The Works of Sir Thomas Browne, Volume 3. Browne Thomas

The Works of Sir Thomas Browne, Volume 3 - Browne Thomas

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1608 upon the cutting open of the Cerecloth found perfect and nothing corrupted, the flesh not hardened, but in colour, proportion, and softnesse like an ordinary corps newly to be interred. Burtons descript. of Leicestershire.


In his Map of Russia.


The Poet Dante in his view of Purgatory, found gluttons so meagre, and extenuated, that he conceived them to have been in the siege of Jerusalem, and that it was easie to have discovered Homo or Omo in their faces: M being made by the two lines of their cheeks, arching over the Eye-brows to the nose, and their sunk eyes making O O which makes up Omo. Parean l’occhiaie anella senza gemme che nel viso de gli huomini legge huomo Ben’hauria quiui conosciuto l’emme.


Tirin. in Ezek.


Rituale Græcum opera J. Goar in officio exequiarum.


Similis reviviscendi promissa Democrito vanitas, qui non revixit ipse. Quæ, malùm, ista dementia est; iterari vitam morte. Plin. l. 7 c. 55.


Καὶ τάχα δʼ ἐκ γαίης ἐλπίζομεν ἐς φάος ἐλθεῖν λειψαν ἀποιχομένων.


Cedit enim retro de terra quod fuit ante In terram, etc. Lucret.


Plato in Phæd.


Vale, vale, vale, nos te ordine quo natura permittet sequemur.

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