Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть VII. Литературные выражения. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть VII. Литературные выражения - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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acute note of distress in her voice

      An agreeably grave vacuity

      An air half quizzical and half deferential

      An air of affected civility

      An air of being meticulously explicit

      An air of inimitable, scrutinizing, superb impertinence

      An air of stern, deep, and irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all

      An air of uncanny familiarity

      An air which was distinctly critical

      An almost pathetic appearance of ephemeral fragility [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]

      An almost riotous prodigality of energy

      An answering glow of gratitude

      An antagonist worth her steel

      An artful stroke of policy

      An assumption of hostile intent

      An assurance of good-nature that forestalled hostility

      An atmosphere of extraordinary languor [languor = dreamy, lazy mood ]

      An atmosphere thick with flattery and toadyism

      An attack of peculiar virulence and malevolence

      An audacious challenge of ridicule

      An avidity that bespoke at once the restlessness, [avidity = eagerness] and the genius of her mind

      An awe crept over me

      An eager and thirsty ear

      An easy prey to the powers of folly

      An effusive air of welcome

      An equal degree of well-bred worldly cynicism

      An erect, martial, majestic, and imposing personage

      An eternity of silence oppressed him

      An expression of mildly humorous surprise

      An expression of rare and inexplicable personal energy

      An exquisite perception of things beautiful and rare

      An iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart

      An ignoring eye

      An impenetrable screen of foliage

      An impersonal and slightly ironic interest

      An impervious beckoning motion

      An inarticulate echo of his longing

      An increased gentleness of aspect

      An incursion of the loud, the vulgar and meretricious [meretricious = plausible but false]

      An inexplicable and uselessly cruel caprice of fate

      An inexpressible fervor of serenity

      An ingratiating, awkward and, wistful grace

      An inspired ray was in his eyes

      An instant she stared unbelievingly

      An intense and insatiable hunger for light and truth

      An intense travail of mind

      An obscure thrill of alarm

      An odd little air of penitent self-depreciation

      An open wit and recklessness of bearing

      An oppressive sense of strange sweet odor

      An optimistic after-dinner mood

      An overburdening sense of the inexpressible

      An uncomfortable premonition of fear

      An unfailing sweetness and unerring perception

      An unpleasant and heavy sensation sat at his heart

      An unredeemed dreariness of thought

      An unsuspected moral obtuseness

      An utter depression of soul

      And day peers forth with her blank eyes

      And what is all this pother about? [pother = commotion; disturbance]

      Animated by noble pride

      Anticipation painted the world in rose

      Appalled in speechless disgust

      Appealing to the urgent temper of youth

      Apprehensive solicitude about the future

      Ardent words of admiration

      Armed all over with subtle antagonisms

      Artless and unquestioning devotion

      As if smitten by a sudden spasm

      As the long train sweeps away into the golden distance

      August and imperial names in the kingdom of thought

      Awaiting his summons to the eternal silence


      Bandied about from mouth to mouth

      Barricade the road to truth

      Bartering the higher aspirations of life

      Beaming with pleasurable anticipation

      Before was the open malignant sea

      Beguiled the weary soul of man

      Beneath the cold glare of the desolate night

      Bent on the lofty ends of her destiny

      Beset by agreeable hallucinations

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