Топики на английском языке. Светлана Ивановна Борисова

Топики на английском языке - Светлана Ивановна Борисова

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relatives. My favourite website is Vkontakte because the interface is very simple and there are a lot of developed features [’fi: ʧəz] (разработанные функции) in it such as music compositions, communities [kə’mju: nɪtɪz] (сообщества), podcasts, videos and useful news.

      Actually, I usually use my phone to read posts from the Internet when I have free time and it can be everywhere: in transport when I go somewhere, at home, at school during the breaks.

      In conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet has changed our life drastically [’dræstɪklɪ] (радикально, кардинально). It can be very useful, for example, on the Internet you can book tickets, buy different goods at the e-shops, read the latest news and communicate with other people.

      Thank you for listening.

      New Year celebration in Russia

      Now I would like to tell you about New Year celebration in Russia.

      New Year is a very popular holiday all over the world. It is celebrated in almost every country.

      People like celebrating this holiday because firstly, I think, it is a family holiday. This is a good reason for the whole family to gather around the festive table, to remember all the best in the outgoing [aʊt’gəʊɪŋ] (уходящий) year and to plan something for the future. During the celebration New Year people have fun, tell jokes, sing songs, dance and watch festive concerts on TV. All the people are in a good mood and happy. Secondly, they hope that the next year will be better than the last one. New Year is always connected with our new dreams. Moreover, who does not like to receive gifts? This holiday is bright and magical because everyone gets a present from Grandfather Frost. It is an official day off and people have a break from their daily work.

      As for our family, we start preparing for this holiday beforehand [bɪ’fɔ: hænd] (заранее, заблаговременно). We buy a beautiful fir [fɜ: ] (ель) at the end of December, decorate it with toys, little coloured lights, sweets and a beautiful star on the top. On New Year’s Eve we help our mum to prepare the festive supper and lay the table. All the members of my family clean the flat before this nice holiday and then each of us tries to dress well.

      Personally, I love to participate in the preparation of this holiday. On New Year’s Eve I get up early and do all my best. I usually do the shopping with my dad, clean my room and our flat and help my mum to prepare and lay the festive table.

      My best present which I have ever got is a cat (a computer, a phone, a tablet, a trip to Thailand, ……). I was given this as a gift 2 years ago.

      In conclusion, I would like to say that New Year is my favorite holiday. This is a holiday of fulfillment [fʊl’fɪlmənt] (выполнение, исполнение) of wishes and hope that everything will be better in the future.

      Thank you for listening.

      Learning English abroad

      Now I would like to tell you about learning English abroad.

      Today more and more people are interested in studying foreign languages abroad.

      In my view, studying abroad is a great experience and its benefits are indisputable

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