Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии. Б. В. Киселев
Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night
LAR launch acceptance region
laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LAV Light Armored Vehicle
lb pound
LBP length between perpendiculars
LCAC landing craft, air cushion
LCC amphibious command ship
LCE logistics combat element
lchr launcher
LCS littoral combat ship
LDGP low-drag general purpose
ldr leader
LDS light decontamination system
LG landing gear
LGB laser-guided bomb
LHA amphibious assault ship (general purpose)
LHD amphibious assault ship (multi-purpose)
LIDAR light radar
LJDAM laser joint direct attack munition
LLM launcher-loader module
LMG light machine gun
LOA length overall
LOC line (s) of communication
loc location
log logistic; logistical
LOGGRU (combat) logistics group
LORAN long range navigation
LPC launch pod container
LPD amphibious transport dock
LS launching station
LSD dock landing ship
LTA acft lighter-than-air aircaft
LTC lieutenant colonel
Lt. Col lieutenant colonel
LWL length on load waterline
LWR laser warning receiver
LZ landing zone
M mobility
MAC Military Airlift Command
MACOM major command
MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force
maint maintenance
maint sec maintenance section
MAJ major
MAJCOM major command
MANPADS man-portable air defense system
MARDIV Marine Division
MARFOR Marine Corps Forces
MARFORCOM Marine Forces Command
MARFORLANT Marine Forces Atlantic
MARFORPAC Marine Forces Pacific
MARFORRES Marine Forces Reserve
MaRV maneuverable re-entry vehicle
maser microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
MAW Marine Aircraft Wing
max maximum
mbl mobile
mbr member
MBT main ballast tank
MBT main battle tank
MC Marine Corps
MC Medical Corps
MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command
MCB mine-clearing blade
MCDU multifunction control display unit
MCM mine countermeasures ship
mcmron mine countermeasures squadron
MCR mine-clearing roller
MCSF MC Security Forces
M-day sol man-day soldier
MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade
mech mechanized
mech inf mechanized infantry
mech inf bn mechanized infantry battalion
mech inf co mechanized infantry company
mech inf div mechanized infantry division
med medical
MEDCOM US Army Medical Command
med spt medical support
MEF Marine Expeditionary Force
met meteorological
MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit
MFD multifunction display
mfld minefield
MG, mg machine gun
MGB main gearbox
MGB medium girder bridge
MHC mine hunter, coastal
mi mile
MI Military Intelligence
MIA missing in action
mic microphone
MICLIC mine-clearing line charge
mil military
mil ops military operations
min minimum
MIRV multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle
misc miscellaneous
MLC military load classification
MLG Marine Logistics Group
MLRS (67) multiple launch rocket system
MLS microwave landing system
MMG medium machine gun
mnvr, mvr maneuver
mob mobile
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
mort mortar
mort sec mortar section
MOS military occupational specialty
MP military police
MPC Military Police Corps
mph miles per hour
MR main rotor
MRBM medium-range