Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения. Т. С. Бочкарева

Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения - Т. С. Бочкарева

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be well off – быть состоятельным (зажиточным);

      salary – жалование, оклад;

      unit of measure – единица измерения;

      to compare the value of currencies – сравнивать стоимость валюты;

      exchange rate – обменный курс;

      in terms of – в исчислении, в выражении;

      exchange market – валютный рынок;

      to convert – конвертировать, превращать;

      the cost of living – стоимость жизни;

      purchasing power – покупательная способность;

      purchasing power parity (P.P.P.) – паритет покупательной способности;

      goods and services – товары и услуги;

      insurance – страхование.

      2.1.4 Задание 4. Прочитайте текст B переведите его письменно Тext B. How is Wealth Determined Around the World?

      A nation's wealth can best be determined by looking at its people. But it is difficult to rely on any one statistic. Are the Kuwaitis better off because they earn more money per capita than the Brazilians? Are the French better off if they have more telephones per household than the Japanese? Are the Italians better off because they save more money than the Canadians?

      There are many different ways to determine wealth. Economists define wealth as what a person owns, such as stocks and real estate, but many people look first to their level of income to see if they are well off. Comparing salaries in different countries, however, is like comparing apples and oranges, because the salaries in each country are paid in different currencies. We need to somehow translate what each person earns into a common unit of measure.

      One way of translating salaries is to first compare the value of the currencies of the countries in question. This is usually done by using exchange rates that tell us the value of one currency calculated in terms of another.

      Exchange rates, determined by the foreign exchange markets around the world, reflect the markets' view of each country's economic and political situation. By using exchange rates, a salary in yen in Tokyo can be converted into U.S. dollars to make it comparable to a salary in Los Angeles. Or it can be converted into French francs to make it comparable to a salary in Paris.

      Because the cost of living varies widely from one country to another, however, it is difficult to translate salaries by simply using currency exchange rates. If an apartment costs three times as much in Tokyo as in Los Angeles or Paris, a higher salary in Japan does not necessarily mean a Japanese worker is better off than an American or French worker.

      It is sometimes more valuable to look at what salaries will actually buy in each country. A salary's "purchasing power" tells us how many goods and services it can actually buy. Comparing the cost of a group of goods and services from country to country, therefore, gives us a more reliable exchange rate, called purchasing power parity (PPP). The PPP exchange rate is calculated by looking at the cost of groceries and other items such as vacation trips, automobiles, insurance, and rent in different countries.

      By choosing this basket of goods and services and calculating their cost in different countries around the world, we can compare the purchasing power or "real" value of salaries from country to country. Although one country may be richer in terms of the amount of money each citizen owns or earns, what counts in the long run is what each person can do with this wealth. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту В

      1 How can a nation’s wealth be determined?

      2 What do the exchange rates tell us?

      3 What do the exchange rates reflect?

      4 Does the cost of living vary from one country, to another?

      5 What tell us how much goods and services a person can buy?

      6 How can we compare salaries in different countries?

      7 What do we call “purchasing power parity” (PPP)?

      8 What is PPP exchange rate calculated by?

      9 How can we compare the purchasing power?

      10 In what terms may one country be richer than another country?

      Тексты, лексические программы для студентов специальности «Юриспруденция» Задание 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

      procurator's office – прокуратура;

      application and observance of laws – применение и соблюдение законов;

      to investigate – расследовать, рассматривать (дело);

      criminal case – уголовное дело;

      evidence – улика, свидетельское показание;

      to appeal – аппелировать, подавать аппеляционную жалобу;

      prosecution – отстаивание (исковых требований).

      court – суд, судья;

      to administer juctice – отправлять правосудие;

      first instance – первая инстанция;

      to examine a case – рассматривать дело;

      in substance – по существу;

      to bring in a sentence – выносить приговор;

      judgement – судебное решение, приговор;

      judicial organ – судебный орган;

      to try – разбирать, рассматривать дело;

      assessor – заседатель, асессор;

      proceeding(s) – судебное разбирательство;

      trial – судебный процесс, разбирательство;

      victim – потерпевший, жертва;

      accused – обвиняемый;

      plaintiff – истец;

      defendant – обвиняемый, ответчик, подсудимый, подзащитный.

      law – право, закон;

      rule – правило, норма права;

      to deal with – иметь дело;

      legal – юридический,

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