How to tame your demons. And become the master of your thoughts. Rustam Ksenofontov
How to tame your demons
And become the master of your thoughts
Rustam Ksenofontov
© Rustam Ksenofontov, 2018
ISBN 978-5-4493-7490-5
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
I would like to thank my mentors who taught me a lot, especially Mr. Bodo Schaefer, Mr. Brian Tracy and Mr. Anthony Robbins. Their books and books written by other amazing writers helped me to choose my life journey.
Thanks to my students – I have learned from them a lot while working as karate trainer for 20 years. Thanks to my friends – you supported me, when i was writing this book, and that gave me strength to continue.
Also I`d like to say thank you to all the people who helped me with the creation of this book. And I express my respect to all the readers, especially to those, for whom this book becomes useful.
My congratulations and excitement, dear reader!
You`re reading this book and that means you have decided to find the way to fulfil your dream. Probably, you have already understood, that this way is not easy; but only by overcoming challenges you can achieve the best results.
This book is dedicated to the heroes looking for their place in the world. Its goal is to teach the reader to control their inner attention and shift it as necessary: e.g. from the negative focus to the positive one or from the slackness to efficiency. By controlling attention one can learn to shift their thoughts from the category of kings to the category of loyal servants and then (only then!) one will be able to act according their true desires without reference to their fears and quirks.
The characters of the book are fictional, but techniques and tips are very real. The book is done as an exciting story, what helps to process information easily (I will go so far as to say effortlessly). The special book size allows to make important notes right there, what makes it convenient for self-study.
As long as positive habits will not become ingrained in everyday live, the book will be a loyal helper and trustworthy friend.
I am happy that I have the opportunity to share experience and knowledge that will help to realize your natural potential. Enjoy your reading and successful learning of all useful skills, that mentioned here. They help you to tame your demons (fears, bad habits limiting your beliefs) and make them into your allies on the way towards dream.
Sincerely, the author.
A hard beat on the cheek
No sooner have I understand what is happening, unusually strong hands grabbed me by the collar and leveled me up without effort, as if my weight was less than 80 kilograms. I tried to discern the holder of this unlimited power, but when I saw him, I was so shocked that even lost the desire to resist and make sense out of it completely.
I didn’t see the familiar look in those eyes – there was endless, deep Universe full of countless stars. The scale of what I saw was limited only by my mind. I couldn’t look up from those eyes and say even a word – at that moment I became feeble-minded and helpless. Not giving me a chance to regain consciousness this creature said with a cosmic voice:
– Stardust, today is the day! Decide: to die disgraceful or resurrect as a king!
After that the creature threw me off from itself at whim and I felt as if thousands of horse pulled me away and dragged at incredible speed.
At this moment the dream stopped short…
Suddenly Farooq woke up, but still was startled for some time. After that, he looked around, sat on the bed, came around a little and said out loud:
– What a strange dream…
Staring straight before himself, the man started to recollect some details of the dream. At that time the beautiful spring sun was already brightening the town called Mirad, going up higher on the small sand-colored houses and narrow streets. Our character lived in this town. His name was Farooq and not so long ago he had turned 35 years old.
He could sleep a little bit longer, but after such awakening he didn’t want to, that’s why he was wrapped up in understanding of the dream. He kept thinking about the creature’s words.
– “Only few words were said – but how much it meant!”, – was thinking Farooq while sitting on the bed.
Suddenly, out of the blue he understood. He realized the meaning of the strange dream and shouted:
– “It’s time to change my life, otherwise I will get through life disgraceful!”
At the same time, he thought about the spent time, when he hadn’t done anything meaningful, hadn’t excelled in anything. Life is so short!…
Of course, before that, Farooq also had thought about it, as much as about changes and death. But he had preferred to believe that when his time came, the doctors would find universal remedy, which he would use and become almost immortal.
But this morning the youthful thoughts changed, the veil, where the death anxiety had been hiding for all this time, was opened. The terror came with the understanding: life would flee sadly, without dreams and great goals.
Farooq felt that he was short of breath. Panicking, he jumped off the bed, washed himself and drank some water. And then came out in the yard and said watching in the sky and not getting the reason of his sufferings:
– What have I done to deserve this? In my dreams I’m a great speaker, spreading good words to million people, giving them opportunities. But in reality I’m just a mason, whose words are not heard by himself sometimes.
Emotions invaded him, tears rained down his cheeks – tears of sadness because of emptiness of past years, careless attitude towards life and thoughts about the great gift he got – ability to tread the ground, breathe in the amazing air – but didn’t appreciate, grieving for nothing and throwing in the towel without any reason.
That is not how he had imagined his life.
Calmed down a little, Farooq pulled himself together and felt unusual peace like an angel touched him with the wing. It was an incredible feeling – he felt neither fear nor regret, only great sense of peace, spreading through his body. After sitting for some time calmly Farooq wiped tears, stood up and said in a loud hard voice:
– From now on my path will lead me to greatness, my voice will be heard by millions, and each of my word I will fill with knowledge so that their weight will be thousand times more than the weight of any star in the Universe.
After colossal shocks in the morning Farooq made nice coffee, drank it, changed the clothes and went for a walk. He was so passionate about his thoughts that didn’t notice the wonderful spring weather, singing birds or even people passing by.
An hour gone by and suddenly Farooq’s attention was caught by a man, walking towards him. It was a middle-aged man in a great shape, but our character somehow felt that this man bore his age well. The man’s face seemed familiar, and gazing into his face, Farooq recognized him. He knew that man for a long time, a little bit later he remembered that the man is his father’s friend.
– Iwas, it’s you! – shouted Farooq to see if he was right. And heard the answer immediately:
– Yes, who’s asking? Do we know each other? – the man looked at Farooq’s face but didn’t recognize him.
– It’s me, Farooq, Lear’s son.
– No way! Lear’s son? – cried Iwas and gave a hug to Farooq. – My best friend’s son! Oh, what a lucky meeting!
Farooq smiled silently, seeing the old friend’s unaffected joy.
– How are you, my friend? Very happy to meet you! Much time has passed since last time I saw