Explosive PR. Secrets of Outrageous PR-Stunts from Russia with Love for Positive News. Igor Szucs
the Allies would attack Greece rather than Italy in 1943, although the idea was developed by Charles Cholmondeley in October 1942. Confirmation of the success of the plan was sent to Churchill: “Mincemeat swallowed rod, line and sinker.” Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trout_memo
The Trout Memo, written in 1939, is a document comparing the deception of an enemy in wartime with fly fishing. Issued under the name of Admiral John Godfrey, Britain’s director of naval intelligence, according to the historian Ben Macintyre, it bore the hallmarks of having been written by Godfrey’s assistant, Ian Fleming. The memo reads, in particular: “The Trout Fisher casts patiently all day. He frequently changes his venue and his lures. If he has frightened a fish he may ‘give the water a rest for half-an-hour,’ but his main endeavor, visually attract fish by something he sends out from his boat, is incessant.” The memo goes on to describe numerous ways the enemy, like a trout, may be fooled or lured in. One idea from the memo was broadly similar to Operation Mincemeat, a World War II plan to convince the Germans the Allies would attack Greece rather than Italy in 1943, although the idea was developed by Charles Cholmondeley in October 1942. Confirmation of the success of the plan was sent to Churchill: “Mincemeat swallowed rod, line and sinker.” Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trout_memo
CEO of Golin, a global PR firm. Author of
About three-quarters of respondents said PR would become even more complex in the next five years and subsequently, only a quarter said this would make their jobs more fun. http://www.prweek.com/article/1417320/fred-cook-pr-needs-balls
Public speech at the Institute of Public Relations Research Symposium in New York.
Not one of international companies has ever mentioned TIPS in their official press releases. Notwithstanding, TIPS proponents were found in Ford and Daimler-Chrysler, Johnson & Johnson, Boeing, NASA, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, General Electric, Xerox, IBM, LG, Samsung, Procter and Gamble, Expedia and Kodak. www.altshuller.ru