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he was a German appears by his notes page 35, where he useth these words, Dulcissima nostra Germania, etc.
In Præfat. Annotat.
Excepting two or three particulars in which reference is made to some Books that came over since that time.
Tho. Aquin. in com. in Boet. de Consolat. prope finem.
A Church Bell that tolls every day at six and twelve of the clock; at the hearing whereof, everyone in what place soever, either of House or Street, betakes himself to his prayer, which is commonly directed to the Virgin.
A revolution of certain thousand years, when all things should return unto their former estate, and he be teaching again in his School as when he delivered this Opinion.
Sphæra cujus centrum ubique, circumferentia nullibi.
Γνῶθι σεαυτὸν, Nosce teipsum.
Post Mortem nihil est, ipsaque Mors nihil. Mors individua est, noxia corpori, nec patiens animæ … Toti morimur, nullaque pars manet nostri.