Economic crisis: Cosmos and people. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
a lot of water in the brain. Along with it Ca and Na are supported by potassium-sodium pump and constantly move through the membrane into the cell then move out of the cell. Here there is the greatest cell energy loss. The world-famous monograph "Cells" notes: "Most of the energy expended in establishing cell ion gradient is situated on the sides or the plasma membrane or internal membranes of the cell. For example, due to pump Na + \ Ka + – ATP creates a transmembrane gradient of Na + and Ka +. Electrochemical energy of transmembrane gradients of channels is used to generate electric charges, or other types of ion channel activation of intracellular signal transduction systems, as well as for monitoring or controlling the volume of the cell transport of fluids and electrolytes, '[19, p.104].
The concentration of the ions in the high magnetic susceptibility of blood cells is sufficiently high.
Therefore, the atoms and molecules are always responsive to the variation of the electromagnetic field.
At the molecular level the main thing for us is a DNA molecule, which is a consistent set of genes. A. Chizhevskiy, V. Stadolnik, B. Hvistendal collected scientific data showing the mutation of viruses from solar activity. But the virus is essentially a single gene, surrounded by a protein coat. Consequently, the DNA molecule is exposed to such impact. According to A. Chizhevskiy bacteria resonators are electromagnetic waves.
But is it only about the electromagnetic? And here come the interesting interweaving theories, hypotheses and scientific evidence [5, 40].
The relationship between variations in solar activity and the various manifestations of life among the inhabitants of the Earth had been pointed out by the eminent Swedish physical chemist S. Arrhenius. He was the author of the theory of electrolytic dissociation and was awarded by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Russian physicist F.N. Shwedov established the dependence of the growth of trees on the activity of the Sun. [46] Kazan bacteriologist S.T Velhover detected changes in staining and pathogenicity of some microorganisms in solar flares [12]. However, we should also take into consideration the founder of the Soviet scientist of heliobiology A. L Chizhevskiy [50-54]. His work shows those of changes in solar activity influence on the growth rate of annual tree rings, grain yield, reproduction and migration of insects, fish, animals, appearance and aggravation of a number of diseases in humans and live animals.
Heliobiology developed due to the efforts of many scientists. Entomologist N.S Shcherbinovsky noted the frequency of attacks of locusts with the 11-year solar cycle [55]. Hematologist N.A Schultz found differences in solar activity influences according to the number of leukocytes in the blood [49]. Italian physicist and chemist G. Piccardi discovered the influence of various physical factors, in particular changes in solar activity and the state of colloidal solutions [60]. Japanese hematologist M. Takata developed test on deposition of blood proteins that are sensitive to changes in solar activity [61]. In many works on extensive statistical material it is well established that increased frequency of sudden deaths and exacerbations of chronic diseases are associated with increased solar activity.
In the 90s G.I Shipov conjectured the existence of torsion fields, which arise as a result of rotation and have no obstacles in their distribution [47]. The hypothesis was simply necessary in explaining some experiments and facts. So, S.T Velhover watched the changing culture of diphtheria under the influence of solar activity back in the 30s and found out that under normal conditions it changed its properties up to 36 times per year. But the same effect can be observed in its lead shielding cap. However, at least it can change seven times per year. But it is still observed [12]. Based on these experiences, our scientist and epidemiologist, developer of the cosmogenic hypothesis of the origin of life and cycling in the biosphere V. N Yagodinsky came to the conclusion that DNA responds to changes in pervasive fields [33]. These fields of science have certain amounts of gravitational fields and some scientists also identify the torsion.
Even more surprising hypothesis belongs to the Russian genetics P.P Garyaev who develops a new direction – the wave genetics. He considers the genome of higher organisms as biological and graphical computer forming space-time structure of biological systems [13-15]. This hypothesis argues that much of the information in DNA is provided in the form of waves (considered acoustic, optical and torsion waves).
This whole area belongs to wave genetics. According to this theory, the individual gene grows through the hologram, which is present in every DNA. These ideas were developed by a whole galaxy of scientists. The pioneer of this research was the Chinese scholar Jiang Kandzhenja. Russian researchers Garyaev-Berezin-Vasiliev substantiated the concept – "GBW-model" (see Garyaev P.P, 1997, 2009).
The carriers of the field matrices act on the so-called solitons of DNA – a special kind of acoustic and electromagnetic fields produced by the genetic apparatus of the organism and capable of mediating function for communication between cells and tissues of the biological system. This theory is perceived differently by different schools. Especially that within the existing scientific theories, concepts, facts the influence of gravity and magnetic fields on the development of living is practically confirmed.
In studies of V. V Ostapov it is shown that it can go on standing waves that occur as a single whole of the spatial structure between the atoms forming the macromolecule DNA [36]. As we know, DNA is composed of molecules having a ring structure within which the motion circulates, creating all the well-known rule of thumb and axial movement, for example the magnetic moment. Complex, spatially distributed structure of these magnetic moments can not respond to changes in the external magnetic field.
Famous American molecular biologist Benjamin Lewin argues that genes have a torsion stress. "…The linking creates torsion stress in vivo. Its batting may averagely vary, and accurate measure of the density variation is extremely difficult. Yet it is clear that this level of voltage is enough to provide tangible effects on the structure of DNA …" [26, p.]. Another thing is that science does not have the means to measure at this level.
There is no process in the cell without "… the energy of transmembrane of electrochemical gradients that are used to generate electric charges." The concentration of the ions in the high magnetic susceptibility of blood cells is sufficiently high. Electromagnetic mechanisms at the cellular level is involved in "sorting" proteins, controlling the passage of substances into the cell nucleus and the information flows in cell division [19].
Many scientists acknowledged that information in the brain is transmitted on the plasma membrane of neurons and their processes of nerve impulses, which is nothing but the movement of electric charges, the potential of which reaches 70 microvolts. Moving electrical charges leads to the formation of magnetic fields. Neurons in the brain are surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which possess the properties of a colloidal solution and, in fact, is a mixture of electrolytes. All of these charged particles interact with each other and with external magnetic field.
Domestic scientist A.S Kholmanskii writes: “The currents in the neural structures of the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata can generate eddy magnetic fields in the structures of the pons and cerebellum … Exterior view of this education is the isomorphic model transformed by oscillatory circuit … Consequently, pacemakers reticular formation can resonantly tune the fluctuations in the standing of the EM wave geomagnetic field and of the regular perturbation of the geomagnetic field of the solar activity or planets "[42]. Our brains are like oscillation circuit that is in resonance with the magnetic fields of the Earth and other people as well as the Universe”.
Scientists express a different opinion about the existence of a specific mechanism of gravity perception. Some researchers reduce this mechanism to the presence of gravity receptors at the level of the temporal parts of the brain and the pineal gland. But there is a more radical point of view. It has been suggested that the energy of the gravitational field is perceived throughout the brain and the nervous system and the change of attraction of the person reacts at every cell of your body. After all, even without the nervous system most simple plants "know" where the top and the bottom are. And exactly the roots grow down and the stem up.
In humans the system interaction with the attraction is very diverse. Receptors that perceive the position of the human body in space are at risk of aid that the area of perception of long gravitational changes – pineal gland – is in the area of hormonal regulation. But these zones are also the "backbone" of the brain as a magnetic oscillating circuit. It