Dave Porter and His Rivals: or, The Chums and Foes of Oak Hall. Stratemeyer Edward
the country.
During this term at the school Dave was anxiously awaiting to hear from his father and his sister. Then came word, through Jasniff, who tried to belittle Dave, that Mr. Porter and Laura were in Europe, and the youth determined to go in search of them. Roger accompanied him, and what befell the pair was related in detail in "Dave Porter in the Far North." In England Dave ran across Nick Jasniff, and compelled the fellow to tell what he knew of Mr. Porter, and then Dave followed his parent to the upper part of Norway, where father and son at last met, under conditions far out of the ordinary.
Laura Porter, not knowing anything of Dave's existence, had gone from Europe to the ranch home of her friends, the Endicotts. She returned to Crumville, to meet her long-lost brother, and then Dave again returned to Oak Hall, as told of in "Dave Porter and His Classmates." Jasniff was gone, but Link Merwell and Nat Poole remained, and both did what they could to dim Dave's popularity. Link Merwell was particularly obnoxious, and in the end Dave took matters in his own hands and gave the bully the thrashing he richly deserved. Then some of the fellow's wrongdoings reached the ears of the master of the school, and he was ordered to pack his trunk and leave, which he did in a great rage.
"It is all Dave Porter's doings!" said Link Merwell, bitterly. "But wait – I'll square up with him, see if I don't!"
Laura Porter and Belle Endicott were great friends, and through the latter Laura and her brother received an invitation to visit the Endicott ranch in the Far West, and this they did, as related in the volume entitled "Dave Porter at Star Ranch." They took with them Jessie Wadsworth and also Roger and Phil. On the way they met Nat Poole at Niagara Falls, and Poole attempted to play a mean trick on Dave. But the latter turned the tables on the money-lender's son, and the latter went back home a wiser if not a better boy.
The Endicott ranch was located next to one owned by Link Merwell's father, and, as was to be expected, it was not long before there was a clash between Dave and his party on one side and Merwell and his followers on the other. Link Merwell, as usual, did all in his power to injure Dave, and make the outing for the others a failure, but he was caught in his own trap, and it was proved that he had, to a certain extent, aided some horse-thieves in their nefarious work. Mr. Merwell had to pay Mr. Endicott for the animals that were missing, and, in order to hush the matter up, he agreed to sell his ranch and move to some other part of the country.
"Well, I hope that is the last of Link Merwell, so far as we are concerned," said Roger at the time.
"We can do very well without such chaps as Merwell and Nick Jasniff," Dave had added, with a grim smile.
"Yes, and without such fellows as Nat Poole, too," Phil had put in. "Although I must say I don't think Nat is as bad as Link and Nick."
"Nat is too much of a dude to be real bad," said Laura.
"Nat lacks backbone," explained Dave. "He usually does what the others tell him to. But Jasniff and Merwell are both wicked fellows, and Jasniff is brutal."
The home-coming from the ranch had been a gala occasion at the Wadsworth mansion, and the young people had been warmly welcomed by Jessie's parents and by Mr. Porter and Caspar Potts. Ben Basswood had come over from his home to greet them, and he brought with him Sam Day, who was paying him a visit.
"I suppose you are all going back to Oak Hall," remarked Sam to the boys.
"Of course," answered Dave. "You are going back, aren't you?"
"Sure thing – and so are all of the others of our old crowd."
"We must make the best of what vacation is left before we get down to the grind again," remarked the senator's son, and the next day the matter was talked over, with the result that the automobile trip to Shady Glen Falls was proposed and decided upon. All had started out in the best of spirits, never dreaming of the trouble that was in store for them.
"Dave, what are you going to do?" whispered Ben, as he, too, recognized the crowd coming toward the racing car.
Before Dave could answer, Nat Poole strode forward with a sickly smile on his face.
"Hello, there!" he cried, and nodded curtly to the girls. "Out for a ride, I see."
"Nat, who was driving your car?" asked Dave, sharply.
"What business is that of yours, Dave Porter?" questioned the dudish youth, quickly.
"You came pretty close to running us down. You were speeding altogether too fast."
"Ho! ho! We scared you, did we?" returned Nat. "Sorry for the girls, I'm sure," and his face took on a mean little grin.
"What are you finding fault about, Dave Porter?" demanded Pete Barnaby, the owner of the racing car, coming closer. His nose was very red, and his breath smelt strongly of liquor.
"I am finding fault with the way your car was run, if you want to know it," answered Dave, stoutly.
"We are not asking you for advice."
"Perhaps not, but if you try any such trick again, Pete Barnaby, you may get yourself into trouble."
"You were exceeding the speed limit," put in Roger.
"And you came close to running us down," added Ben.
"Oh, you boys are a timid bunch," grumbled the owner of the racing car. "I didn't come within ten feet of touching you."
"Of course they are a timid crowd," said Nick Jasniff, loudly. "If they had any sand they wouldn't say anything about it."
"You're a nice one to talk about 'sand,' after what Dave did to you at the school gym.," was Phil's sarcastic comment.
"Look here, Phil Lawrence, I don't want any of your hot air!" cried Nick Jasniff, in a sudden rage. "You keep your mouth shut."
"It's a wonder you didn't stay in Europe, Jasniff," said Dave. "I didn't think you'd dare to come back to the United States."
"Say, you needn't – " began Jasniff, and then drew back, looking much disturbed. "You – er – you needn't rake up old times. Those things are all settled, and I've got as much right to be here as you have."
"Well, you won't come back to Oak Hall," said Sam.
"Don't want to come back. I'm going to a better school."
"And so am I," said Link Merwell, as if he was anxious to make the fact known to his former schoolmates.
"I don't care where you go, so long as you don't bother us any more," rejoined Dave.
"Oh, you haven't seen the end of us yet, has he, Nick?" said Link Merwell, appealing to his crony.
"Not much he hasn't," retorted Nick Jasniff.
"We are going to Rockville Military Academy," continued Link Merwell, mentioning a school which, as my old readers know, was located not a great distance from Oak Hall. In the past there had been many contests between the students of the two seats of learning, and the rivalry was very bitter.
"Rockville!" cried the senator's son. "I shouldn't think they'd want you there."
"Say, you take that back, or I'll – I'll – " blustered Merwell, and then stopped, not knowing how to proceed.
"Oh, say, come on, you fellows," broke in Nat Poole, who was growing scared, thinking there might be a fight. "You can talk this over some other time. Just remember what we started out to do. Hurry up, let's do it," and he motioned his companions towards the racing car.
"I'm ready to go ahead," answered Pete Barnaby, climbing into the driver's seat. "Come on, pile in, if you're going."
"I don't want Dave Porter and his crowd to think I am afraid of them," growled Link Merwell.
"We'll meet you after you get back to Oak Hall," sang out Nick Jasniff. "And we'll settle old scores."
"Well, you look out that you don't get your fingers burnt trying to do it!" retorted Dave. And then the racing car started off and was speedily lost to view around a turn of the road.
"What horrid young fellows!" was Jessie's comment.