The art of Jyotish: secrets unlocked. Илана Либ
isolation and mental peace of an enlightened soul.
This house is related to foreign countries, especially with distant travels. Usually, planets in the twelfth house are found in people who work with foreigners and achieve success abroad.
In the First House: Unhappy childhood, bad start in life, poor health, thin and dry body, unappealing appearance, misery, lack of self-confidence and self-respect: this condition may shorten longevity; the person does not receive enough respect from those around them, does not receive publicity; ascetic or spiritual nature, there may be journeys with spiritual purposes; good sex life; not good for marriage, since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the seventh house.
In the Second House: Poverty, financial loss, unhappy family life, tendency to speak badly, poor vision in the right eye, poor hearing in the right ear, junk food consumption, impaired speech, limited imagination, tendency to lie.
In the Third House: No happiness from brothers and sisters; they may die young or their lives will be difficult, no opportunities heralding good and fulfillment of wishes, no literary abilities, lack of talents or musical, dancing, and acting inclinations; anger, cowardice, few adventures, futile efforts, defect in the right eye, lack of initiative; although the third house is not related to wisdom, the ruler of the twelfth house here brings great initiative; such a person will draw absolutely accurate conclusions, based only on their feelings.
In the Fourth House: The ruler of the twelfth house in another twelfth house brings strong spiritual nature or aspiration for ultimate liberation; no happiness from the mother, the mother may die young or her life will be difficult; such a person experiences little comfort, few possessions, problems with vehicles; the person will be forced to rent an apartment; little happiness in life, difficulties in career, many changes in it, because the ruler of the twelfth house casts aspects on the tenth house.
In the Fifth House: Few children, no happiness from children, may experience loss of a child or their lives may be difficult, ascetic or spiritual child; the person may have mental problems, lack of peace in their mind, loss due to investments, past lives wasted—no credit from it for the present life, lack of morality, difficulties in taking exams, unsuccessful love affairs.
In the Sixth House: Poor health, bad job, problems with employees, no help from the uncle, victory over enemies and competitors (malefic planets in the sixth house—very good in this regard); this is a good place for the twelfth house, as the ruler of the twelfth house directly influences its house; it also reduces debts and expenses.
In the Seventh House: Unhappy marriage, divorce, debts and expenses due to the marriage partner, the partner may die young or their life may be difficult, the partner lacks self-confidence, unsuccessful and problematic partnerships; since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the ascendant, health will not be good, little publicity, and possibly an ascetic nature.
In the Eighth House: The ruler of the twelfth house in another twelfth house brings strong spiritual nature, interest in occult sciences, desire for ultimate liberation, lack of financial benefits from the marriage partner or from insurance companies; there may be sexually transmitted diseases; this condition may shorten longevity.
In the Ninth House: No happiness from the father, debts and expenses due to the father, the father may die young or his life may be difficult; the person has no luck, no good solutions to problems; lack of necessary attitude towards religion or philosophy, no faith, no help from elders or from a guru, good sex life, peace after death; this is a terrible situation, as the house of fortune is afflicted.
In the Tenth House: Problems in career, achievements go unnoticed, many changes in career, uncertainty about Dharma, no fame and publicity, doing bad deeds; since the ruler of the twelfth house influences the fourth house, it will be difficult to obtain a degree, there will be conflicts with the mother, problems with vehicles, misery, and other difficulties related to the fourth house.
In the Eleventh House: Poor relationships with elderly relatives; they may die young or their lives may be difficult; ascetic friends, bad friends, debts or expenses due to friends, few opportunities heralding good news, desires and ambitions are not fulfilled, financial loss, few benefits and profits; problems with children, bad investments, mental issues, since the fifth house receives a harmful aspect from the ruler of the twelfth house.
In the Twelfth House: The planet is in its house; this is a great situation for spiritual exploration, as the person will follow the path of the twelfth house; attainment of celestial status after death, few expenses (easy to save money), good sex life, success abroad.
If contradictions are found in the description of the house lords, then more attention should be paid to those data that repeat several times. Vedic astrology is unique in that, besides the personal natal chart – referred to as D1, there are subdivided charts that assist with all questions. Each of these should be examined alongside the main chart – D1.
D2 Chart
This is the second partial chart, which allows for a detailed observation of the second house in the main natal chart, for the purpose of diagnosing the person's wealth, happiness, problems, and unpleasant situations due to wealth. In addition, the D2 chart diagnoses additional characteristics of the second house in the natal chart (D1): earnings, salary, speech, food, family.
There are two types of D2 horoscopes – Varanasi D2 and Parashara Varga. Each sign in the D1 chart is divided into two parts (Moon lordship and Sun lordship).
It is necessary to diagnose the lord of the second house in the natal chart D1 and see which house it is in D2. This way, one can see from where the person might expect financial assistance and salary. If the lord of the second house in D1 is in the 1st house in D2, the person will need to rely solely on themselves; if in the 2nd house – they will receive help from others, obtaining resources and salary through family; if in the 3rd house – through siblings, neighbors; in the 4th house – through their family; in the 5th house – through creativity, romantic relationships, children; in the 6th house – through providing service to others; in the 7th house – through marriage; in the 8th house – through inheritance; in the 9th house – through the father, the state; in the 10th house – through career; in the 11th house – through assistance from friends. The lord of the second house in D1 located in the 12th house in D2 indicates that one should not spend money thoughtlessly and should be very cautious in this area.
The 1st house shows personality in terms of prosperity, wealth, and the way to acquire wealth.
The 2nd house indicates the accessible sources of wealth, prosperity, resources, food, family, family support, savings.
The 3rd house shows the plans and realization of the plans related to achieving wealth and prosperity.
The 4th house – satisfaction from the financial situation, realization of income and savings.
The 5th house – investments, financial risks, the partner's wealth, hobbies.
The 6th house – loans, debts, barriers regarding money, loss of partners.
The 7th house – the partner's business, collaborations.
The 8th house – loss, money that the person did not earn themselves, inheritance, winnings, crises.
The 9th house – success and security from higher forces, compensation.
The 10th house – income from the main activity.
The 11th house – profits and financial opportunities.
The 12th house – loss, waste, expenses, profits from abroad.
The first half of each odd sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)