Moses and Aaron. Goodwin Thomas Aiken

Moses and Aaron - Goodwin Thomas Aiken

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the Minister or Clerk of the Synagogue.

      Their Schools were different from their Synagogues. Paul having disputed for the space of three months in the Synagogue, because divers believed not, but spake evil of that way, he departed from them, and separated his Disciples, disputing daily in the School of one Tyrannus; Act. 19. 8, 9, 10.

      Their School sometimes is called ‎‏בית‏‎ Beth, an house, simply, as appeareth by that saying;214 Octodecim res de quibus contentio fuit inter domum Sammai, & domum Hillel, ne Elias quidem abolere posset. Those 18 matters controverted between the house of Sammai, and the house of Hillel, Elias himself could not decide; that is, between their two Schools. Sometime it is called ‎‏בית המדרש‏‎ Beth Hammidrasch, an house of subtle and acute exposition. Here points were more exactly and punctually discussed, than in the Synagogue, or Temple; whence they held it a profounder place for exposition, than the Temple: To this purpose tend those sayings,215 They might turn a Synagogue into a School, but not a School into a Synagogue, for the sanctity of a School is beyond the sanctity of a Synagogue. And that groweth from Vertue to vertue, Psa. 84. 7. they interpret216 a kind of promotion, or degree, in removing from their Temple to their School. In their Temple, their Sermons were, as it were, Ad populum; in their Schools, Ad Clerum.

      As they had Synagogues, so likewise Schools, in every City and Province; and these were built also upon hills. There is mention of the hill Moreb, Judg. 7. 1. that is, the hill of the Teacher.

      The Masters when they taught their Scholars, were said to give: Give unto the wise, and he will be wiser, Prov. 9. 9.

      The Scholars when they learned any thing, were said to receive it: Hear my Son, and receive my words, Prov. 4. 10. Hence is that of the Apostle: This is a true saying, and by all means worthy to be received, 1 Tim. 1. 15. that is, learned. The like phrase of speech are in use among the Latines.217

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      Zepper lib. 3. leg. Mos. cap. 6.


      Aug. de Civ. Dei, l. 18 c. 22.


      Zepper. leg. Mosaic. l. 3. c. 6.


      Vide Funcii Chronol.


      Maimon. in Iad. lib. vit. tract. Sanedr. in c. 4. sect. 13.


      Seder Olam minus.


      Carion chron. lib. 2. p. 144.


      Targum Uziel. eadem pæne verba habet Targum Jerosolym.


      Origen. hom. 17. in Genes. Epiphan. contra Ebionæos, &c. maxima Hebræorum pars.


      Cunæus de rep. Hebr. lib. 1. cap. 5. p. 81.


      Euseb. demon. lib. 8. cap. 1. Montacut. in Analect. p. 72. Casaub. contra Baron. pag. 16.


      Patres plerique omnes.


      Casaubon advers. Baron. p. 19. It. p. 23. Justinus Mart. in Dialog. cum Tryphone. Cunæus lib. 1. de rep. Heb. c. 9. p. 82.


      Cunæus lib. 1. de rep. Heb. cap. 11. pag. 96.


      Joseph. Scal. ex quo Casaub. advers. Baron. p. 19. It. p. 39.


      Montacut. in Analect. p. 74.


      Augustin. contra Manich. lib. 12. cap. 47. Euseb. demonst. l. 8 Carion. Chron. pag. 143.


      P. Galatin. l. 4. cap. 6. p. 203. ex. Talmud. Jerusol.


      Joseph Lo


Zepper lib. 3. leg. Mos. cap. 6.


Aug. de Civ. Dei, l. 18 c. 22.


Zepper. leg. Mosaic. l. 3. c. 6.


Vide Funcii Chronol.


Maimon. in Iad. lib. vit. tract. Sanedr. in c. 4. sect. 13.


Seder Olam minus.


Carion chron. lib. 2. p. 144.


Targum Uziel. eadem pæne verba habet Targum Jerosolym.


Origen. hom. 17. in Genes. Epiphan. contra Ebionæos, &c. maxima Hebræorum pars.


Cunæus de rep. Hebr. lib. 1. cap. 5. p. 81.


Euseb. demon. lib. 8. cap. 1. Montacut. in Analect. p. 72. Casaub. contra Baron. pag. 16.


Patres plerique omnes.


Casaubon advers. Baron. p. 19. It. p. 23. Justinus Mart. in Dialog. cum Tryphone. Cunæus lib. 1. de rep. Heb. c. 9. p. 82.


Cunæus lib. 1. de rep. Heb. cap. 11. pag. 96.


Joseph. Scal. ex quo Casaub. advers. Baron. p. 19. It. p. 39.


Montacut. in Analect. p. 74.

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Drusius de tribus sect. l. 2. c. 10.


Maimon. Tephilla. c. 11. Sect. 14.


Paraphrast. Chal. in hunc locum.


Da, si grave non est. Hor. l. 2. Satyr. 8. Sed tamen iste Deus qui sit, da Tytere nobis Virg. Bucol. Accipe nunc Danaum insidias. Virg. Æneid l. 2.