Офшоры. Джон Урри

Офшоры - Джон Урри

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      F. Froebel, J. Heinrichs and O. Krey, Te New International Division of Labour (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979).


      Alan Blinder, ‘Ofshoring: the next industrial revolution’, Foreign Afairs, 85 (2006): 113–128; Jagdish Bhagwati and Alan Blinder, Ofshoring of American Jobs (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009).


      См.: Ronen Palan, Te Ofshore World (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2006), p. 7–9.


      См. разделы за авторством Бхагвати в: Bhagwati and Blinder, Ofshoring of American Jobs. Во многих книгах высказывается сожаление по поводу вывода рабочих мест в промышленности за пределы США.


      ‘Dyson to move to Far East’, business/1801909.stm (accessed 9.5.2012).


      David Tyfeld and John Urry, ‘Greening China’s cars. Will the last be frst?’, CeMoReWorkingPaper.pdf (accessed 28.11.2012).


      Chester Dawson, ‘Toyota again world’s largest auto maker’, Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2013, SB10001424127887323375204578269181060493750.html (accessed 11.5.2013).


       (accessed 29.7.2013); Brian Cudahy, Box Boats: How Container Ships Changed the World (New York: Fordham University Press, 2006), pp. 236–241.


       (accessed 13.9.2013).


      Allan Sekula, ‘Freeway to China’, in Jean Comarof and John Comarof (eds), Millennial Capitalism and the Culture of Neo-liberalism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001), p. 147; Allan Sekula and Noël Burch, ‘Te forgotten space’, New Left Review, 69 (May – June 2011): 78–79 (accessed 14.5.2012).


      См.: John Urry, Societies beyond Oil (London: Zed, 2013).


      Marc Levinson, Te Box (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008). Путь каждого второго контейнера проходит через Китай: Paul French and Sam Chambers, Oil on Water (London: Zed, 2010), p. 43.


      См.: Urry, Societies beyond Oil; Richard Heinberg, Te Party’s Over (Forest Row, East Sussex: Clairview Books, 2005).


      См.: David Held, Global Covenant: Te Social Democratic Alternative to the Washington Consensus (Cambridge: Polity, 2004).


      Anthony Gucciardi, ‘Leaked: US to start “trade wars” with nations opposed to Monsanto, GMO crops’, . com/2012/01/leaked-us-to-start-trade-wars-with.html (accessed 9.5.2012).


      Kevin Casas-Zamora, ‘Why the discomfort over free trade’, YaleGlobal, 12 September 2008.


      Keller Easterling, ‘Zone: the spatial softwares of extrastatecraft’, (accessed 11.10.2013).


      Blinder, ‘Ofshoring: the next industrial revolution’, p. 119.


      Ibid., p. 125.


      David Holman, Rosemary Batt and Ursula Holtgrewe, Te Global Call Center Report: International Perspectives on Management and Employment (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Global Call Center Network, 2007).


      David Holman, Rosemary Batt and Ursula Holtgrewe, Te Global Call Center Report: International Perspectives on Management and Employment (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Global Call Center Network, 2007), p. 4–6.


      Winifred Poster, ‘Who’s on the line? Indian call center agents pose as Americans for US-outsourced frms’, Industrial Relations Journal, 46 (2007): 271–304. Некоторые полагают, что важным направлением для размещения колл-центров становятся Филиппины из-за «американского» акцента местных жителей.


      См.: Dexin Yang, China’s Ofshore Investments (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2005).


      Tamzin Booth, ‘Here, there and everywhere’, Te Economist, 19 January 2013, p. 3.


      Этот вывод опирается на результаты исследования на средства гранта ESRC, которое провели я и Томас Бертчелл; см.: Tomas Birtchnell and John Urry, ‘Fabricated futures and the transportation of objects’, Mobilities, 8/3 (2013): 388–405, .


      См.: ‘Te printed word’, (accessed 16.8.2011).


      Katia Moskovitch, ‘Artifcial blood vessels created on a 3D printer’, (accessed 21.11.2011).


      Charlotte Ricca-Smith, ‘Could 3D printing end our throwaway culture?’, (accessed 21.11.2011).


      См.: Chris Anderson, Makers (New York: Random House, 2012).


      Frank Geels, ‘Multi-level perspective

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