Dynamic temporary physics. Valeryй Asadov
light speed, h – a Dirac constant,
R – body radius, distance to a point of measuring of time,
r – Gravitational radius of a body. When R – the body radius becomes less р time becomes subzero,
a – Viktorialnaja a stationary value equal of 1, 4711*109 gramm*sek/sm2,
v – Velocity, M – body Mass.
As a result of these two formulas “temporary flaw of masses of 1st and 2nd sort” comes to light. If the substance, for example magma, starts to rise with depth on a surface the proton starts to decrease in mass. Change of mass of one proton when it rises on a surface from depth of 1670 km and age of this stratum in 3,750 billion years from occurrence of the Earth, is equal 7,2*10—27 gramme either 6,47104*10—13 J. Or 4,03821 MeV or 1,5456*10—16 kcal. These phenomena are applicable to any planet or a star. The Universe germ is апейрон, terrain clearancely neutral, stable and long-living particle, from it arises the Universe (when it is necessary). Its mass is similar to mass планкеона. Планкеон is truly neutral particle which arises from айперона (contain with антипланкеон, it is the Antiuniverse) and there are only, to 1 сек, demarcations of metrics. After one second it already becomes a proton, and gradually changes the mass and density, they decrease, and here its radius is incremented. The proton mass how much decreases, the Universe mass is so incremented.
Formulas with 1 to 20 authors, and with 21 and further it is used formulas from different radiants and fields of knowledge and different sections of sciences.
Table №2. Formulas of dynamic temporary physics.
Table №3. Formulas of dynamic temporary physics.
Table №4. The formulas applied from different radiants.
Table №4. The formulas applied from different radiants. Continuation.
Tables №5 and 6.
Radiant of receipt of energy and substance the exterior. An accretion, usual effect of black holes.
Table №7—8. Parametres of a stationary value of Hubble, Avogadro. Table №8. Parametres of mass, density and quantity of protons
Fig. 3. Dialogue of scientists, usual. Very active.
Systems of the Universe. Here it is told, how has occurred and under what laws the Universe lives and develops. Also the gradual and consecutive deduction of all applied formulas in the dynamic physics is in detail shown. There is a major Universe, it too a black hole, but already at other level, to us yet the accessible. Systems of the Universe. Here it is told, how has occurred and under what laws the Universe lives and develops. Also the gradual and consecutive deduction of all applied formulas in the dynamic physics is in detail shown. In it is sets of the next Universe. And in each such Universe there are parallel Universe. From the next Universe, it is impossible to move, from one in another. And in each such Universe, is the parallel Universe. In the parallel Universe there is a possibility to transfer from one in another. How the parallel Universe are gained. At a Universe birth two Universe are formed, one in another, differ only with signs. There the proton has a sign a minus, and an electron a plus-sign, that is it is the Antiuniverse. After 1 second from a Universe birth, there is a change of physical laws, metrics space and time. It проваляется as well that the Universe has a reason. It is 6th view of reason individually – quantitative. It is the highest view of reason. In more details all it is stated in operation “the Law and the formula of occurrence of reason”. And then there are cloning, parallel Universe. And the parallel worlds arise because of a fork of events and time. They arise in very restricted space, and differ that some historical events at them have gone on other trajectory. And separates it from our world, that time lags behind ours for 1 second. It is a barrier of time us separating.
Fig. 4. So our Universe in the Major Universe looks.
And the next Universe, the perpetual quantity. But we will study, and to be unmade only from our Universe, to it of all just 291,6 billion years. And still it is necessary to tell that in the major Universe, are also germs of the Universe. Such small particles (egg of the Universes), it is Apejron. At it mass only 1,539*10—5 gramme. Them there uncountable set. And from each such particle one Universe, with the whole heap subsequently, the parallel Universe can be born. And when one of them (Апейрон) gains a command on insert (a Universe birth). Апейрон is terrain clearancely neutral particle. After start it is parted on two, truly neutral particles – планкеон and антипланкеон, one in other, occupy one, and too space, but are parted by time – plus and subzero. That is two Universes occupying one, and too space, as though enclosed one in another. Планкеон, after a birth, starts to yield similar under the reproduction law. Cloning, till 1 second. But it does not mean infringements of the law of conservation of energy and a substance. Energy and a substance arrive, is continuous from the major Universe. An accretion of black holes. Simultaneously creating particles, space and time, therefore also there was no need and necessities in сингулярности and major explosion. That is, time there was a substance appears both space and time. The reference point is. There is a Universe centre, whence there is an expansion from centre to Universe edge. Our Universe is not so perpetual, as it is accepted to think. Because it a small slice of such Major Perpetual Universe.
Under the formula (10)
The formula 10. Dependence of mass of a proton on Universe mass.
The Universe and proton mass is interconnected, the mass a proton the Universe mass is so incremented how much decreases. The constant – g, is a constant, product of masses of a proton and the Universe =3,10803*1033 грамм^2
=Tgr=1 second is one and too value,
Мо – Universe mass. =1,857*1057 gramme. – ml mass планкеона (proton) – 1,539*10—5 gramme.
Dirac constant. A c-velocity of light.
Time of a birth of the Universe. t=7,6234*10—44 second
Gravity constant. y=6,6719677*10—8 sm^3/грамм*сек^2
g – a reproduction constant. =3,10803*1033 грамм^2
T – the Age of the Universe pays off under the formula – (2),
mp –