The Love of a King. Peter Dainty

The Love of a King - Peter Dainty

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      The Love of a King


      Would you like to be a king? To be rich and famous? Do you want to be the centre of every crowd? Do you want everyone to be looking at you? All the time? Every day?

      A king is never alone. Someone is always watching him – his detectives, photographers, a thousand people in the street. Everyone knows his face, and he must be careful what he does, because he can do nothing in secret. And what a king says today, the world hears tomorrow. So he must be careful what he says, because someone is always listening …

      But can a king be happy? What happens if he wants something, but he cannot have it? What does he do then?

      This is the true story of King Edward VIII of Great Britain; a man who fell in love, and who wanted to be happy …

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DPOxford University Press is a department of the University of OxfordIt furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide inOxford New YorkAuckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong KarachiKuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City NairobiNew Delhi Shanghai Taipei TorontoWith offices inArgentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France GreeceGuatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal SingaporeSouth Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine VietnamOXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are registered trade marks ofOxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countriesThis edition © Oxford University Press 2008The moral rights of the author have been assertedDatabase right Oxford University Press (maker)First published in Oxford Bookworms 19892 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1No unauthorized photocopyingAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address aboveYou must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirerAny websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the contentISBN 978 0 19 479086 4A complete recording of this Bookworms edition of The Love of a King is available on audio CD ISBN 978 0 19 479009 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The publishers would like to thank the following for their permission to reproduce photographs: Alamy Images pp6 (Edward VIII as a child/Keystone Pictures USA), 9 (Edward VIII as colonel of the Welsh Guards/INTERFOTO), 33 (The Duke and Duchess of Windsor in Paris/Trinity Mirror/Mirrorpix), 38 (The Duke and Duchess of Windsor/Trinity Mirror/Mirrorpix), cover (1 penny postage stamp/mp postage stamps); Corbis pp25 (Demonstration against King's abdication/Hulton-Deutsch Collection), 27 (Queen Mary with Prince Edward/Bettmann), 34 (The Duke and Duchess of Windsor/Bettmann), 41 (Four generations of English Royalty/Bettmann); Getty Images pp3 (The White Drawing room, Buckingham Palace/William Vanderson/Fox Photos/Hulton Archive), 19 (Archbishop of Canterbury Cosmo Gordon Lang, 1930/Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive), 22 (King Edward VII and Mrs. Wallis Simpson, 1936/Popperfoto), 28 (King Edward VIII, 1936/Bob Thomas/Popperfoto), 30 (Wedding of the Duke of Windsor and Mrs Wallis Simpson/Hulton Archive), 36 (Funeral of the Duke of Windsor/Keystone); Rex Features p12 (Wallis Simpson/Everett Collection)Word count (main text): 6150 wordsFor more information on the Oxford Bookworms Library, visit e-Book ISBN 978 0 19 478686 7e-Book first published 2012

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