Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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painstaking, laborious, persistent, active.

      Ant. Indolent, remiss, inattentive, lazy, desultory, inconstant.


      Assignment. Appointment, allotment; specification, fixing, determination, offer, presentation; transfer, allowance.

      Ant. Withdrawal, refusal; acceptance, reception.


      Assimilate. Make similar, cause to resemble; digest, appropriate, incorporate, absorb.

      Ant. Contrast, reject, separate, segregate.


      Assist. Help, aid, succor, relieve, support, befriend, serve; speed, sustain, promote, further, coöperate with, patronize.

      Ant. Hinder, oppose, antagonize, prevent, resist, counteract.


      Associate, n. Companion, comrade, chum, friend, helpmate, partner, colleague, coadjutor, accomplice, ally, consort, confederate, peer.

      Ant. Antagonist, enemy, foe, opponent, rival, stranger, opposer.


      Association. Federation, fellowship, alliance, companionship, society, union, partnership, lodge, company, confederacy, corporation, fraternity, club.

      Ant. Solitude; disintegration; independence, separation, disunion, estrangement, disruption, avoidance; individuality.


      Assortment. Arrangement, allotment, distribution; set, class, group, parcel, collection; variety, miscellany.

      Ant. Disarrangement, displacement, misplacement; conglomeration.


      Assuage. Soothe, pacify, mitigate, ease, alleviate, abate, calm.

      Ant. Excite, inflame, provoke, aggravate, exasperate.


      Assume. Arrogate, feign, pretend, take, usurp, accept, affect, appropriate, claim.

      Ant. Waive, allow, surrender; doff; concede, grant, abandon, resign; demonstrate, prove, argue.


      Assumption. Presumption, hypothesis, theory, postulate, conjecture; acceptance of, responsibility for; usurpation, arrogance, haughtiness, conceit, lordliness, impudence, effrontery.

      Ant. Truth, fact; timidity, distrust, misgiving, consternation.


      Assurance. Confidence, effrontery, presumption, assumption, arrogance, impudence, self-reliance, boldness, assertion; pledge.

      Ant. Doubt, distrust, hesitancy, misgiving, timidity, confusion, dismay, shyness.


      Astonish. Amaze, startle, surprise, astound, stupefy, stagger.

      Ant. Encourage, embolden, assure.


      Astute. Keen, discerning, acute, sagacious, shrewd, sharp, cunning, subtle, discriminating, knowing, perspicacious, crafty.

      Ant. Stupid, unintelligent, imbecile, dull, idiotic, shortsighted, shallow.


      Atrocious. Infamous, outrageous, nefarious, villainous, diabolical, heinous, flagrant, horrible.

      Ant. Humane, noble, honorable, admirable, chivalrous, generous.


      Attachment. Adherence, friendship, regard, tenderness, love, esteem, affection, devotion, inclination, union.

      Ant. Alienation, aversion, coolness, distance, estrangement, indifference, antipathy, animosity, dislike, enmity, divorce.


      Attack, v. Assault, storm, assail, invade, charge, rush upon, spring upon; censure, criticize; combat, besiege, beset.

      Ant. Withstand, defend, resist, support, shield, aid, uphold, shelter, vindicate, protest.


      Attain. Achieve, accomplish, gain, master, secure, earn, obtain, win, acquire, accomplish.

      Ant. Lose, fail of, forfeit, give up, abandon, let go, miss.


      Attainment. Winning, getting, accomplishing, securing; erudition, acquirement, wisdom, accomplishment, mental resources, information, learning, enlightenment.

      Ant. Inspiration, intuition, genius; ignorance.


      Attempt. Try, undertake, seek, endeavor, essay, attack, strive.

      Ant. Abandon, shun, drop, dismiss, neglect.


      Attendance. Presence; persons present; train, retinue; ministration, service, waiting on.

      Ant. Absence; non-attendance; neglect, abandonment.


      Attention. Care, notice, observation, consideration, watchfulness, alertness; study, reflection, application; respect, courtesy, politeness, civility, regard; courtship, devotion, wooing.

      Ant. Indifference, carelessness, heedlessness, abstraction, distraction, absence of mind; neglect, preoccupation,


      Attenuate. Rarefy, thin, reduce, diminish, make slender, slim, or spare, lessen.

      Ant. Amplify, dilate, swell, develop, enlarge, broaden, expand, increase.


      Attest. Bear witness, certify, indorse, corroborate, support, authenticate; invoke, adjure; prove, show, manifest, exhibit.

      Ant. Controvert, contradict, disprove, deny, upset, refute; conceal; vitiate.


      Attire. Dress, apparel, robes, garments, habiliments, habit, raiment, uniform, costume, livery.

      Ant. Nudity, nakedness.


      Attitude. Position, pose, posture, situation, standing, aspect.

      Ant. State, condition, essence; amorphism.


      Attraction. Drawing, allurement, lure, fascination, charm, enticement, witchery, grace.

      Ant. Repulsion, aversion, disinclination, repugnance.


      Attribute, n. Quality, property, characteristic, peculiarity, mark.

      Ant. Essence, substance, nature, being.


      Attribute, v. Ascribe, assign, impute, refer, charge, connect, associate.

      Ant. Separate, sever, sunder, disconnect, deny, dissociate.


      Audacious. Bold, daring, fearless, courageous, venturesome, intrepid, dauntless; presumptuous, forward, assuming, impudent, impertinent, insolent.

      Ant. Timid, cowardly, cautious; unenterprising; retiring.


      Augur, v. Foretell, portend, predict, presage, prophesy, divine, prognosticate, betoken.

      Ant. Demonstrate, establish, settle, prove, warrant, calculate.


      August. Awful, imposing, majestic, stately, grand, regal, kingly, princely, noble, dignified.

      Ant. Mean, common, vulgar, beggarly, commonplace, paltry.


      Auspicious. Successful, fortunate, lucky, happy, prosperous; propitious, promising, opportune, favorable.

      Ant. Hopeless, abortive, unpromising, unsatisfactory, discouraging.


      Austere. Severe, hard, stiff, stern, uncompromising, unrelenting, ascetic, rigid, formal.

      Ant. Affable, kindly, indulgent, genial, bland, mild, tender.


      Authentic. Genuine, trustworthy, veritable, accepted, authorized,

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