A Vanished Hand. Sarah Doudney

A Vanished Hand - Sarah Doudney

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it was no wonder that Elsie received an impression of warmth and gaudy colours when she entered the room. The old woman with the soured face and white hair was the only chilly thing to be seen.

      "I don't want Mrs. Dodge to be sending people here," she said, after hearing Elsie's explanation of her visit. "A light-minded, rollicking woman is my niece Dodge. She'll never make that house pay its expenses – never!"

      "You knew Mrs. Penn, I think?" began Elsie, anxious to turn the conversation away from the Dodge subject.

      "I used to know her when I was in London."

      "Where is she now?" Elsie asked anxiously.

      "That I can't tell you. She was never a great friend of mine. I was too busy to make friends. She had part of a house in Soho Square. Some people in business had the first floor. But I think she's gone."

      "Did you ever hear her speak of a lady called Meta?" inquired Elsie, in a voice that slightly trembled.

      "Meta? No; I've never heard the name. Who was she? An actress, I suppose?"

      "Oh, no!" replied Elsie hastily. "She was some one who lived with Mrs. Penn."

      "Ah, there was a young lady who occupied one room at the top of the house, and did pictures for the papers and cheap magazines. I never saw her, but Mrs. Penn spoke of her once or twice, and seemed mightily concerned when she died."

      "Then Mrs. Penn spoke to you of her death?" Elsie said breathlessly.

      "Yes; she was a weak-minded woman, Mrs. Penn was, and allowed herself to be upset by trifles. She said that Miss Somebody was dead – I never could remember names; the name don't matter – and she had called to ask if I wanted any furniture. I said I'd take a couple of small tables and an arm-chair if she'd let me have 'em cheap. I knew she'd got some good, substantial old things."

      "And had this furniture been in the young lady's room?" asked Elsie.

      "Some of it had, I suppose. She told me that she didn't mean to let the room again; she was going to sleep in it herself," she said, "because it was large and light."

      There was a brief pause. The clatter of teacups in the kitchen warned Elsie that she had trespassed on the old woman's patience long enough. A tabby cat, which had been asleep by the fire, got up, stretched itself, and came purring round its mistress's chair.

      "Pussy knows it's tea-time," said Mrs. Tryon, bending down to stroke the creature.

      Elsie rose to depart.

      "One word more," she said, stooping to bring her lips closer to the deaf ear.

      Mrs. Tryon glanced up impatiently.

      "I never could stand many questions," she muttered.

      "Only one more. Did Mrs. Penn ever mention a little boy who lived with the poor young lady?"

      "Never," the old woman answered. "And now that's the end of it all, I hope. I shall let my niece, Dodge, know what I think of her for sending folks to trouble me in my old age. Mrs. Penn was no great friend of mine. I never went inside her door more than twice, and I never set eyes on the artist-lady, living or dead. As to the number of her house, it's gone clean out of my mind!"

      The interview was ended; and as Elsie went forth again into the afternoon sunshine she felt a chill of disappointment.

      She had learnt definitely that Meta had lived and died in Mrs. Penn's house, that the house was in Soho Square, and that was all. There was nothing about Jamie; and it was Jamie, not Meta, who was the object of her search.

      The air was fresh and sweet. A little puff of wind blew the scent of hyacinths into her face. A pretty child smiled at her over a cottage gate, its golden curls tossed by the breeze.

      Again she thought of Jamie, picturing the rosy face and golden curls, like those which Meta had described. If she could find the boy, she felt, with a sudden heart-throb, that she must hold him fast. No woman's life is complete without a child's presence in it. There are a hundred ways of filling up the void, but only one natural way. Elsie Kilner was nearly nine-and-twenty, and she was hungering, half unconsciously, after a child's love.

      She caught a delicious glimpse of woods, just touched with that first shade of green which no artist has ever truthfully rendered. Men can paint summer and autumn, but the promise of the seasons escapes them; it is too subtle for brush or pencil. You may as well try to paint a perfume or a sigh.

      And yet, as Elsie thought, walking onward, there is something in these beginnings which is sadder even than the summer's ending. Birth is the herald of decay and death, but decay and death are the sure forerunners of new life.

      The afternoon was deepening into evening when she found herself again in All Saints' Street, and Miss Saxon's pleasant face greeted her at the door.

      "Any news, Miss Kilner?" was the first question.

      "No news of Jamie," Elsie answered sadly. "But I must try to find Mrs. Penn's house in Soho Square."

      "Does she live there now?" Miss Saxon asked.

      "Mrs. Tryon thinks not. She couldn't remember the number."

      "That does not matter," said Miss Saxon cheerfully. "The square is not very large; it will only take a little while to go from door to door."

      The last light of the day was shining into Elsie's sitting-room when she went upstairs, and it was a light which seemed to flow in like a golden wave from some unseen ocean of peace.

      Had she come into this quiet house to be guided, by a vanished hand, along a path which she knew not? All she was sure of was the influence which had turned her feet out of the old road, so thickly set with thorns. Surely it was a kindly power which had led her away from the contemplation of her own grief and wrongs, and had given her a quest!

      Something to do, something to seek and to hope for – this is the greatest blessing which can be conferred on a lonely life.

      Elsie lighted her lamp, and wrote a long, cheery letter to the rector's wife in the Sussex village; but not one word did she say about the search for Jamie.


       MRS. BEATON

      "Guided thus, O friend of mine,

      Let us walk our little way;

      Knowing by each beckoning sign

      That we are not quite astray."

– Whittier.

      It was difficult for Elsie, entering Soho Square for the first time, to realise that it had been one of the most fashionable parts of London till far into the last century. That touch of distinction which still lingers about some of the former haunts of greatness has entirely deserted this old square, and it requires an effort to picture the state of the four ambassadors and the pomp of the nobility who once made it their home. But the garden lacks not that charm of shadowy trees which so often lends a grace to the nooks and corners of the great city, and it is green enough to rest the eyes that are weary with watching the endless march of life.

      Elsie made inquiries at a shop in Charles Street, and was fortunate enough to light upon a tradesman who knew something of Mrs. Penn. She had left the neighbourhood, he believed, but he could tell the number of the house she had occupied. It was close by, on the left hand as you entered the square.

      As Mrs. Tryon had said, the ground-floor was given up to business, but the upper floors were still let to lodgers. A quiet-looking young widow appeared in answer to Elsie's summons. "No, ma'am, I didn't know Mrs. Penn," she said civilly. "She gave up this house nearly two years ago, and I've only been here six months. It was my sister who took the house after Mrs. Penn."

      "Then there is no hope of getting the information I want," sighed Elsie; "unless any of Mrs. Penn's lodgers are here still."

      "No, ma'am," said the widow again; "they are all new-comers. I am sorry that I can't help you."

      There was a pause; Elsie was hesitating before she made a request. "There is a room at the top of the house which I should like to see," she said with an effort.

      "There are three rooms at the very

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