A Neighbor’s Lie. Блейк Пирс
a beer. For now.”
Riggins waved the bartender over and had him add Chloe’s first drink to his tab. Riggins himself was drinking rum and Coke, of which he ordered a second when he ordered Chloe’s drink.
“How was your first day?” Chloe asked.
“It was okay. Most of my day was research for a case involving an interstate drug runner. It sounds boring but I actually enjoyed it a lot. So how was a full day with Rhodes by your side?” Riggins asked. “Sure, wrapping that case must have been great but she already has a reputation for being hard to handle.”
“It was pretty tense. She’s a great agent but…”
“Say it,” Riggins said. “I can’t call her a bitch because I don’t like calling a woman a bitch in front of another woman.”
“She’s not a bitch,” Chloe said. “She’s just very direct and thorough.”
Their conversation went on for a bit longer and it was all very casual. Chloe snuck a few peeks over in the direction of Agent Moulton. One of the women had left, leaving him to speak with only one. He was leaning in close and smiling. Chloe tended to be a little naive when it came to relationships, but she was pretty sure Moulton was enamored with the woman.
This disappointed her in a way she had not been expecting. It had only been two months since she and Steven had called things off. She assumed she was only interested in Moulton because he’d been the first friendly face that had bothered speaking to her after Johnson had pulled the rug out from under her feet. That, plus the idea of heading back to her new apartment all alone was not appealing. The fact that he was incredibly good-looking also played a part as well.
Yeah, it was a mistake to come out. I can drink for much cheaper at home.
“You okay?” Riggins asked.
“Yeah, I think so. It’s just been a long day. And tomorrow is shaping up to be just as long.”
“You driving or walking home?”
“Eh…I better not offer to buy you another drink, huh?”
Chloe smiled in spite of herself. “That’s very responsible of you.”
She stole a glance back over toward Moulton and the woman he had been speaking to. They were currently both getting to their feet. As they made their way toward the door, Moulton gently placed his hand along the woman’s lower back.
“Can I ask what got you started down a road that led to a career like this?” Riggins asked.
She smiled nervously and finished off her beer. “Family issues,” she answered. “Thanks for inviting me out, Riggins. But I need to get back home.”
He nodded as if he understood. She also noted that he slowly looked around the bar and saw that he was the only one that would be remaining. It made her think that maybe Riggins had some ghosts of his own that he was wrestling with.
“Take care, Agent Fine. May tomorrow be as successful as today.”
She made her exit, already making plans for how to finish out her night. She still had boxes to unpack, a bedframe to put together, and an assortment of laundry and kitchen odds and ends to put away.
Not quite the exciting life I was expecting, she thought with a bit of sarcasm.
As she made her way to her car, still parked in the parking garage beneath FBI headquarters, her phone rang. When she saw the name on the display, rage flushed through her and she almost ignored it completely.
Steven. She had no idea why he would even be calling. And that’s why she decided to answer. She knew that if she didn’t, the mystery of it all would drive her crazy.
She answered the call, not liking how nervous she instantly felt. “Hello, Steven.”
“Chloe. Hey.”
She waited, hoping he’d just dive into whatever he had called for. But it had never been like Steven to get right to the point.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, everything is fine. Sorry…I didn’t even think about how me calling you might make you think…”
He trailed off here, reminding Chloe of one of the many little annoying traits he had never realized about himself.
“What do you need, Steven?”
“I want to get together to talk,” he said. “Just to sort of reconnect and check in on each other, you know?”
“I don’t think so. That wouldn’t be the best idea.”
“There’s no ulterior motives here,” he said. “I promise. I just…I feel like there are things I need to apologize for. And I need…well, I think we need closure, you know?”
“Speak for yourself. Things are pretty much closed for me. No closure needed.”
“Fine. Then consider it a favor. I just want like half an hour. There are some things I’d like to get off my chest. And if I’m being honest…I’d just like to see you one more time.”
“Steven…I’m busy. My life is crazy right now, and…”
She stopped, not even sure where to go from there. And really, it wasn’t like she had this massive social calendar that would prevent her from seeing him. She knew that for Steven to make such a call was huge. He was having to humble himself, which was not something he had ever done well.
“Fine. Half an hour. But I’m not coming to you. If you want to see me, you’ll have to come to DC. Things are crazy here right now and I can’t—”
“I can do that. When’s a good time for you?”
“Saturday. Lunchtime. I’ll text you a place for lunch.”
“Sounds good. Thanks so much, Chloe.”
“You’re welcome.” She felt that there was more she should say, anything to ease the tension. But in the end, all she said was “Bye, Steven.”
She ended the call and pocketed her phone. She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d only caved because she was in a rather lonely position. She thought of Agent Moulton and wondered where he and his lady friend had gone off to. More than that, she wondered why she was so hung up on it.
She reached her car and drove home as the streets of DC began to darken toward night. It was a remarkable city; despite the congestion and weird blend of history and commerce, it was somehow beautiful all the same. It set her into a melancholy state as she headed to her apartment—an empty new apartment in a location she had felt fortunate to find but that now felt like some isolated island calling her home.
When her phone stirred her awake the following morning, it pulled her out of the haze of a dream. She tried snatching at the tendrils of it as it escaped but then stopped, wondering if it was even worth it. The only dreams she’d had as of late involved her father, stranded and alone in prison.
She thought she could even hear his voice humming some old Johnny Cash tune he’d often sung around their apartment when she’d been a little girl. “A Boy Named Sue,” she thought. Or maybe not. All of those songs started to sound the same.
Still, “A Boy Named Sue” was in her head when she slapped at her nightstand for her phone. As she yanked her phone from its charger, she saw that her clock read 6:05—just twenty-five minutes before she had set her alarm to go off.
“This is Agent Fine,” she answered.
“Agent Fine, it’s Assistant Director Garcia. I need you in my office right away. Shoot for within the hour. I’ve got a case I need you and Agent Rhodes on as soon as possible this morning.”
“Yes, sir,” she said, sitting up. “I’ll be there right away.”
In the moment, she didn’t care that it was another day with Rhodes. All