S.U.M.O (Shut Up, Move On). Paul McGee
No human being that's ever walked upon this planet in previous generations has had to deal with the relentless pace of life and change we now take for granted. Life, for many people, is like being on a rollercoaster which never stops and the brakes are no longer working.
This is our current reality, and as such I think the SUMO message is perhaps even more relevant and applicable to life now than it was when it was first published ten years ago. Here's why I think that's the case. If you and I are to maximize our potential and the opportunities that life has for us, there are several factors which I believe will contribute to this. Each one is, to some extent, explored within the SUMO approach. Let me give you a brief overview of what these factors are.
Reflection. At the heart of SUMO is the call to get off auto-pilot; to stop and press pause. Our relentlessly fast-paced, busy and distraction-filled world does not encourage this. People now pay thousands of pounds to escape the noise of the world – to find silence. SUMO, however, will help you to reflect in a very honest and practical way about a number of aspects of your life. Some of these reflections will bring you reassurance, but others may cause you to reconsider your priorities and current behaviour. The SUMO challenge is to live with increased awareness, attention and appreciation.
As the Latin writer Publilius Syrus said, ‘Awareness, not age, leads to wisdom.' Reflection gives you the opportunity to become more self-aware.
Recovery. The pace of change and the tidal wave of distractions can be exhausting. Not just physically, but, perhaps even more importantly, mentally. Modern technology means we are more accessible than ever before. But this, in turn, means we're finding it increasingly difficult to switch off. I don't know what it's like for women, but I'm increasingly seeing guys on their mobile phones whilst relieving themselves at the urinal. I've eavesdropped on some very interesting conversations whilst taking a comfort break at various service stations throughout the UK.
The reality is our minds are being constantly stimulated. We're not allowing ourselves to press pause and take time out. And despite the mental fatigue that this brings, more and more people are reporting difficulty in sleeping.
I work with a Premiership football team. These elite sportspeople need to be in peak physical and mental condition. And what might surprise some people is the important role recovery time plays in this. It's built into their training programme. It's not a nice option – it's a necessity.
You might not be an elite sportsperson, but you're about to discover that the SUMO approach encourages us to build recovery time into our own lives.
Perhaps we need to take a lesson from the airlines. In their safety announcements they always state the following: If there's a drop in cabin pressure, put your oxygen mask on first before helping others.
Responsibility. More than any other animal humans are hugely dependent on others for our survival when we're born. But some people believe they can live their whole lives relying on others to meet their needs. People can develop a sense of entitlement that the world owes them a living, that teachers, employers and governments should take responsibility for our welfare and well-being.
Well, here's the deal. This way of thinking will seriously undermine a person's ability to make the most of their time on this planet. As you'll discover, taking personal responsibility (whilst still being open to support from others) will be the cornerstone to you achieving the life you want.
Resilience. We mentioned earlier that life at times can be described as a rollercoaster. It has both ups and downs. However, it's how you deal with the down times, the setbacks, the challenges and disappointments that influences whether such events derail you or drive you on to succeed. Throughout this book, and particularly in one chapter, you'll discover how to develop resilience when the going gets tough.
Relationships. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. That's true in both your personal and professional life. The people in your world play a significant role in influencing how you see yourself and the opportunities life can offer. As I mentioned earlier, these relationships will be your biggest source of joy. They'll also be your biggest source of pain. Either way, relationships are the bedrock of our lives and there are ways to enhance them.
Let me be very clear on this. Good relationships are not simply a matter of luck. As you'll discover, the SUMO approach will explore a simple visual metaphor that thousands of people claim has helped them reduce conflict, communicate more clearly and build better relationships with others. Of course, simply reading about it won't magically and mysteriously cause relationships to succeed. But taking action and applying the insights will increase your chances.
Resourcefulness. Lots of things are nice to have. I would like to go into McDonalds and order a lobster thermidor. But it's not on the menu.
Sadly, some people spend time and energy focusing on what is not on their menu – in other words, they focus on what isn't in their lives rather than what is. Now, not only is this deeply dissatisfying and demotivating, it distracts you from the positive things that are happening in your life and the many skills and abilities you have. The SUMO approach helps us understand the importance of where we choose to focus our attention. The challenge is not to see ourselves as a helpless victim, but as someone who, with the help of others, can discover inner resources and develop new ones to meet the challenges of life.
As you'll discover, the key is to explore and focus on the range of possibilities and options for moving forward rather than being sucked into simply obsessing over problems.
Reality. I'm sometimes referred to as a motivational speaker. That's a term which sends some people reaching for the sick bucket. Perhaps these people view motivational speakers as out of touch with reality, having an approach to life which is superficial at best and dangerous at worst. It's more ‘rah-rah' than reality. Well, firstly I acknowledge there are some speakers like that. But many aren't – they offer both inspiration and ideas to encourage and equip people.
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