Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том 1. A – E.. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том 1. A – E. - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Chance, fortuity, disaster, incident, adventure, casualty, hazard, contingency, calamity, misadventure, mishap.

      ANT: Law, purpose, appointment, ordainment, provision, preparation.



      SYN: Applause, homage, gratulation, salutation, joy, commendation, plaudit, hosannas, cheer, shouting, exultation, triumph, approval.

      ANT: Obloquy, censure, execration, contumely, outcry, sibilation, denunciation.



      SYN: Ascent, rise, incline.

      ANT: Declivity, descent.



      SYN: Convenience, oblige, adapt, supply, reconcile, suit, fit, adjust, furnish, serve, harmonize.

      ANT: Inconvenience, disoblige, disturb, misfit, incommode, deprive, aggravate.



      SYN: Kind, unselfish, obliging, polite, yielding, conciliatory.

      ANT: Disobliging, selfish, churlish, rude, imperious, dictatorial, exacting, inconsiderate, unaccommodating.



      SYN: Follow, consort, attend, join, coexist, escort, convoy.

      ANT: Desert, abandon, leave, avoid, eschew, quit, discard.



      SYN: Execute, perfect, perform, fulfil, [See DO], carry out, attain, realize, consummate, achieve, finish, complete.

      ANT: Fail of, frustrate, defeat, disconcert, destroy, baffle, mar, spoil.



      SYN: Abettor, confederate, accessory, ally, associate, partner, colleague, coadjutor, assistant, 'particips criminit'.

      ANT: Rival, foe, adversary, antagonist.



      SYN: Agree, consent, harmonize, tally, answer, comport, consist, conform, grant, concede, surrender, allow.

      ANT: Disagree, differ, misfit, miscomport, misconform, withhold, deny, refuse.



      SYN: Agreeably, suitably, conformably, hence, consequently.

      ANT: [See AGREEABLY].



      SYN: Compatible, consonant, harmonious, consistent, consenting, acquiescent.

      ANT: [See COMPATIBLE].



      SYN: Address, salute, invoke, hail, greet, stop, apostrophize, speak to, call to.

      ANT: Shun, avoid, elude, pass, ignore.


      Account \n.\

      SYN: Narration, report, rehearsal, story, statement, narrative, recital, relation, description, motive, value, importance, advantage, ground, reason, profit.

      ANT: Silence, suppression, project, misannouncement, of no account, attempt, without value, deed, project.


      Account \v.\

      SYN: Deem, esteem, consider, regard, hold, judge, rate, estimate, value, reckon, explain, solve.

      ANT: Disesteem, misestimate, mystify, understate, undervalue, perplex, darken.



      SYN: Responsible, liable, amenable, punishable, answerable, accredited, delegated, subordinate.

      ANT: Autocratic, Independent, irresponsible, absolute, supreme, despotic.



      SYN: Adorn, fit out, equip, furnish, dress, furnish with arms.

      ANT: [See ADORN].



      SYN: Believe, trust, entrust, delegate, depute, commission, authorize.

      ANT: Disbelieve, distrust, suspect, recall, supersede, discard, dismiss.



      SYN: Authorized, commissioned, acknowledged, confidential, trusted.

      ANT: Unauthorized, unacknowledged, distrusted.



      SYN: Collect, gamer, grow, mass, heap, store, bring together, hoard, gather, agglomerate, husband, augment, amass, increase.

      ANT: Dissipate, disperse, diminish, scatter, expend, waste.



      SYN: Heap, collection, store, mass, aggregation, hoard, pile.

      ANT: Segregation, separation, unit, individual.



      SYN: Exactness, correctness, strictness, precision, exactitude, nicety, fidelity.

      ANT: Inexactness, looseness, slovenliness, incorrectness.



      SYN: Careful, exact, faithful, precise, correct, close, truthful, strict, just, actual, nice.

      ANT: Careless, inexact, faulty, incorrect, inaccurate, loose, defective.



      SYN: Charge, indictment, imputation, impeachment, arraignment.

      ANT: Acquittal, absolution, vindication, discharge.



      SYN: Charge, incriminate, impeach, arraign, tax, taunt, censure, cite, summon, criminate.

      ANT: Defend, vindicate, discharge, acquit, absolve, condone, pardon, exonerate, release.



      SYN: Habituate, familiarize, form, inure, train, reconcile.

      ANT: Disaccustom, dishabituate, estrange, wean, alienate.



      SYN: Unit, atom, point, title, jot, item.

      ANT: Numbers, quantity, bulk, gum, mass, collection, aggregate, total.



      SYN: Harshness, acridity, tartness, acidity, bitterness, acrimony, crabbedness, moroseness, sourness, roughness.

      ANT: Sweetness, mildness, softness, mellowness, gentleness, amiableness.


      Ache \n.\

      SYN: Pain, suffering, smart, anguish, pang.

      ANT: [See PAIN].



      SYN: Accomplish, [See DO], gain, perform, execute, effect, fulfil, finish, attain, win.

      ANT: [See DO].



      SYN: Exploit, feat, attainment, accomplishment, performance.




      SYN: Spinous, sagittate, prickly, thorny, sharp-pointed, hastate, bristly.

      ANT: Obtuse, blunt, abrupt.




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