Become Instagram Famous. Alexander Metelev

Become Instagram Famous - Alexander Metelev

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page for further cooperation.

      First of all, you need to find an appropriate advertising account to publish your ads on. There are numerous Instagram promotion platforms which can offer you a list of specific advertising profiles to order an ad. Prepare and send a welcome letter to a profile of you choose that will contain your offer to conclude the ad contract. Specify the cost of arrangement (in case it is not listed already) and the time it will be published (best time for publishing is in the evening when there is a considerable activity among users of the platform overall). Send an ad itself and the ad text for description to the profile representative. Payment for cooperation is usually carried out in before publishing as a prepayment and should be specified for each case. Afterwards the profile will publish your advertisement.

      Ordering ads from bloggers and other social media influencers usually does not differ from ordering elsewhere. One thing to point out is that it is usually much costlier – from 3 to 5 times more expensive compared to ordering from advertising accounts. The coverage from blogger pages, however, is substantially higher than from advertising pages, therefore your ad will reach more people.

      Finally, a relatively new way of advertising on Instagram is official advertising by Instagram itself. Your ads will be published by the platform in other users’ feed. It is vastly more expensive to order your ads that way, for the most part only large companies can afford it. According to statistics, mass following remains not only the most effective way of promotion on Instagram but also the most popular – more than 50% of business owners use it to promote their business accounts. Various SMM services allow to order mass following for your promotion.

      Choosing your theme

      Your profile type and your monetizing method

      Before you become a public account and start monetization of your Instagram page, you have to decide on your theme and your profile type. Your further steps and endeavors will differ depending on that choice. Besides, raising your follower count or getting your account popular is one thing; when it comes to monetization methods, it gets harder. Unfortunately, but without careful thinking it may easily turn out the best way to get any profit out of your account is to sell it.

      How to choose a theme for your profile

      Why is it important and what factors may affect your choice?

      For each sector there is a certain target audience which you will have to work with. In some cases, you can easily identify the target audience: the audience for “Instagram mums’ is, obviously, parents or future parents. In other cases, it is possible but much harder to define a certain audience.

      This is why deciding on how are you going to monetize your profile now is essential: afterwards you can determine your theme and how exactly are you going to make profit out of it. From there on out you may choose your strategy and a theme for your public profile.

      Not all audiences have paying capacity and that is a fact. As an entrepreneur, you will have to choose a sector that would attract users who are willing to spend their money. Sounds easy, but in reality there are complications.

      For example, there are certain themes that at first glance seem to be profitable, but in reality they are not: such themes we may call “theme traps’. Good example is men & style Instagram accounts: at first sight, the followers must be really interested in fashion and therefore would be more willing to spend money to buy various accessories and other things. When you dig deeper, however, you will realize that most of the followers usually are young men who are here to look and leave likes on nice pictures, not to spend any money.

      Not every popular sector is profitable either. Pet Instagram accounts, for example, are immensely popular with their frequent updates and quality content. But when you think about it, exactly what kind of audience on such accounts would be interested in your ads and your business? If you cannot with certainty define your target audience, there may be problems with further monetization of your profile.

      When deciding on your public profile theme, there are three major principles you would want to consider:

      You must confidently define your target audience: your account must be fit thematically for certain clients. When an entrepreneur gets asked to “define his target audience” he must do so without any hesitation. That means cute animals, movies, interesting facts or world mysteries are not good themes for your profile because these themes do not have a defined target audience.

      Know your audience’s paying capacity. You need to not only understand your audience but also know how you can turn that into profit.

      Remember that you need to easily attract followers. Your audience has to be profitable but also extensible: i.e. choosing house purchasers as your target audience is a good idea but maintaining and expanding that audience might be extremely difficult.

      Another good advice is to act on contrary: first you decide on what type of account you want to be, then you choose your monetization strategy and then define your target audience. Sometimes this method is more effective than other means. With these recommendations you will find your account type and can easily monetize it later.

      Personal blogs on Instagram and their peculiarities

      It is getting more and more popular these days to become a blogger, maintain interest of your followers and through that fulfilling your monetization goals. Not everybody knows what a blog is, however. A blog is a webpage which functions as a personal diary for its owner. He expresses his ideas and feelings about what is happening to him, shares his content and does all that via webpages or social networks. With each text post on Instagram a blogger attaches a video or photo related to that post. Usually bloggers keep their posts related to a certain theme such as sport, childcare or what they do professionally.

      What distinguishes blogs from personal profiles

      An interesting theme that resonates with large audiences. Unlike personal profiles, there is always a theme that you can follow through blog posts. Personal pages have a theme too, usually they tell about a person’s life and what surrounds it, but the audience for them is quite limited.

      Posting frequency. For blogs there are much more posts per day than there are for personal profiles, sometimes bloggers manage to post multiple times a day in order to keep their blog relevant and sustain followers’ interest.

      Each blog requires promotion. No matter how, via automation services or on their own, bloggers need to promote themselves. There are two factors that define a popular account: first is genuinely interesting quality content, which is also long-term engaging. Second is the blogger’s persona: people follow his or hers blogs no matter the theme but rather because they are really interested in that blogger as a person.

      Blog’s starting numbers. For each blog there must be a certain amount of content and a certain amount of followers already on your account. After that you can start defining and obtaining your target audience which, combined with your starting numbers, will result in getting stable growth for your profile. With personal profiles there is no such necessity to get as many followers as possible: those profiles are created for user’s “casual’ use.

      Lucrativeness. Bloggers’ pages can make profit by publishing ads which are offered to them by advertisers. Personal profiles most likely cannot do so due to limitations in following.

      Each personal Instagram profile is created for a purpose of socializing and communicating with other users. Blogs serve various purposes for their creators: artistic expression, attracting audience to the persona, gaining profit.

      Designing a blog on Instagram

      Interesting photos and publications

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