A Successful Shadow: or, A Detective's Successful Quest. Old Sleuth
is the party?"
"Amalie Stevens."
The banker started, and exclaimed:
"I thought you had positive evidence of the child's death?"
"I thought I did, but, alas! it appears now that I was mistaken. I cannot tell yet, but I will know to-night, I will as sure as my name is Jack Alvarez."
Again we say to our readers the significance of the above conversation will be duly explained as our narrative proceeds.
Our hero returned to his lodgings. He had gained very important facts and he intended to justify them, and early in the evening he proceeded to a plain little house where the lady, Mrs. Amalie Speir, resided. He found Mrs. Speir awaiting his presence. He was led into a neatly furnished room, and taking a seat spoke about some everyday matter, but his keen, restless eyes were wandering about that room. He was a man of marvelous quick perceptions, and he discerned that no matter what had been the early surroundings of the woman who lived in those rooms, her natural tastes were those of a lady.
"You were to bring me news of my daughter."
"News for your daughter," corrected our hero, and after a moment he added: "Madam, it is possible I have a very remarkable revelation to make to you; it is possible that a strange fate brought us together."
"I care only for my daughter, sir. If you have anything to communicate that concerns my daughter proceed, otherwise I am too distracted to discuss any other matter."
"I desire to ask you a number of questions concerning yourself, and it is possible that these questions may concern your daughter more intimately than you suspect. I ask you to listen to me patiently, and answer my questions calmly and truthfully as far as your memory will permit."
"Let me ask, have you made any discoveries concerning my daughter?"
"As yet, no, but I propose to begin my quest to solve the mystery of her disappearance this very night. I will tell you frankly, I do not believe you have anything terrible to dread as concerns your child."
"On what do you found your belief?"
"On the facts that you have revealed to me. Of course I cannot say anything positive at present; by to-morrow I may give you a more decided opinion, but I desire now to talk about a matter which under any circumstances is very important – yes, important to you and to your daughter also – if no real disaster has overtaken her. I believe and trust she is alive and well. I found my belief on evidences that I cannot make plain to you; and now answer me. Madam, is there no name that is familiar to you, no name that awakens memories when you hear it?"
"I cannot recall that there is."
"Have you any suspicion why you were named Amalie?"
The woman did not make an immediate reply.
Jack saw that he was making headway, and said:
"Did you ever hear the name Canfield?"
"I cannot recall that I ever did."
"Let me see, did you ever hear the name Amalie Stevens?"
The woman turned deathly pale, and after a moment in a trembling tone asked:
"Why do you mention that name?"
"Never mind, answer me."
"Yes, I know something about the name Amalie Stevens."
"What do you know?"
"Answer me first: Have you any reason to believe that you know anything about a person named Amalie Stevens?"
"I may."
The woman meditated a long time and said:
"Wait a moment; I have perfect confidence in you; I will show you something."
Mrs. Speir left the room, but in a few minutes returned, bringing with her a little garment, age stained, but otherwise perfect. She held the garment up to the light and pointed to a letter mark. The marks were fine – very fine – but the detective had his glass with him. He subjected the letters to inspection and plainly made out the two letters A. S., and there shot a thrill through his frame, while the woman watched him with eager eyes, and she said:
"I never heard the name Stevens, but when you mentioned the combination Amalie Stevens, I remembered the letters on this little garment. I have often studied over them; for, sir, since matters have gone so far, I will say that I have always felt that there was a mystery in my life which would never be cleared up."
"Who wore this garment?" asked Jack.
"I did."
It was the detective's turn to become thoughtful. He had made a most extraordinary discovery – indeed, in his own mind he had found an heir to millions in this modest and hitherto unfortunate woman. Jack meditated for a long time, and Mrs. Speir at length asked:
"Will you tell me, sir, what this all means? I know you are not wasting time. You know or suspect something. Is it possible that after all these years I am to learn who my parents were?"
The woman spoke in the plural, and the detective, desiring to be evasive, could safely say:
"I fear, madam, that is a mystery that can never be wholly solved, but I have something to show you."
The detective always carried the photograph with him, and our readers will understand later the story of the photograph. He showed the picture to the woman, and she almost fainted, so intense was her agitation. Jack observed her agitation, and there came a look of triumph in his face. He could discern, as he believed, that after all he had made a successful "shadow."
"Where did you get this picture?" demanded the woman, in an agitated tone.
"You recognize it?"
"I do."
"You knew the original?"
"I did."
"She still lives?"
"She does."
"What do you mean, madam?"
"I have the mate to that picture, as I live."
"You have the mate to the picture?"
"I have."
The woman drew a locket from her bosom and handed it to our hero, who at a glance recognized that the locket portrait and the daguereotype were pictures of the same child.
"You say you know the original of these two portraits?"
"I do. Oh, strange, strange, I never noticed it so strikingly before, but either picture might be taken as a portrait of my dear child at the same age. How wonderful the resemblance! and here I am a scarred-face woman, hideous to gaze upon – so hideous I always go veiled. It's wonderful, it's wonderful."
The detective saw that the woman was really talking to and communing with herself, but after a moment he asked:
"Madam, was that picture taken for you when you were a child?"
"It was."
"You are certain?"
"When you see my daughter you will have proof – sufficient proof. Tell me, sir, what does it all mean – where did you get that picture?"
"Shall I tell you the history of that picture?"
"If you please."
"Madam, I will, and you must prepare to listen to a very remarkable story. A little more than forty years ago a gentleman in New York received a visitor. The gentleman was a young banker; his visitor deposited with him a large sum of money, placing the money in trust. The banker was to hold the money for twenty years and then open a letter that was given to him. The banker invested the money but lost the letter, and at the expiration of twenty years found himself the custodian of a large fortune without any knowledge as to its owner. It was at this time that he called in detectives, but they failed in solving the mystery, and twenty years elapsed, when the case was given to me. The banker furnished me