Bulletin of Spiritual Government. A practical guide to building a better world. Lim Word
previous owners. The same applies to land plots. How many villages are in desolation, and it is worthwhile to set up agrarian production, “spiders” crawl out of the ambush with notes that it is their property. You should kiss people who build houses, cultivate land, buy equipment, and not try to cash in on them! There is nothing to keep the means of production “in reserve”! For this, of course, you need will. We Broadcast that it was not manifested in the uncontrolled destruction of private property (buildings, stalls, bankrupt enterprises), but in positive things!
Spiritual Government on entrepreneurship, registration of the status of the Entrepreneur, wrecking of the law 212-FZ, non-tax declarations, social justice and the sign of the ruble
– I am a beginner entrepreneur. There is no work in our city. My dream is to become independent and rich. So many difficulties, and there is no one to consult with. Friends only cheer “We believe in you. We can not help, but when it starts to work out – call!”. You can get confused in EGRIP, USRLE. You can because it’s easier. Then you need to go to Rosstat. At registration, after all it is possible to enter at once data of the businessman in a statistical base. Details are revealed in the course of the matter. It is unclear whether it is necessary to register with the Pension Fund, medical insurance, the information is inconsistent. Still, here, the local tax inspection…
A personal account in a bank… In this financial institution, you have to fill out something, “pierce”, pass to “sign”, and there – no. Banking is still some kind of… electronic key. Even in one bank conditions change, you fall into prostration, while you try to comprehend everything that the consultant said.
The seal is almost simple, although I was “joked for a long time,” before I found a workshop, and this is a sign that good forces are trying to take you away from an unnecessary business.
Well, here, the account is opened. As though, all.
I became an individual entrepreneur, although nothing but papers with stamps in the asset was not. From the bank they called in six months, they demanded to pay for something, or, for some money, to close the account. I did not come. In theory, the IP should also be covered, in the reverse order, otherwise they will start firing penalties, but this has already been ignored. Forces have run low. The thought that if it comes to the registration of a pension comes up, they will say to me: “You have a fine here, for twenty-five years, you did not close your business” But, maybe it will resolve by itself? No wonder I’m standing with you on the Tribune?!
– So far this is so. There is no entrepreneurial activity, the movement of money – you will still find a fine. The return course is almost more complicated than the design of the entrepreneur. You must go to the Pension Fund – even if you have not previously registered with it, and where, nevertheless, arrears have arisen. Every year the rules change. The federal law (Federal Law) No. 212 explicitly states that “… la la la… there is no provision for exemption from contributions to the FIU, the Social Insurance Fund, the CHI Fund in the event that there was no business activity…” Sometimes a flat fee is clearly 36 thousand, in other case – SMIC (5554 rubles multiplied by 26% of the PFR rate, and another twelve months). With the help of the Tribune we are able to find people responsible for this or that social crime. The compilers of this law are such sinners. A person has to pay huge sums only for having received a piece of paper… Including retired people who decided to try their business, single mothers with children. It is necessary to bring everyone, including children, relatives, friends of these legislators to consciousness, that before them are people with a wormy, slimy soul. Entrepreneurs who understand the trapped nature think something like: “What bad state, if only it collapsed, together with the system of taking money out of an empty pocket” – then they put a smile on your face, go to the tax, PF, some other organizations, in order to quickly close the case. They will share their misfortune with acquaintances, perhaps potentially more successful entrepreneurs – and will try to forget about their attempt to rise a bit. We will find the people who created this law. My suggestion is to shift them from managerial work, send them to work as porters!
“No, shoot them!” To be forgiven with addiction, for which they do not like the Motherland, us and you, – and in the expense!
– Specifically, loaders, or diggers; first, there is some kind of benefit, and secondly, we are humanists, the Spiritual Government!
– So be it. And yet, where can I get practical advice, help, support? The Internet? Enter in the search box the words “Small Business Ideas”, or “Open Your Business” – the recommendations: “Make soft toys” or “Open a store”, “Organize a car wash”. So what? Where, how, with whom? It’s like giving instructions how to fly an IL-76: “Start the engines.” Vyrulite on the strip. Add gas. Pull the steering wheel toward you. Adjust the autopilot and rest. On the way to the aerodrome, turn off the automation, reset the speed, release the landing gear, go in for landing. Have a good flight! “Then put the wheel at the helm, wishing success, send on the road.
Do you think the plane will fly far?
They say that somewhere there are “business incubators”, where they help to rise. But they represent themselves – look the Network, – branches at an economic school, where uncles in the “three” are lecturing on the topic “Semantics of the product,” or something like that. The words “business cases, multinational companies, convergence of technologies, target parameters” are being sung, and so on. Well, all I need is to open a “point” under the tutelage of my comrade, arrange production of products in the premises of the former factory, determine where to deliver the grown potatoes, get the first ruble from the client. First of all, clans based on kinship are effective here, and Russians practically do not have them.
How to enter into existing networks? So, I set up the release of interesting things. Where can I go to see them in the Soyuzpechat booths? Where are the “tails”? To contact the saleswoman, maybe she knows? Or, she will put something on the counter? I tried, it turned out something unintelligible.
I came to a printing company, which, in theory, has an entrance to the system. “What if I order to do my thing, will you realize it?” I started talking about logistics (a lot of expenses and all sorts of troubles), storage of goods and, in fact, about the price of the exposition. “With all this, you must put the product in not less than twenty points.” “But, I would like to start in four or five, maybe even one, but the best place, I simply do not have the money.” – “It’s your problems”.
– What did you want to “exhibit”?
– I was attracted to money since my childhood. They have a fascination – the history of the country, the touch of people, their emotions, energy, and the opportunity to exchange pictures for something useful. The ruble under the table with weights – for a five-year-old child – a treasure. You hold a coin in your hands, it tells you a secret. You feel rich Pinocchio.
I want the world’s money to appear in the kiosks. What bills are accepted in Zaire, Zambezi, Chad? Latin America – what are the descendants of the Spaniards, Portuguese and Incas paying off? Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, and, of course, Honduras…
There are two ways. The first is real bills in packages, with information about the country where they are used. The second is a qualitative two-sided polygraphy.
In the case of real banknotes, the state could assess this as currency transactions. In addition, foreign money by itself can be expensive. Polygraphy is cheaper, in addition, you can print money of all times, of any countries, they are represented by the Internet.
“What did you bow to?”
– In exchange offices, dozens of currencies are declared, but, in reality, three or four major ones. Small bills are not kept. I collected the collection, now it is stored without movement.
– With printing what?
– I say,