The Witches of Eastwick / Иствикские ведьмы. Джон Апдайк
Horne pretended to be offended. “Shit, if I'd known that's the kind of flirtatious featherbrained thing you like to say I wouldn't have wasted my time spilling my guts. You play tennis?”
Sukie stood up a little taller. She was just so nicely built. “A bit,” she said, touching her upper lip with the tip of her tongue.
“You've got to come over in a couple weeks or so, I'm having a court put in.”
Alexandra interrupted. “You can't fill wetlands,” she said.
This big stranger wiped his lips and repulsively eyed her. “Once they're filled,” he said in his slightly slurring voice, “they're not wet.”
“The snowy egrets like to nest there, in the dead elms out back.”
“T, O, U, G, H,” Van Horne said. “Tough.”
“Oh,” Alexandra said, and she noticed now that his aura had disappeared. He had absolutely none above his head of greasy hair.
The auras of all the others at the party were blinding now. And very stupidly she felt infatuation growing within herself. The big man was a bundle of needs; he was a crater that sucked her heart out of her chest.
Old Mrs. Lovecraft, her aura the showy magenta of those who are well pleased with their lives and fully expect to go to Heaven, came up to Alexandra telling her in her bleating voice that the Garden Club members wanted to see her more at their meetings. Alexandra said she would come to some meetings in winter when there was nothing else to do, but she knew she would never go.
When she and Oz were still together and new in town they had spent a number of evenings in the company of sweet old bores like the Lovecrafts; now Alexandra felt infinitely fallen from the world of decent and dull entertainments they represented.
Now listening to Mrs. Lovecraft's bleating voice she felt the devil was getting into her.
“We're going to have a slide show on Oriental rugs next Thursday. You see, Sandy dear, in the Arab mind, the rug is a garden, it's an indoor garden in their tents and palaces in the middle of all that desert, and there's all manner of real flowers in the design, that to casual eyes looks so abstract. Now doesn't that sound fascinating?”
“It does,” Alexandra said. Mrs. Lovecraft had adorned her wrinkled throat with a string of artificial pearls. With an irritated psychic effort, Alexandra willed the old string to break; fake pearls cascaded to the floor.
While kneeling at the old lady's feet and collecting pearls, Alexandra wickedly willed the narrow straps of her shoes to come undone. Wickedness was like food: after you got started it was hard to stop. Alexandra straightened up and put a half-dozen pearls in her victim's trembling hand. Then she backed away, through the widening circle of people helping to pick up the scattered pearls. Her way to the door was blocked by Reverend Parsley.
“Alexandra,” he said in a low-pitched, probing voice. “I was so much hoping to see you here tonight.” He wanted her. He was tired of his affair with Sukie. In the nervousness of his overture he scratched his head, and Alexandra used that moment and willed the cheap band of his important looking gold-plated watch, an Omega, to snap. He grabbed the expensive accessory before it had time to drop. This gave Alexandra a second to slip past him into the open air, the grateful black air.
The night was moonless. Gravel crackled at her back. A dark man touched her arm above the elbow; his touch was icy, or perhaps she was feverish. She jumped, frightened. He was chuckling. “The damnedest thing happened back in there just now. The old lady whose pearls let loose a minute ago stumbled over her own shoes in her excitement and everybody's afraid she broke her hip.”
“How sad,” Alexandra said, sincerely but absentmindedly: her heart was still beating from the fright he gave her.
Darryl Van Horne leaned close and pushed words into her ear. “Don't forget, sweetheart. Think bigger. I'll check into that gallery. We'll be in touch. Nitey-nite.”
“You actually went?” Alexandra asked Jane with excited pleasure, over the phone.
“Why not?” Jane said firmly. “He really did have the music for the Brahms Sonata in E Minor, and plays wonderfully.”
“You were alone? I keep picturing that perfume ad. The one which showed a young male violinist seducing his accompanist in her low-cut dress.”
“Don't be vulgar, Alexandra. He feels quite asexual to me. And there are all these workmen around, including your friend Joe Marino in his little hat with a feather in it. And there's this constant rumbling from the excavators moving boulders for the tennis court.”
“How long did you stay?”
“Oh,” Jane drawled, lying. “About an hour. Maybe an hour and a half. He really does have some feeling for music and his manner when you're alone with him isn't as clownish as it may have seemed at the concert. He said being in a church, even a Unitarian one, gave him the creeps. I think behind all that bluffing he's really rather shy.”
“Darling. You never give up, do you?”
“I don't see it's a question of giving up or not, it's a question of doing your thing. You do your thing cooking up your little figurines, but to make music you must have people. Other people.”
“They're not figurines.”
Jane was going on, “You and Sukie are always making fun of my being with Ray Neff and yet until this other man has shown up the only music I could make in town was with Ray.”
Alexandra was going on, “They're sculptures, just because they're not on a big scale like a Calder or Moore, you sound as vulgar as What's his name did, saying I should do something bigger so that some expensive New York gallery can take fifty percent, even if they were to sell, which I very much doubt.”
“Is that what he said? So he had a proposition for you too.”
“I wouldn't call it a proposition,just typical New York pushiness, sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.”
“He's fascinated by us,” Jane Smart asserted. “Why we all live up here wasting our sweetness on the desert air.”
“Tell him Narragansett Bay has always taken oddballs in and what's he doing up here himself?”
“I wonder.” In her flat Massachusetts Bay style Jane slighted the r. “He almost gives the impression that things got too hot for him where he was. And he does love all the space in the big house. He owns three pianos, honestly; he has all these beautiful old books, with leather bindings and titles in Latin.”
“Did he give you anything to drink?”
“Just tea. Fidel, his manservant, that he talks Spanish to, brought it on a huge tray with a lot of liqueurs in funny old bottles looking as if they came out of a cellar full of cobwebs.”
“I thought you said you just had tea.”
“Well really, Lexa, maybe I did have a sip of blackberry cordial or something Fidel was very enthusiastic about called mescal; if I'd known I was going to have to make such a complete report I'd have written the name down. You're worse than the CIA.”
“I'm sorry, Jane. I'm very jealous, I suppose. And my period. It's lasted five days now, ever since the concert, and the ovary on the left side hurts. Do you think it could be menopause?”
“At thirty-eight? Honey, really.”
“Well then it must be cancer.”
“It couldn't be cancer.”
“Why couldn't it be?”
“Because you're you. You have too much magic to have cancer.”
“Some days my insides feel all in knots.”
“See Doc Pat, if you're seriously worried,” said Jane.
“What else did you learn at Van Horne's?” Alexandra asked.
“Well – promise you won't tell anybody.”