Ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. A. G. Vinogradov

Ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans - A. G. Vinogradov

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that have nothing to do with the first.» T. V. Gamkrelidze and V. V. Ivanov believe that the tree was given a new name in connection with the culture of breeding silkworms on it.»

      The whole paradox is that the culture of breeding silkworms is associated with morus alba – a tree with white fruits, whose homeland is China, where it was first used to produce silkworm cocoons. On a tree with black fruits – morus nigra, whose homeland is Iran and Afghanistan, these worms do not live. So it is not at all clear why the tree that grew on the proposed ancestral home in Asia Minor and from the fruits of which they began to make flour in the new homeland, suddenly found a name here associated with silkworms that have nothing to do with it.

      A different conclusion would be logical here. The name of the blackberry —

      morus was primary, and subsequently, when promoting the Indo-Europeans in the territory of its distribution, the mulberry became so called because of the similarity of its berries to blackberries.

      The distribution range of the blackberry is huge. Only in Russia 52 species of this berry are known: Nessa blackberry, or cumanica, growing in the forest and forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia; cut blackberry – in the Baltic states, Belarus, Lipetsk region; bluish blackberry or burn, growing throughout the European part of our country, except the Far North, as well as in the Caucasus and

      Central Asia, etc. It is possible that for blackberry this name – morus – was not at all monopolistic, because along with it, the rosaceous family includes such berries as polar meadow (princess, mamura or raspberry arctic) and cloudberry (moroska) (chamaemorus locke). Is the name of this beautiful northern berry, outwardly similar to a blackberry and different from it only in its honey color, connected with the ancient morus (this is how it is called «morus» in Sweden).

      Blackberry, a subgenus of the Eubatus genus Rubus (raspberries, blackberries) is a family of Rosaceae. Shrubs with perennial rhizomes and biennial elevated shoots, usually covered with thorns. Fruits – prefabricated, juicy drupes, black or black-red, in many species with a bluish coating. Over 200 species are known that are common in North America and Eurasia; in the USSR – 42 species, mainly in the Caucasus, in the south of Ukraine and in Central Asia. These include: Caucasian blackberry (R. sausicus), bloody blackberry (R. sanguineus), long-fruited blackberry (R. dolichocarpus), gray blackberry (R. caesius). Fruits contain 4—8% sugars, 0.8—1.4% acids, vitamin C and carotene. Used in fresh and dried form, for processing.

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