Stray Pebbles from the Shores of Thought. Gould Elizabeth Porter
e'er reflect, its depths to tell
Heaven's atmosphere.
The kiss still burns upon my brow,
That kiss of long ago,
When in the flush of love's first hour
He said he loved me so.
Another burns yet deeper still,
The kiss of wedded bliss,
When soul met soul in rapture sweet —
Oh, pure love's burning kiss!
The third was laid away with him,
A kiss for heaven's day,
(O heart abide God's way) —
When in the life beyond earth's change,
Beyond these mysteries sad and strange,
New life will spring from out the old,
New thoughts will larger truth unfold,
And love have endless sway.
If I were only sure
He loves me still,
As in the realms of beauteous space
(Alas! so far from my embrace)
He bides God's will,
I could be more content to bear
The bitter anguish and despair
Which now me fill.
If I were only sure
He waits for me
To join him in the heavenly realm
(Oh, how the thought does overwhelm)
When body-free,
I could the better bear my fate,
As day by day I learn to wait
In silent agony.
O Father, in my doubt
One thing is sure,
That Thou, all love, could ne'er destroy
(Death only is in earth's alloy)
Such love so pure
As that which blessed our union here,
The love which knew no change nor fear —
Such must endure.
The days are happy here, dear,
But happier would they be
Could'st thou be near to bless me
With love's sweet ministry;
Then all this beauty round me
Would on my memory lie,
As prayers of sainted mother,
Or childhood's lullaby.
Hotel Look-Off, Sugar Hill, N.H.
Oh! ecstasy rare
Comes down to share
The heart that with human love trembles;
While all on the earth
Is crowned with new birth
And everything heaven resembles.
But grief and despair
Have latent their share
In hearts that with human love tremble,
Since fires of love
Enkindled above
In frail earthen vessels assemble.
Still, ecstasy rare
Comes down to share
The heart that with human love trembles;
While all on the earth
Is crowned with new birth
And everything heaven resembles.
She picks me June roses.
Were ever such roses?
Their fragrance would honor
The heavenly halls.
She finds me pet pansies.
Such wondrous-eyed pansies,
And lovely nasturtiums
That run on the walls.
Sweet peas she's now bringing,
While all the time singing.
And I? Ask the flowers
To tell what befalls.
Would I were beautiful!
Then you at Beauty's shrine might freely dine,
A welcome guest
For joy's bequest.
But, dear, if this were so, —
If I were Beauty's child, all undefiled,
To make you blest
In beauty's quest,
You might forget to see
The soul's pure hidden shrine wherein e'er shine
The things that test
Love's true behest.
Would I were beautiful,
That you might better see the soul in me!
That wish is best,
Is 't not, dearest?
Oh, the prayer of a dear virgin-heart,
Breathed forth with true love's gentle art!
Is there anything purer
On land or on sea,
More laden with blessing
For you or for me?
It is sweeter than song ever heard,
More precious than love's spoken word.
It is fraught with a keen recognition
Of truest soul-need and fruition.
Is there anything purer
On land or on sea,
More laden with comfort
For you or for me?
It is oftentimes born in great pain,
With no ray of hope's blessed gain.
But as lulled by the angels at midnight
Ere reaching the infinite daylight
Is there anything surer,
On land or on sea,
To bring the God-Father
To you or to me?
Through all this summer joy and rest,
Though lying on fair Nature's breast,
There breathes the longing heart's desire,
Would he were here!
The thrill of pain kind Nature feels;
For all the while there o'er me steals
Like holy chimes