The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798. Volume 09: the False Nun. Giacomo Casanova

The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, 1725-1798. Volume 09: the False Nun - Giacomo Casanova

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and pity me. May I hope that you will kindly grant me on Friday the pleasure of which I am so unfortunately deprived to-day? Let me know your answer by to-morrow. I wish ardently, in that case, to find you with the same guests, to whom I beg you will present my affectionate compliments."

      "Well," said M– M–, "it is not his fault. We will sup without him.Will you come on Friday?"

      "Yes, with the greatest pleasure. But what is the matter with you, dearC– C–? You look sad."

      "Sad, no, unless it should be for the sake of my friend, for I have never seen a more polite and more obliging gentleman."

      "Very well, dear, I am glad he has rendered you so sensible."

      "What do you mean? Could anyone be insensible to his merit?"

      "Better still, but I agree with you. Only tell me if you love him?"

      "Well, even if I loved him, do you think I would go and tell him?Besides, I am certain that he loves my friend."

      So saying, she sat down on M– M–'s knee, calling her her own little wife, and my two beauties began to bestow on one another caresses which made me laugh heartily. Far from troubling their sport, I excited them, in order to enjoy a spectacle with which I had long been acquainted.

      M– M– took up a book full of the most lascivious engravings, and said, with a significant glance in my direction:

      "Do you wish me to have a fire lighted in the alcove?"

      I understood her, and replied:

      "You would oblige me, for the bed being large we can all three sleep comfortably in it."

      I guessed that she feared my suspecting the ambassador of enjoying from the mysterious closet the sight of our amorous trio, and she wished to destroy that suspicion by her proposal.

      The table having been laid in front of the alcove, supper was served, and we all did honour to it. We were all blessed with a devouring appetite. While M– M– was teaching her friend how to mix punch, I was admiring with delight the progress made in beauty by C– C–.

      "Your bosom," I said to her, "must have become perfect during the last nine months."

      "It is like mine," answered M– M–, "would you like to see for yourself?"

      Of course I did not refuse. M– M– unlaced her friend, who made no resistance, and performing afterwards the same office upon herself, in less than two minutes I was admiring four rivals contending for the golden apple like the three goddesses, and which would have set at defiance the handsome Paris himself to adjudge the prize without injustice. Need I say what an ardent fire that ravishing sight sent coursing through my veins? I placed immediately an the table the Academie des Dames, and pointed out a certain position to M– M–, who, understanding my wishes, said to C– C– :

      "Will you, darling, represent that group with me?"

      A look of compliance was C– C–'s only answer; she was not yet inured to amorous pleasures as much as her lovely teacher. While I was laughing with delight, the two friends were getting ready, and in a few minutes we were all three in bed, and in a state of nature. At first, satisfied with enjoying the sight of the barren contest of my two bacchanalians, I was amused by their efforts and by the contrast of colours, for one was dark and the other fair, but soon, excited myself, and consumed by all the fire of voluptuousness, I threw myself upon them, and I made them, one after the other, almost faint away from the excess of love and enjoyment.

      Worn out and satiated with pleasure, I invited them to take some rest. We slept until we were awakened by the alarum, which I had taken care to set at four o'clock. We were certain of turning to good account the two hours we had then to spare before parting company, which we did at the dawn of day, humiliated at having to confess our exhaustion, but highly pleased with each other, and longing for a renewal of our delightful pleasures.

      The next day, however, when I came to think of that rather too lively night, during which, as is generally the case, Love had routed Reason, I felt some remorse. M– M– wanted to convince me of her love, and for that purpose she had combined all the virtues which I attached to my own affection—namely, honour, delicacy, and truth, but her temperament, of which her mind was the slave, carried her towards excess, and she prepared everything in order to give way to it, while she awaited the opportunity of making me her accomplice. She was coaxing love to make it compliant, and to succeed in mastering it, because her heart, enslaved by her senses, never reproached her. She likewise tried to deceive herself by endeavouring to forget that I might complain of having been surprised. She knew that to utter such a complaint I would have to acknowledge myself weaker or less courageous than she was, and she relied upon my being ashamed to make such a confession. I had no doubt whatever that the absence of the ambassador had been arranged and concerted beforehand. I could see still further, for it seemed evident to me that the two conspirators had foreseen that I would guess the artifice, and that, feeling stung to the quick, in spite of all my regrets, I would not shew myself less generous than they had been themselves. The ambassador having first procured me a delightful night, how could I refuse to let him enjoy as pleasant a one? My friends had argued very well, for, in spite of all the objections of my mind, I saw that I could not on my side put any obstacle in their way. C– C– was no impediment to them. They were certain of conquering her the moment she was not hindered by my presence. It rested entirely with M– M–, who had perfect control over her. Poor girl! I saw her on the high road to debauchery, and it was my own doing! I sighed when I thought how little I had spared them in our last orgie, and what would become of me if both of them should happen to be, by my doing, in such a position as to be compelled to run away from the convent? I could imagine both of them thrown upon my hands, and the prospect was not particularly agreeable. It would be an 'embarras de richesse'. In this miserable contest between reason and prejudice, between nature and sentiment, I could not make up my mind either to go to the supper or to remain absent from it. "If I go," said I to myself, "that night will pass with perfect decency, but I shall prove myself very ridiculous, jealous, ungrateful, and even wanting in common politeness: if I remain absent, C– C– is lost, at least, in my estimation, for I feel that my love will no longer exist, and then good-bye to all idea of a marriage with her." In the perplexity of mind in which I found myself, I felt a want of something more certain than mere probabilities to base my decision upon. I put on my mask, and repaired to the mansion of the French ambassador. I addressed myself to the gate-keeper, saying that I had a letter for Versailles, and that I would thank him to deliver it to the courier when he went back to France with his excellency's dispatches.

      "But, sir," answered the man, "we have not had a special courier for the last two months:"

      "What? Did not a special cabinet messenger arrive here last night?"

      "Then he must have come in through the garret window or down the chimney, for, on the word of an honest man, none entered through the gate."

      "But the ambassador worked all night?"

      "That may be, sir, but not here, for his excellency dined with theSpanish ambassador, and did not return till very late:"

      I had guessed rightly. I could no longer entertain any doubt. It was all over; I could not draw back without shame. C– C– must resist, if the game was distasteful to her; no violence would of course be offered to her. The die was cast!

      Towards evening I went to the casino of Muran, and wrote a short note to M– M–, requesting her to excuse me if some important business of M. de Bragadin's prevented me from spending the night with her and with our two friends, to whom I sent my compliments as well as my apologies. After that I returned to Venice, but in rather an unpleasant mood; to divert myself I went to the gaming table, and lost all night.

      Two days afterwards, being certain that a letter from M– M– awaited me at Muran, I went over, and the door-keeper handed me a parcel in which I found a note from my nun and a letter from C– C–, for everything was now in common between them.

      Here is C– C–'s letter."

      "We were very sorry, dearest friend, when we heard that we should not have the happiness of seeing you. My dear M– M–'s friend came shortly afterwards, and when he read your note he likewise

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