector
Oil Mist Detector Part 1
is sucked from всасывается из
into – в
crankcase – картер
measuring head – измерительная голова
oil mist opacity – непрозрачность масляного тумана
is determined – определяется
compressed air – сжатый воздух
which is connected to – который подсоединен к
pressure regulator – регуляторы давления
set pressure – установить давление
water column – водяной столб
Put words in gaps:
is sucked from всасывается из
into – в
crankcase – картер
measuring head – измерительная голова
oil mist opacity – непрозрачность масляного тумана
Both aircrafts crashed …………….. the ocean.
………………. is the key to activate alarm.
In the………………., oil mist is created when the lubricating oil is splashed by moving and rotating parts of the engine.
An indicator layer on a small glass component installed in the ……………….. is illuminated with blue-green-light.
Water ……………… the barrel with the pump.
is determined – определяется
compressed air – сжатый воздух
which is connected to – который подсоединен к
pressure regulator – регуляторы давления
set pressure – установить давление
water column – водяной столб
The dosage ………………. according to the instructions.
Suction is from the pipeline, ……………………. the camera.
The material flow rate is easily controlled with a ………………………….
It is necessary to …………………. of air, the flow of the coloring composition and the width of the "torch" correctly.
Better use of air for aeration due to the height of the…………………….
Pressure regulating valves – ……………………… control.
Read the text and do exercises:
Oil mist (oil gasses) is sucked from the crankcase into the measuring head.
In measuring head oil mist opacity is determined. We use compressed air, which is connected to the control air. With the help of a pressure regulator we set pressure 60 ml of water column.
Put words in the gaps:
set pressure measuring head oil mist opacity water column is connected to is sucked from
Oil mist (oil gasses) ……………….. the crankcase into the…………………….