The American Flower Garden Directory. Buist Robert
Treat them the same as directed for Bánksias.
Dillwynias, above twelve species, and plants very little known. D. floribúnda, D. teretifòlia, and D. phylicoides, are desirable plants; flowers small, papilionaceous, and colour yellow. They are very liable to suffer from too much wet; while dormant, therefore, the pots must be effectually drained.
Dampièras, four species. The genus is named in honour of Captain W. Dampier, a famous voyager, has Lobelia-like flowers, either blue or purple. C. purpùrea, C. undulàta, and C. strícta, are the finest; the two former are shrubby; the latter is herbaceous; they all flower freely.
Edwárdsias, about four species, very beautiful foliaged plants and have very curious yellow flowers, but do not flower until the plant becomes large. E. grandiflòra, E. chrysòphylla, and E. meirophylla, are the best, and are tolerably hardy, though doubtful of ever being acclimated. The flowers are leguminose, foliage ovate, pinnate, from eight to forty on one footstalk, and appears to be covered with gold dust. The hardier they are grown, the more visible it will appear.
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