Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
KEY: Libellous.
SYN: Defamatory, calumnious.
ANT: Laudatory, eulogistic.
KEY: Liberal.
SYN: Free, gentle, refined, polished, generous, bountiful, catholic, enlarged, copious, ample, profuse, large, handsome, munificent, abundant, noble-minded, bounteous, tolerant, plentiful.
ANT: Churlish, low, mean, boorish, ungenerous, illiberal, grasping, niggardly, avaricious, greedy, gainful, narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced, contracted, scanty, inadequate.
KEY: Liberate, [See CONFINE].
KEY: Libertine.
SYN: Rake, debauchee.
ANT: Ascetic, anchorite, recluse, hermit, puritan, saint.
KEY: Liberty.
SYN: Freedom, leave, independence, permission, privilege, license, franchise, immunity, insult, impropriety, volition, voluntariness, exemption.
ANT: Slavery, servitude, restraint, constraint, submission, dependence, obligation, compulsion, deference, respect, considerateness, necessity, fatality, predestination.
KEY: Librate, [See BALANCE].
KEY: Licence \n.\ [See LIBERTY].
KEY: License \t.\.
SYN: Permit, allow, indulge.
ANT: Restraint, disallow, withhold, forbid, prohibit.
KEY: Licentious.
SYN: Voluptuous, dissolute, rakish, debauched, self-indulgent, lax, profligate, loose, unbridled.
ANT: Temperate, strict, sober, self-controlled, ascetic, self-denying, rigid.
KEY: Licit.
SYN: Lawful, legal, allowable, equitable.
ANT: Illegal, illicit, unfair.
KEY: Lie \n.\
SYN: Falsehood, untruth, fabrication, subterfuge, evasion, fib, fiction, falsity.
ANT: Truth, fact, veracity.
KEY: Lie \v.\
SYN: Rest, repose, be, remain.
ANT: Rise, move, stir.
KEY: Lief.
SYN: Gladly, willingly, readily.
ANT: Slowly, unwillingly, reluctantly, sloth.
KEY: Life.
SYN: Vitality, duration, existence, condition, conduct, animation, vivacity, personality, estate, society, morals, spirit, activity, history, career.
ANT: Mortality, decease, death, non-existence, dullness, torpor, portraiture, lethargy, lifelessness.
KEY: Lifeless, [See LIFE and DEAD].
KEY: Lift.
SYN: Raise, elevate, upraise, upheave, exalt, hoist, elate, erect.
ANT: Lower, sink, depress, crush, overwhelm, degrade, dash, cast, hurl.
KEY: Ligament.
SYN: Bond, band, bandage, ligature, brace, strap, girth.
ANT: Divulsion, discerption, disconnection, fracture, dislocation, severance, laceration, splinter, breach, disbandment, shield, fender, disconnector.
KEY: Light \n.\
SYN: Luminosity, radiance, beam, gleam, phosphorescence, scintillation, [See {[coru{[-cation]?} ]?}], flash, brightness, brilliancy, effulgence, splendor, blaze, candle, lamp, lantern, explanation, instruction, illumination, understanding, interpretation, day, life.
ANT: Darkness, dimness, obscurity, shade, duskiness, gloom, extinction, misinterpretation, ignorance, misunderstanding, night, death, confusion, mystification, tenebrosity.
KEY: Light \a.\
SYN: Imponderous, portable, unweighty, buoyant, volatile, easy, digestible, scanty, active, unencumbered, empty, slight, gentle, unsteady, capricious, vain, frivolous, characterless, thoughtless, unthoughtful, unconsidered, inadequate, incompact, unsubstantial, inconsiderable, not difficult, bright, whitish, trifling.
ANT: Heavy, ponderous, weighty, immovable, leaden, solid, hard, indigestible, full, lazy, encumbered, burdened, oppressed, weighed, loaded, laden, ballasted, grave, serious, important, violent, steady, firm, principled, cautious, reflective, reliable, liable, sensible, earnest, thoughtful, well-considered, well-weighed, adequate, stiff, compact, dark, dark-colored.
KEY: Lightsome, [See CHEERFUL].
KEY: Like \a.\
SYN: Equal, correspondent, similar, resembling.
ANT: Unequal, different, dissimilar.
KEY: Like \v.\
SYN: Love, approve, enjoy, relish, affect.
ANT: Hate, dislike, loathe, mislike, detest, abhor, abominate.
KEY: Likely, [See PROBABLE].
KEY: Likelihood, [See PROBABILITY].
KEY: Likeness.
SYN: Similarity, resemblance, correspondence, similitude, parity, copy, imitation, portrait, representation, image, effigy, carte de visite, picture.
ANT: Dissimilarity, dissimilitude, disparity, inequality, unlikeness, original.
KEY: Likewise.
SYN: So, also, too, as well, to boot, besides.
ANT: Not, otherwise.
KEY: Liking.
SYN: Love, approval, relish, infection, taste, inclination, partiality, fondness.
ANT: Hatred, dislike, disrelish, aversion, repugnance, loathing, disinclination, abhorrence.
KEY: Limit, [See BOUND].
KEY: Limitless, [See INFINITE].
KEY: Limpid.
SYN: Transparent, translucent, crystalline, pure, lucid, clear.
ANT: Opaque, turbid, luteous, foul, muddy.
KEY: Line.
SYN: Cord, thread, length, outline, row, direction, verse, course, method, succession, sequence, continuity.
ANT: Breadth, contents, space, divergency, deviation, fluctuation, variation, interruption, discontinuance, solution.
KEY: Lineage.
SYN: Descent, house, family, race, ancestry, progeny, breed, descendants.
ANT: Ancestor, founder, source, origin.
KEY: Lineament.
SYN: Line, mark, feature, form, profile.
ANT: Face, countenance, visage, aspect.