PHP Programming for Beginners. Key Programming Concepts. How to use PHP with MySQL and Oracle databases (MySqli, PDO). Sergey D Skudaev

PHP Programming for Beginners. Key Programming Concepts. How to use PHP with MySQL and Oracle databases (MySqli, PDO) - Sergey D Skudaev

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array_unique function removes duplicate values from an array.

      The print_r function prints an array.

      The array_rand function selects a random array element.

      The implode function converts an array into a string.


      print (”<br> The sort function sorts array <br>”);

      sort ($names);

      //Get size of array

      $asize=sizeof ($names);

      for ($i=0; $i <$asize; $i++) {

      //Check if it is female name put Mrs. prefix

      //else put Mr. prefix

      if (($names [$i] ==“Anna”) || ($names [$i]



      print (“Hello Mrs.”. $names [$i].”<br>”);




      print’ Hello Mr.”. $names [$i].”<br>”);


      } //for

      print (”<br>”);



      The sort function sorts an array

      Hello Mrs. Anna

      Hello Mr. George

      Hello Mr. George

      Hello Mr. James

      Hello Mr. James

      Hello Mr. James

      Hello Mr. John

      Hello Mr. John

      Hello Mrs. Maria

      Hello Mr. Peter

      Hello Mr. Robert


      echo “The array_unique function removes duplicate array values <br>”;

      $array=array ();

      $array=array_unique ($names);

      foreach ($array as $key => $value) {

      echo $key. "-”. $value. "<br>”;


      print (”<br>”);



      The array_unique function removes duplicate values.









      rsort ($array);

      print (“The rsort function sorts an array in reverse order <br>”);

      foreach ($array as $key => $value) {

      echo $key. "-”. $value. "<br>”;




      The rsort function sorts an array in reverse order









      print (”<br> The array_pop () functions returns the last element. <br>”);

      $lastelement=array_pop ($array);

      print (”<br> The last element=”. $lastelement.”<br>”);



      The array_pop () function returns the last element

      The last element=Anna

      print (”<br> Array after calling the array_pop ().

      The last element removed. <br> <br>”);

      foreach ($array as $key => $value) {

      echo $key. "-”. $value. "<br>”;



      Array after calling array_pop (): The last element removed







      The array_push function adds elements to the end of an array.

      The print_r prints array function prints array key – value pairs.


      array_push ($array, “Chris”, “Colin”);

      print_r ($array);


      Array after calling array_push ($array, “Chris”, “Colin”)

      and print_r functions: Chris and Colin are added to the end of the array.


      Array ([0] => Robert [1] => Peter [2] => Maria [3] => John [4] => James [5] => George [6] => Chris [7] => Colin)

      The array_rand ($array) function returns random array index.

      $random=array_rand ($array);

      print (”<br> print array element by random

      index <br>”);

      print (”<br> Random element=”. $array [$random].”<br>”);


      print array element by random index

      Random element=Colin


      $string=implode ($array);

      print (”<br> Array is imploded in a string: <br>”);

      print ($string);


      Array is imploded in a string:


      The for loop

      for ($i=0; $i <10; $i++) {

      print ($i.”<br>”);


      The $i variable is local because it is defined inside the loop. However, if you try to Output: the $i variable outside the loop, its value will be 10.

      Break and Continue

      Break; statement breaks out of the loop. Loop execution stops.

      $names [0] =“Anna”;

      $names [1] =“George”;

      $names [2] =“James”;

      $names [3] =“James”;

      $names [4] =“John”;

      $names [5] =“Maria”;


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