Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Make moral or virtuous.

      Moralize, v. n. Make moral reflections, talk or write about morality.

      Morals, n. pl. 1. Morality, ethics, moral philosophy.

      2. Conduct, behavior, habits, manners, course of life.

      Moral sense, Conscience, moral faculty.

      Morass, n. Marsh, fen, bog, quagmire, swamp, slough.

      Morbid, a. Diseased, sickly, unsound, unhealthy, tainted, vitiated, corrupted, indicative of disease.

      Morbific, a. Noxious, deleterious, unwholesome, unhealthy, pestilential, poisonous, unfavorable to health.

      Mordacious, a. 1. Biting, pungent, stinging, cutting, sharp, mordant.

      2. Poignant, caustic, sarcastic, satirical.

      Mordant, a. Biting, mordacious.

      More, a. 1. Greater degree of, greater amount of.

      2. In greater numbers.

      3. Added, additional, other besides.

      More, ad. 1. To a greater degree.

      2. Again, further, another time.

      More, n. 1. Greater degree, greater quantity.

      2. Else, other thing.

      Moreover, conj. & ad. Besides, further, also, likewise, too, furthermore, more than that, over and above that.

      Moresque, a. Moorish, arabesque.

      Moribund, a. Dying, at the point of death, on one's death-bed, at death's door, with one foot in the grave, on one's last legs, at the last gasp.

      Morion, n. Helmet, helm, head-piece.

      Mormon, n. 1. (Zoöl.) Colter-neb, Labrador auk, common puffin (Fratercula arctica).

      2. Mormonite.

      Mormonite, n. Mormon.

      Morn, n. [Poetical.] Morning.

      Morning, n. 1. Dawn, daybreak, aurora, sunrise, morn, break of day, peep of day, prime of day, first blush of the morning.

      2. Forenoon, early part of the day.

      3. Early part, spring-time.

      Morning star, n. Lucifer, Phosphorus, Venus.

      Morose, a. Crabbed, sullen, churlish, sour, sulky, perverse, wayward, spleeny, spleenish, splenetic, humorsome, dogged, gloomy, moody, cross-grained.

      Moroseness, n. Crabbedness, sullenness, moodiness, churlishness, sourness, sulkiness, sulks, spleen, ill-temper, bad blood, black looks.

      Morphia, n. Morphine.

      Morphine, n. 1. Morphia.

      2. Sulphate of morphia.

      Morse, n. Walrus, sea-horse, sea-cow (Trichechus rosmarus).

      Morsel, n. Bite, mouthful, bit of food.

      Mortal, a. 1. Subject to death, destined to die.

      2. Deadly, fatal, destructive.

      3. Extreme, violent, unto death, likely to kill.

      4. Human, of man.

      5. [Colloquial.] Long, tedious, trying.

      Mortal, n. Man, human being.

      Mortality, n. 1. Subjection to death, necessity of dying.

      2. Death, destruction, corruption.

      3. Frequency of death, number of deaths.

      4. Mankind, humanity, human nature.

      Mortar, n. 1. Piece of ordnance for throwing bombs.

      2. Cement.

      Mortgage, n. & v. a. Pledge (for the payment of a debt).

      Mortification, n. 1. (Med.) Gangrene, sphacelus, necrosis.

      2. Discontent, dissatisfaction, displeasure, vexation, chagrin, disappointment.

      3. Humiliation, self-abasement, self-denial.

      Mortify, v. a. 1. Gangrene, gangrenate.

      2. Disappoint, dissatisfy, displease, vex, harass, plague, worry, disquiet, chagrin, annoy, trouble.

      3. Humiliate, humble, shame, confound, abase, abash, put down.

      Mortify, v. n. Gangrene, lose vitality.

      Mortuary, n. Cemetery, graveyard, churchyard, burial-place, necropolis, burial ground, city of the dead.

      Mortuary, a. Of the dead.

      Mosaic, a. 1. Inlaid, tessellated.

      2. Of Moses.

      Mosaical, a. 1. Inlaid, tessellated.

      2. Of Moses.

      Moslem, n. Mahometan, Mohammedan, Mussulman.

      Mosque, n. Mahometan temple.

      Moss-agate, n. Mocha-stone.

      Moss-bunker, n. Menhaden, pauhaugen, hardhead.

      Moss-pink, n. Ground-pink (Phlox subulata).

      Moss-trooper, n. Bandit, marauder.

      Most, a. Greatest number of.

      Most, ad. In the greatest degree.

      Most, n. 1. Greatest part, greatest number.

      2. Utmost.

      Mostly, ad. Mainly, chiefly, for the most part, for the greatest part.

      Most of all, Especially, principally, chiefly, above all.

      Mote, n. Spot, speck, mite, particle, atom, corpuscle.

      Moth, n. (Ent.) Miller.

      Mother, n. Mamma, female parent, dam (applied to a beast).

      Mother, a. 1. Native, natural.

      2. Vernacular.

      Mother Carey's chicken, Stormy petrel (Procellaria pelagica).

      Motherly, a. Maternal, affectionate, kind, tender.

      Mother-of-pearl, n. Nacre.

      Mother-wit, n. Native wit, common sense.

      Motion, n. 1. [Opposed to Rest.] Movement, action, passage, change of place.

      2. Impulse, prompting, suggestion.

      3. Proposition (especially one made in a deliberative body), proposal.

      Motionless, a. Still, quiescent, stationary, at rest, at a stand, stock still, standing still.

      Motive, n. Inducement, incentive, impulse, incitement, stimulus, prompting, influence, reason, ground, principle, consideration, cause, occasion, prime mover, why and wherefore.

      Motley, a. 1. Variegated, dappled, mottled.

      2. Heterogeneous, of various kinds.

      Mottled, a. Variegated, spotted, motley, speckled, dappled, piebald, of various colors.

      Mould, n. [Sometimes written Mold.] 1. Loam.

      2. Mustiness, mildew, mouldiness, rust, blight, smut.

      3. Matrix, matrice.

      4. Form, shape, cast, fashion.

      Mould, v. a. [Sometimes written Mold.] Form, shape, fashion, carve, model.

      Moulder, v. n. Crumble, perish, decay, turn to dust, fall into decay, fall to pieces, waste away.

      Mouldwarp, n. Molewarp, mole.

      Mouldy, a. Musty, rusty, mildewed.

      Moult, v. n. [Sometimes written Molt.] Shed feathers, hair, &c.

      Moult, v. a. Shed (feathers, hair, &c.), mew.

      Mound, n. 1. Hillock, heap.

      2. Rampart, bulwark, defence.

      Mount, n. [Used before a proper name and in poetry.] Mountain, high hill.

      Mount, v. n. 1. Rise, ascend, arise, uprise, tower, soar, go up, rise on high.


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