The Advanced Fixed Income and Derivatives Management Guide. Saied Simozar
target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">2.6 Components of US yield curve for September 30, 2010
2.7 Level of yield curve shifted by 50 bps.
2.8 Slope of yield curve shifted by 50 bps.
2.9 Bend of yield curve shifted by 50 bps.
2.10 Yield curve on December 11, 2008
2.11 Comparison of ISM manufacturing index and bend of the TSIR
2.12 Implied historical decay coefficient
2.13 Implied historical decay coefficient from treasury market
3.1 Orthogonal term structure components in τ space
3.2 Orthogonal term structure and principal components in τ space, 1992–2012
3.3 Term structure and volatility adjusted principal components in τ space, 1992–2012
3.4 Historical bend of the Chebyshev basis function
4.1 Eurodollar futures contracts VBP
4.2 Key rate contribution to duration, time space
6.1 Term structure of swap curve, May 25, 2012
6.2 Spread of repo and Libor over treasury bills
7.1 Historical term structures of euro swaps
7.2 Historical term structures of USD swaps
7.3 AUD and NZD swap curves, May 24, 2012
7.4 AUD and NZD instantaneous forward swap curves, May, 24, 2012
7.5 AUD and NZD swap curves, December, 18, 2012
8.1 Portfolio optimization example
9.1 Selected cross-sections of relative Libor volatility, June 30, 2012
9.2 Selected cross-sections of absolute Libor volatility, June 30, 2012
10.1 Convexity adjusted yield curve, May 28, 1999
10.2 Yield curve without convexity adjustment, May 28, 1999
10.3 Convexity adjusted long zero curves
10.4 Treasury and swap curves for calculations of EDFC, July 30, 2012
11.1 Spot real (Rts) and nominal (Tsy) rates, July 30, 2012
11.2 Term structure of inflation expectations, July 30, 2012
11.3 Average monthly inflation rates
11.4 Standard deviation of monthly inflation in the US
11.5 Cumulative seasonal inflation adjustment for US
11.6 Implied and market inflation rates, July 31, 2012
12.1 Credit spread of Brazil, May 25, 2012
12.2 Term structures of rates in France and Germany, July 31, 2012
12.3 Contribution to partial yield
13.1 TSCS and TSDP for Ford Motor Co., July 31, 2012
15.1 European at-the-money call swaption, July 8, 2011
15.2 Log-normal probability distribution
15.3 American at-the-money call swaption, July 8, 2011
15.4 American at-the-money put swaption, July 8, 2011
15.5 Correlation functions
17.1 Fraction of homes sold per year
17.2 Natural log of mortgage factor due to incentive
18.1 Conventional 30-year mortgage rates
18.2 Calculation error for 30-year conventional mortgages
18.3 Conventional 15-year mortgage rates
20.1 Newton's optimization method
21.1 Propagation from bucket j to bucket k
For notational convenience most variable names have been limited to a single character. Subscripts have been used to differentiate related variables. Subscripts i, j, and k have been used exclusively as running integers and are interchangeable. Other subscript letters are used to differentiate closely related names. For example, pm and pc are used for the market price and calculated price of a security, respectively. When these subscripts are mixed with running subscripts, a comma is inserted between them (e.g. pm,i or pc,k).
Fixed income management has become significantly more quantitative and competitive over the last 20 years or so, and the days where fund managers could make very large duration bets are mostly over. Most clients prefer portfolios with diversified sources of alpha and duration targets that are comparable to the risk profiles of their liabilities or their intended risk/return expectations. Developments of strategies that are quantifiable and repeatable are essential for the success of fixed income business.
Understanding the factors that contribute to risk and return are essential, in order to structure a sound portfolio. Risk management and return attribution require the quantification of sources of risk and return and thus are math intensive. A portfolio manager who is familiar with