Islanders. Наталья Андреева

Islanders - Наталья Андреева

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was not dangerous. All seemed so … normal.

      Sergey and Seva looked respectable, Zhanna was naive, Lida was nice and Vera with Arthur looked like businessmen. What problems could these people have? Anyway, there was no danger about them. All of them wanted to speak, communicate.

      Ivan sitting in the armchair close to the door addressed to the newcomer.

      “Angelica, do you want to ask anything before we shall begin?”

      “Yes. Can I smoke here?”

      “Can she smoke here?” Ivan looked at the others. “Sergey, I know that you smoke.”


      “Does it mean that you are not against?”

      “I am not.”

      “I agree.” responded Seva. It seemed he would agree with everything Sergey said.” I don't mind.”

      “But I do.” exclaimed Lida. “I do not smoke myself and I do not like when somebody smokes close.”

      “I do not smoke either.” Zhanna disagreed. “But I have got used. I do not approve but also I do not object.”

      “I smoke.” Vera complained about herself. “I try to give up. But I can't.”

      “And I even do not try.” Arthur smiled cheerfully. “I do not smoke. But for me it doesn’t matter whether you smoke or not.”

      “So, we shall sum up.” said Ivan. “Angelica, Sergey and Vera smoke. Zhanna, Seva and Arthur do not smoke but do not object. Lida does not smoke and objects. But you, Lida, in this case in minority.”

      “And you?” she looked straight at him.

      “I am neutral. I am always neutral. You should obey.”

      “Well.” Lida nodded. “Smoke.“

      "It is necessary to finish with the Tower." she thought. "This time I shall come into trouble, no need to appear here anymore. It is too hard."

      “I shall give you ashtrays.” Sergey rose. The conditioning is good here but we shall not smoke much. Relax.”

      He came to the wall and took from a shelf of the unit a pair of the light silver ashtrays. He said smiling:

      “I will take this.” he weighed the third ashtray in the hand. It was massive, made of dark glass and obviously did not match on style to other things in the room.

      “Well, the best – for the ladies, the rest – for the men.”

      He gave Angelica and Vera the ashtrays, then returned to his armchair and got out a pack of cigarettes. Ivan watched everybody smoking. The pause lasted for about a minute then he said.

      “So, today we have got the next session of psychotherapy. Shall we begin?”

      Nobody was against. And he added.

      “Who wants to speak?”

      “Robinson's Solo"

      The pause was long. Ivan kept silent. Аngelica smoked with pleasure, Vera persistently looked in an ashtray which was on the armrest of her armchair, Seva looked at Sergey, Arthur – in window… Then people in armchairs began to exchange glances.

      “Well, be brave.” Ivan said. “I remind you: everything that happens here won't be open for public. The newcomer?”

      “I don't want to be the first.” Angelica protested.

      “I see: you should look around. Who wishes to tell us about the problems? I shall open you my small secret: I have got an interesting solution. With it I shall help you to get rid of the fears. In the next room, behind the door which is at my back, there is a surprise.

      “What surprise?” Lida asked curiously. “We did not agree!”

      “Do not worry.” Ivan smiled. “It is not painful. Sessions of psychotherapy are absolutely not painful. It’s better to say they are pleasant. About money we are not going to speak now but I am sure time comes. And time is paid by you. So …”

      “I am ready to speak.” and Sergey stopped to smoke.

      Lida and Vera looked at him with surprise. Sergey had caught these sights and said.

      “I know it surprises you. I seemed shy. Well …I had just listened. But sooner or later there comes the moment when you are ready. Now I am ready to speak.”

      “Nobody objects.” Seva muttered.

      “So, Sergey wants to speak.” Ivan looked around. “Please. We listen to you attentively.”

      Sergey nervously took one more cigarette from the pack and began to smoke. Lida was not glad about it but kept silent. After a little pause Sergey at last said.

      “How to begin? That is the question. As a rule it is better from the beginning. Excuse me, I am nervous. I repeat. Everything around … weather, yes. Today the weather is disgusting.”

      That was a long pause.

      “Yes, March in this year is surprisingly cold.” Vera supported him.

      “It seems that the spring will never come.” Lida added quietly. All men and Zhanna were silent. Аngelica smoked.

      “Weather is disgusting.” Sergey summed up. “So, we have talked about the weather, what else? I cannot concentrate. Excuse me, I must be more talkative. Let’s begin. I was born forty two years ago in the city of Moscow, in the street … Yes, I remember the rules…This street is in the City centre. My mum … I think that won't be any secret if I shall tell you that my mum has worked all her life as the teacher at school without specification of a subject which she taught. We lived in a municipal apartment. To be sure, in a two-roomed apartment. One room was bigger and the kitchen was neither large nor small. Two tables and two cupboards and a stove were there. The relatives bought the refrigerator for the kitchen. It was so long ago. That was my childhood. We with mum lived in the big room and in the small one lived the aunt … Without names, I remember.”

      He continued to smoke. Ivan didn’t say anything but his sight became suddenly so sharp as if he wanted to pin Sergey to a back of an armchair. Meanwhile Sergey continued.

      “As for the metric area, it's okay. We did not apply for expansion. Our room was very big. Why are you looking at me? Yes, there are such big rooms in the center in the old apartments. Of course, we with mum would like to live in a separate apartment. But I forgot to say the aunt was ten years elder than my mum and she had a diabetes. It is a shame to speak about it but we thought she would die earlier than … in general you have understood me. And such apartment in the center you know how much it costs. Mum who was born in an old city doesn't want to move.

      And the aunt … the aunt was ill, never married, had neither the husband nor children. The lonely, sick woman… We signed the contract about trusteeship. Without any details, such contract as we look after her and her room after her death comes to us. It is disgusting!” he said suddenly. “It is disgusting to be interested in someone's death! This woman became to me a close relative! Mum worked all day long earning money alone and it was hard. She wanted to give me a good education. But the aunt … While mum went on private lessons, the aunt warmed up meal for me, met me from school and then from the institute, mended my socks, ironed shirts. And after that I wished her death! It is disgusting!” he repeated again and got one more cigarette from the pack.

      “But that's not your fault.” Lida said suddenly.” That's life which puts us in … such …” and she hushed up “circumstances.”

      “Yes, but we should stay people under any circumstances.” Sergey answered smoking. “Excuse me, I am nervous.” and then he added. “She died one day after mum.”

      “Who died? “ Arthur didn't understand him.

      “The aunt who had diabetes died one day after the woman who considered herself absolutely healthy and did not go to doctors up to the last moment. I mean my mum. When at last she visited the doctors it was already late. "We couldn’t do anything." doctors told her. Last two years

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