Corporations Act. Australia

Corporations Act - Australia

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has more than 20 members, the company is only required to set out the different particulars under subsection (3A) that relate to a person who is a top 20 member of a class of the company.

      Note: See also section 107.

      (3C) If subsection (3A) applies and any details mentioned in subsection 178C(1) are different from the details set out:

      (a) in the latest extract of particulars received by the company; or

      (b) if the company responded to the latest extract it received — in the company’s extract taken together with the company’s response to the extract;

      the application must set out those different details as well.

      (4) The application must be in the prescribed form.

      (5) The company must have the consents referred to in paragraph (3)(e) (if any) when the application is lodged. The company must keep the consents.

      (6) An offence based on subsection (5) is an offence of strict liability.

      Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

      164 ASIC changes type of company

      (1) ASIC must give notice under subsection (3) that it intends to alter the details of the company’s registration if:

      (a) ASIC is satisfied that:

      (i) the application complies with section 163; and

      (ii) for an application by a company limited by guarantee to change to a company limited by shares — the company’s creditors are not likely to be materially prejudiced by the change; and

      (b) for an application by a company limited by guarantee to change to a company limited by shares that is accompanied by a copy of a special resolution dealing with an issue of shares according to section 167—ASIC is not of the opinion that the obligations that would attach to the shares are unreasonable compared with the obligations that attach to membership of the company limited by guarantee.

      (2) To make a decision under subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), ASIC may direct the company in writing to:

      (a) notify some or all of its creditors of the proposed change in the way ASIC specifies; and

      (b) invite those creditors to make submissions to ASIC.

      (3) The notice that ASIC intends to alter the details of the company’s registration must be:

      (a) included on ASIC database; and

      (b) published in the Gazette.

      The notice must also state that ASIC will alter the details of the company’s registration 1 month after the notice has been published in the Gazette unless an order by a court or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal prevents it from doing so.

      (4) Subject to an order made by a court or the Administrative Appeals Tribunal within that month, after that month has passed ASIC must alter the details of the company’s registration to reflect the company’s new type.

      (5) A change of type under this section takes effect when ASIC alters the details of the company’s registration. Despite subsection 246D(3) and section 246E, a special resolution passed in connection with the change of type also takes effect when ASIC alters the details of the company’s registration.

      (6) ASIC must give the company a new certificate of registration after it alters the details of the company’s registration. The company’s name is the name specified in the certificate of registration issued under this section.

      Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see subsection 1274(7A).

      (7) If ASIC alters the details of a company’s registration under subsection (4), a court is not to make an order reversing the alteration of the details of the company’s registration.

      Note: The Administrative Appeals Tribunal cannot review the change of the company’s type once ASIC has issued a new certificate of registration to the company (see subsection 1274(7A) and paragraph 1317C(b)).

      165 ASIC may direct a proprietary company to change to a public company in certain circumstances

      (1) ASIC may direct a proprietary company in writing to change to a public company within 2 months if it is satisfied that the company has contravened section 113 (requirements for proprietary companies).

      (2) The company must comply with the direction within 2 months after being given it by doing everything necessary to change to a public company under section 164.

      (2A) An offence based on subsection (2) is an offence of strict liability.

      Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

      (3) If a proprietary company does not comply with subsection (2), ASIC may change the company from a proprietary to a public company by altering the details of the company’s registration to reflect the company’s new type.

      (4) A change of type under this section takes effect when ASIC alters the details of the company’s registration.

      (5) ASIC must give the company a new certificate of registration after it alters the details of the company’s registration under subsection (3). The company’s name is the name specified in the certificate of registration issued under this section.

      Note: For the evidentiary value of a certificate of registration, see subsection 1274(7A).

      166 Effect of change of type

      (1) A change of type does not:

      (a) create a new legal entity; or

      (b) affect the company’s existing property, rights or obligations (except as against the members of the company in their capacity as members); or

      (c) render defective any legal proceedings by or against the company or its members.

      (2) On the change of type of a company from a company limited by guarantee to a company limited by shares:

      (a) the liability of each member and past member as a guarantor on the winding up of the company is extinguished; and

      (b) the members cease to be members of the company; and

      (c) if shares are to be issued to a person as specified in the list referred to in subsection 163(3):

      (i) the shares are taken to be issued to that person; and

      (ii) the person is taken to have consented to be a member of the company; and

      (iii) the person becomes a member of the company.

      Note: The company must maintain a register of members that complies with subsection 169(3).

      167 Issue of shares by company or holding company — company limited by guarantee changing to company limited by shares

      (1) If:

      (a) a company limited by guarantee changes type under this Part to a company limited by shares; and

      (b) that company, or another company that beneficially owns all the shares in that company, issues shares to a person who was a member of that company immediately before the change of type took effect;

      the person becomes a member of the company issuing the shares if:

      (c) the issue of the shares is in accordance with the special resolution that accompanied the application to change type under subparagraph 163(2)(a)(ii); and

      (d) the shares are fully paid up; and

      (e) the business, assets and liabilities of the issuing company (together with its subsidiaries) when the shares are issued are substantially the same as the business, assets and liabilities of the company changing type (together with its subsidiaries) immediately before the change of type took effect.

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