MARS. The beginning of the way. Janna Karagozina
I have. All moved to the closed city and live there, – said Olesya.
– Who’s everyone? – asked Nurlan.
– All those who survived, we are many. Not everyone still recovered, but everyone who can walk, moved. And the rest, as soon recover, immediately move there, – said Olesya.
– Tell us what happened to you? – Aelita asked.
– I was at home with my brother, when an outbreak happened. My brother died at once, and I was sick for a long time, could not walk. It is always was a headache and pain in bones, the skin was covered in blisters. I thought I was dying. Then I woke up healthy and very scared, someone spoke behind me. Worms were crawling on me. I saw a worm in the mirror, and he talked to me. Since then we are always together, – said Olesya.
– Are there lot of people like you? – Timur asked.
We are all different. And there are many of us, – said Olesya.
– What do you mean “different”? – asked Timur.
– Just different. We have a teacher, his name is the Messiah, – said Oles.
– What’s a Messiah? You mean Jesus? – Valera asked.
– He protects and saves all of us. He can make wonders, – Olesya said.
Worm said:
– Olesya, come close to someone.
Olesya came quickly to Timur, turned back to him, and from Worm’s mouth came out a long worm, who grabbed his hand. Bakhtiar quickly realized to ignite the torch and began to burn the worm. Suddenly, from all eyes and cracks of Worm huge nasty worms have begun to emerge. Bakhtiar started burning Worm’s face. Olesya yelled and began running away. Everybody ran behind her and started to burn this fiend. The girl was burned to the ground. They checked Timur’s suit, a suit appeared intact.
– Listen, it turns out they’re all infected? And all the monsters? Nurlan asked.
– Let do not spend time for discussing now. Collect all what we can, and run to the subway. We will discuss everything at home. The most important thing for now is water and food, – said Bakhtiar.
Then they all heard some champing. Running up to the place where it was heard, they saw a dead Roman. A monster was sitting beside him and happy eating him, smacking his lips. Burn it quickly. Together with him burned even Roman, so that no one else touched his body.
Silently and quickly gathering everything they need, they headed to the exit. Stopped, gathered with the spirit and rushed to escape with shopping carts.
After running about three hundred meters, they heard laughing. It was a children’s enthusiastic laugh. It was approaching. Hiding behind the house, they saw something from which all the hair stood on.
It was a creature that rapidly moved on four huge furry paws. From the back, it was a spider on the other side it was a boy, they were fused. This child of hell moved quickly on its feet. The boy lay on spider’s back and laughed, shouting: “Faster, faster!” Running past without noticing them the creature ran on.
Having waited, when it will go away, they silently ran. Finally they got the Underground and went down. This time Valera opened the door immediately.
Chapter 4
All excited, seeing them, even with food, medicines and water. Erlan left a wife and two children in subway. The wife, her name was Arailym, and two daughters were joyfully hugging him. The older girl was seven years old, her name was Gulnara and the youngest one was a year and a half, her name was Elnara. In that terrible day they were riding by subway to the shopping center “Khan Shatyr” to have fun on the beach.
– Where are the rest? – asked Adil.
– They died – quietly said Bakhtiar.
They told everything that happened to them.
– Do not remain normal people? – asked Uncle Vanya. It was an old man. And though he was seventy-eight years old, he was thinking clearly.
– Should stay. In the bunker, the other subway stations. Should! – Adil said.
– Accurately. There should be people in the bunker. If this bunker created for the people from the government, they should have known about the explosion and take refuge there, – Erlan said.
All agreed with that and became happy.
Adil said:
– Not for nothing this bunker built in advance. Therefore, they knew that this could happen, and therefore, took refuge there.
– But how do we get there? In the closed city living all infected monster. And we do not even have weapons – Timur said.
– I know where to find weapons, – said Adil, – there is a weapon shop in the residential complex “Northern Lights”. I was there and I know there are automatic weapons, weapons and ammunition. Even powerful flamethrowers are available.
– Why did not you say that? We could die without weapons, – Yerlan said.
– Sorry, I did not remember. Just now I’ve thought about this, – Adil said apologetically..
– Okay… There are two ways: We reach the “Northern Lights”, getting arms and go into the closed city, looking for the bunker. The second way: We sit here, doing raids on shops and
waiting for our rescue. With two versions think about what the consequences might be. Today everyone think what to do, and tomorrow will vote and decide, – Yerlan said.
All agreed. Noisy and joyful all supped tightly. Tara lay near and did not depart from Aelita. Aelita kissed her and sniffed without end her ears and paws: “Fufki, fufki! The most adorable smell for me in the world, – said Aelita laughingly.
Tara was in euphoria. Sat down and did a funny face like her grandmother, from what Aelita generally come in emotion and Tara knew it. Even when Tara was little, she, like all puppies, learned to manipulate their hosts and she knew tricks, from which Aelita and Bakhtiar went into raptures.
– I had a neighbor, she said: “If there is a dressed without dog hair on man, it’s not normal,” – smiling, said Valera – always wondered how I live without a dog. She was a kind woman. Rest in piece.
After supper, the children put to bed. Everyone slept on the wagons seats.
Uncle Vanya built a small fire and burned it. Without an agreement, all men gathered there.
Bakhtiar said:
– I think we have to go and look for the bunker. If we stay here, in each of our attack we will lose people. And every day it will be less and less of us. And if we find the bunker, we’ll move all in there. I don’t know how, but we will move. If we stay here, infected may track down and get us on the subway.
– I think so too. Just moved into the bunker, we will be able to survive. We can not stay here for a long time, – Yerlan said.
All agreed.
Uncle Vanya said strictly:
– Yerlan, you should stay here with your family. If, God forbid, something happens to you, who will take care of them?
– I need to go, Uncle Vanya. I know that I’ll go and find the bunker in any path and way. I don’t have another choice, – said Erlan.
Leaving decided early in the morning.
Chapter 5
Saying goodbye to everyone they move out. Bakhtiar, Aelita, Erlan, Valera, Peter, Nurlan, Timur and Adil have moved out. To reach the “Northern Lights” they had to go two kilometers. Ran light jogging. Ran light jogging. Ran a kilometer without seeing anyone. All ran stressful