Leadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life. Kevin Cashman

Leadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life - Kevin Cashman

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coaching has made in the lives of individuals and their organizations. This book gives you a more comprehensive set of tools to apply consciously your personal, team, and organizational leadership capabilities. In fact, what we have done is create a more current representation of our principles while fostering a virtual coaching experience. I hope that once you read this book and engage in mastery of the principles and coaching practices, you will want to share it with all the leaders in your life.


      HOW TO USE THIS BOOK …from the Inside-Out

      Leadership from the Inside Out guides you through a reflective journey to grow as a whole person in order to grow as a whole leader. We will not simply analyze the external act of leadership, breaking it down into a simplistic formula of “ten easy-to-follow” tips. However, you will gain some deep insights and practices to enhance your effectiveness as a leader for life.

      You need not rush. As a matter of fact, I encourage you to set aside the urge to plow through the pages. Instead, when a thought or feeling surfaces, pause. Close the book, put up your feet, and explore the insight. If you want to capture a breakthrough, jot it down in the space provided or in your own notebook. Instead of just reading the book, experience it, digest it, and integrate it into your life.

      You’ve probably read all sorts of personal and professional development books before; treat this one differently. Savor it as you would a walk with an old friend on a calm, sunny afternoon. There is no need to hurry, to anticipate, or to reach the end of your journey. On the contrary, your true reward is in pausing frequently and enjoying the experience itself.

      On days you feel like taking a short walk, just skim the quotes. You’ll find one or two that speak to your needs that day.

      If you are ready to begin, let’s walk together down the pathways to mastery of Leadership from the Inside Out.



      It is a magical night – one of those rare December evenings when the cold and the warmth mix just right to blanket everything with big, fluffy, crystalline flakes of snow. Everything looks so perfect; everything feels so silent. As the snow deepens so does the silence in the atmosphere. I could be viewing this mesmerizing winter scene from a chalet in Switzerland, but I’m not. I’m in bumper-to-bumper traffic on a Minneapolis freeway, and oddly enough, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

      Being in a car at rush hour can be either a prison or a monastic retreat. It all depends on your perspective. Does it really matter that I’m going to be late? Even though I could feel stressed, I don’t. I could use this time to listen to messages and catch up on calls. Instead, I welcome the opportunity to sit in the quiet, and to reflect. As I sink into a meditative state, I begin to think about my day. And, what a day it was – a rich mixture of purpose, passion, emotion, and concentrated learning.

      Our coaching team finished guiding a senior executive of a major company through our Executive to Leader Institute®. It was an intensive, rewarding three days. We helped the client master a career-life-leadership plan by integrating a comprehensive look at his professional and personal life. In a way, we helped him to step back and observe himself just as I was observing the snowfall – clearly, objectively, and appreciatively. At the end of the last session he said, “You know, I’ve been through all sorts of assessments, coaching, and development programs. This is the first time things have really made sense to me. I’ve gotten pieces of the puzzle before, but never the whole picture. I clearly understand where I’m at, where I’m headed, and what I need to do to really enhance my effectiveness. What would my organization be like if a critical mass of leaders mastered the same sense of personal conviction and clarity I have now?”

      As the snow piles up, I’m feeling very fortunate. To help people connect to their purposeful potential occasionally would be lucky. But, to coach thousands of leaders, teams, and organizations for nearly 30 years and play a role in helping people and organizations to actualize their potential is deeply rewarding. I’m feeling very blessed, when suddenly I snap out of my thoughtful state and catch a glimpse of the clock. I’m an hour late! When the heck is this snow going to let up!

      My good fortune goes beyond playing a role in the growth and development of leaders, teams, and organizations. I’ve learned a great deal along the way. I’ve had the opportunity to peek into the human dynamics supporting sustainable success, fulfillment, and effectiveness. I’ve learned also that these principles are not reserved for a few exceptional leaders. They are fundamental insights available to guide and to inspire us all.

      Give me beauty in the inward soul; may the outward and inward man be at one.

– Socrates

      While reading this book you may think, “Is this book about leadership, or is it about personal development?” It’s about both. As much as we try to separate the leader from the person, the two are totally inseparable. Unfortunately, many people tend to split off the act of leadership from the person, team, or organization. We tend to view leadership as an external event. We only see it as something people do. The view of this book is different. Leadership is not simply something we do. It comes from a deeper reality within us; it comes from our values, principles, life experiences, and essence. Leadership is a process, an intimate expression of who we are. It is our whole person in action. Corey Seitz, Vice President Global Talent Management for Johnson & Johnson, shared this perspective with me: “The essence of leadership and executive development is growing the whole person to grow the whole leader. This means helping key people to connect their core values and core talents to their organization, to their customers, and to their lives. If leadership programs do that, then sustainable performance can be achieved, for leaders and for the organizations they serve.”

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