The Imaginary Invalid. Жан-Батист Мольер
Don't you guess what I want to speak about?
Toi. Oh! yes, I have some slight idea that you want to speak of our young lover, for it is of him we have been speaking for the last six days, and you are not well unless you mention him at every turn.
Ang. Since you know what it is I want, why are you not the first to speak to me of him? and why do you not spare me the trouble of being the one to start the conversation?
Toi. You don't give me time, and you are so eager that it is difficult to be beforehand with you on the subject.
Ang. I acknowledge that I am never weary of speaking of him, and that my heart takes eager advantage of every moment I have to open my heart to you. But tell me, Toinette, do you blame the feelings I have towards him?
Toi. I am far from doing so.
Ang. Am I wrong in giving way to these sweet impressions?
Toi. I don't say that you are.
Ang. And would you have me insensible to the tender protestations of ardent love which he shows me?
Toi. Heaven forbid!
Ang. Tell me, do you not see, as I do, Something providential, some act of destiny in the unexpected adventure from which our acquaintance originated?
Toi. Yes.
Ang. That it is impossible to act more generously?
Toi. Agreed.
Ang. And that he did all this with the greatest possible grace?
Toi. Oh! yes.
Ang. Do you not think, Toinette, that he is very handsome?
Toi. Certainly.
Ang. That he has the best manners in the world?
Toi. No doubt about it.
Ang. That there is always something noble in what he says and what he does?
Toi. Most certainly.
Ang. That there never was anything more tender than all he says to me?
Toi. True.
Arg. And that there can be nothing more painful than the restraint under which I am kept? for it prevents all sweet intercourse, and puts an end to that mutual love with which Heaven has inspired us.
Toi. You are right.
Ang. But, dear Toinette, tell me, do you think that he loves me as much as he says he does?
Toi. Hum! That's a thing hardly to be trusted at any time. A show of love is sadly like the real thing, and I have met with very good actors in that line.
Ang. Ah! Toinette, what are you saying there? Alas! judging by the manner in which he speaks, is it possible that he is not telling the truth?
Toi. At any rate, you will soon be satisfied on this point, and the resolution which he says he has taken of asking you in marriage, is a sure and ready way of showing you if what he says is true or not. That is the all-sufficient proof.
Ang. Ah! Toinette, if he deceives me, I shall never in all my life believe in any man.
Toi. Here is your father coming back.
Arg. I say, Angélique, I have a piece of news for yon which, perhaps, you did not expect. You have been asked of me in marriage. Halloa! how is that? You are smiling. It is pleasant, is it not, that word marriage? there is nothing so funny to young girls. Ah! nature! nature! So, from what I see, daughter, there is no need of my asking you if you are willing to marry.
Ang. I ought to obey you in everything, father.
Arg. I am very glad to possess such an obedient daughter; the thing is settled then, and I have promised you.
Ang. It is my duty, father, blindly to follow all you determine upon for me.
Arg. My wife, your mother-in-law, wanted me to make a nun of you and of your little sister Louison also. She has always been bent upon that.
Toi. (aside). The excellent creature has her reasons.
Arg. She would not consent to this marriage; but I carried the day, and my word is given.
Toi. (to Argan). Really, I am pleased with you for that, and it is the wisest thing you ever did in your life.
Arg. I have not seen the person in question; but I am told that I shall be satisfied with him, and that you too will be satisfied.
Ang. Most certainly, father.
Arg. How! have you seen him then?
Ang. Since your consent to our marriage authorises me to open my heart to you, I will not hide from you that chance made us acquainted six days ago, and that the request which has been made to you is the result of the sympathy we felt for one another at first sight.
Arg. They did not tell me that; but I am glad of it; it is much better that things should be so. They say that he is a tall, well-made young fellow.
Ang. Yes, father.
Arg. Of a fine build.
Ang. Yes, indeed.
Arg. Pleasant.
Ang. Certainly.
Arg. A good face.
Ang. Very good.
Arg. Steady and of good family.
Ang. Quite.
Arg. With very good manners.
Ang. The best possible.
Arg. And speaks both Latin and Greek.
Ang. Ah! that I don't know anything about.
Arg. And that he will in three days be made a doctor.
Ang. He, father?
Arg. Yes; did he not tell you?
Ang. No, indeed! who told you?
Arg. Mr. Purgon.
Ang. Does Mr. Purgon know him?
Arg. What a question! Of course he knows him, since he is his nephew.
Ang. Cléante is the nephew of Mr. Purgon?
Arg. What Cléante? We are speaking about him who has asked you in marriage.
Ang. Yes, of course.
Arg. Well, he is the nephew of Mr. Purgon, and the son of his brother-in-law, Mr. Diafoirus; and this son is called Thomas Diafoirus, and not Cléante. Mr. Fleurant and I decided upon this match this morning, and to-morrow this future son-in-law will be brought to me by his father… What is the matter, you look all scared?
Ang. It is because, father, I see that you have been speaking of one person, and I of another.
Toi. What! Sir, you have formed such a queer project as that, and, with all the wealth you possess, you want to marry your daughter to a doctor?
Arg. What business is it of yours, you impudent jade?
Toi. Gently, gently. You always begin by abuse. Can we not reason together without getting into a rage? Come, let us speak quietly. What reason have you, if you please, for such a marriage?
Arg. My reason is, that seeing myself infirm and sick, I wish to have a son-in-law and relatives who are doctors, in order to secure their kind assistance in my illness, to have in my family the fountain-head of those remedies which are necessary to me, and to be within reach of consultations and prescriptions.
Toi. Very well; at least that is giving a reason, and there is a certain pleasure in answering one another calmly. But