Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть V. Предложные фразы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
of defeat
earnestness of enthusiasm
easy of access
ebullitions of anger [ebullitions = sudden, violent outpouring; boiling]
eccentricity of judgment
ecstasy of despair
effect of loveliness
efficacy of change
effusion of sentiment
elasticity of mind
element of compulsion
elevation of sentiment
eloquence of passion
emotions of joy
emulous of truth [emulous = prompted by a spirit of rivalry]
encroachments of time
encumbrance of mystery
energy of youth
enigma of life
equanimity of mind
era of fads
error of judgment
essence of eloquence
excellence of vision
excess of candor
excitation of purpose
excursiveness of thought
exhibition of joy
exhilaration of spirits
expenditure of energy
explosion of rage
expression of sternness
extension of experience
extravagance of eulogy
extremity of fortune
exuberance of wit
fabric of fact
facility of expression
faculty of perception
failure of coordination
feast of reason
feats of strength
feebleness of purpose
feeling of uneasiness
felicities of expression
fertility of invention
fervor of devotion
fickleness of fortune
field of activity
fierceness of jealousy
fineness of vision
fire of imagination
firmament of literature
firmness of purpose
fit of laughter
fitness of circumstance
fixity of purpose
flag of truce
flash of humor
flashlight of introspection
fleetness of foot
flexibility of spirit
flicker of recognition
flight of fancy
flood of hatred
flourish of manner
flower of life
fluctuation of fortune
flush of youth
flutter of expectation
fog of sentimentalism
force of conviction
forest of faces
form of captiousness [captiousness = point out trivial faults]
fountain of learning
fragment of conversation
frame of mind
frankness of manner
freak of fancy
freedom of enterprise
frenzy of pursuit
freshness of feeling
frigidity of address
frivolity of tone
frown of meditation
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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