How to tame your demons. And become the master of your thoughts. Rustam Ksenofontov

How to tame your demons. And become the master of your thoughts - Rustam Ksenofontov

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decision to change his life.

      – The meeting with Iwas, who has become his mentor.

      – The first task, with which he copes easily and with pleasure.

      What did not?

      – Almost rejected the Iwas’s offer to study because of the fear of doing poor job.

      What should be done to improve this situation?

      Act, in spite of fear. As the saying goes, the best antidote fear is an action.

      – Tried to put the task off and do it in more reasonable conditions, that is after sleeping, relaxing, having a bite and setting my mind on doing it.

      It’s an excuse. With such an attitude I will never do this task or the conditions, in which I will do it, will be the same or worse.

      What should be done to improve this situation?

      Start doing the exercise as soon as possible, not paying attention to any unconstructive doubts. Where inconvenient to do the whole exercise, I need to do a part of it, so I won’t put it into cold storage.

      – My doubts: “Is it right to start this training?”

      “Should I spend my time on it?” Because if we start our training, I’ll need to do different tasks in the evenings, but sometimes I just want to rest and do nothing.

      What should be done to improve this situation?

      Change the mood on “the proof of the pudding is in the eating. if it doesn’t help, I still will be the winner, because I’ll get invaluable experience.


      After the first meeting Farooq liked the first task, effectively helping to clear mind from doubts and fears, so, that he looked forward to the new one. At that moment our character understood, that conscious education differs a lot from the compulsory, formal one. Now he thirsted for new knowledge and applied them practically; in school he had got new knowledge, but he could use it only in many years, at the best case, but at the worst – simply forget them.

      This evening Farooq came a little bit earlier than his mentor, ordered the fruit tea, went to the same room and asked the host, welcoming guests, to conduct his mentor to the room. The host remembered them after the first meeting well and nodded in approval for his request.

      Iwas came a little bit later, but also earlier than at a pre-scheduled time. The mentor was pleasantly surprised, seeing that his student is already waiting for him.

      – How are you, Farooq? – started the mentor after the greetings.

      – Fine, – answered Farooq, took a sip of the tea and continued, – In fact. I was looking forward to our next meeting to begin the next task and tell you about the exercise “Day evaluation”. Every evening I made the evaluation: it turned out to be a great task, which helped me to look at me day from the outside and find out my habits – the strong one and those, that need to be improved.

      – That’s great! – said Iwas, – this is one of the goals of the first exercise.

      Taking a sip of the delicious fruit tea, mentor continued:

      – Dear friend, with your permission I’d like to call you “student” during our training, it will allow me to be responsible while teaching you.

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