The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1. Аристофан

The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1 - Аристофан

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of Athens.


Shortly before the meeting of the Assembly, a number of young pigs were immolated and a few drops of their blood were sprinkled on the seats of the Prytanes; this sacrifice was in honour of Ceres.


The name, Amphitheus, contains the word, [Greek: Theos], god.


Amongst other duties, it was the office of the Prytanes to look after the wants of the poor.


The summer residence of the Great King.


Referring to the hardships he had endured garrisoning the walls of Athens during the Lacedaemonian invasions early in the War.


Cranaus, the second king of Athens, the successor of Cecrops.


Lucian, in his 'Hermotimus,' speaks of these golden mountains as an apocryphal land of wonders and prodigies.

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