Ironcrown Moon: Part Two of the Boreal Moon Tale. Julian May

Ironcrown Moon: Part Two of the Boreal Moon Tale - Julian  May

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       You misunderstand

      ‘And don’t think you can circumvent my safeguards against your coercive talents by invading my agents’ dreams! You’ll never countermand my orders that way. The Brothers were trained in my own somnial defensive techniques before they ever left the abbey. No one can speak to them in dreams unless they consent. But I daresay you’ve already found that out for yourself, or you wouldn’t be trying to trick me!’

       Kilian, please believe that I’d never betray our agreement and try to seize the trove for myself.

      ‘Of course you would, my boy. Neither of us has ever trusted the other. That will never change until we’ve successfully divided Darasilo’s sigils, and overcome the obstacles that now prevent either of us from utilizing their sorcery.’

       Just listen to me. Let me explain why I need more time. I don’t want to offer our bargain to the Salka until I learn more about the Unknown Potency’s effect upon the Beaconfolk themselves. The stone does more than liberate sigils from the Lights’ control and abolish bonding. I’m certain of that. This ancient document tablet that I’ve found may reveal why the Potency was created in the first place. There’s something in it about an intention to sever the Lights’ ability to meddle in the affairs of earthbound beings such as ourselves.

      ‘Depriving us of Beaconfolk sorcery altogther? I don’t much like the sound of that!’

       I’m more interested in the possibility that the tablet might confirm what we’ve only assumed must be true – that the Unknown’s power may enable me to utilize liberated sigils with impunity!

      ‘And so you shall. I thought you were already convinced of it. If the Lights lose their ability to feed on the pain of sigil-wielders, if they’re compelled to deliver sorcery without demanding a price, there is no way they can harm you. Their curse is effectively annulled.’

       I must make certain What good will my half of Darasilo’s Trove do me if the curse still holds good? I’ll tell you one thing: if I can’t have mine, I won’t help you get yours. And neither will I free you of your iron gammadion!

      ‘Calm yourself.’

       Once I leave Dawntide Citadel, I’ll never have access to these Salka archives again.

      ‘Then take the tablet in question along with you when you go. Puzzle out its contents later, on the voyage to Didion.’

       I can’t take the bloody thing away. I can hardly lift it. It’s a stone slab the size of a cartwheel, jam-packed with inscriptions, and if the monsters knew I’d stolen it they’d probably slaughter me out of hand…or do worse.

      ‘Copy the wording.’

       I haven’t the proper materials to make a rubbing, and there’s too much on the tablet to simply write it down. The only parchment available in this benighted place are the fragile sheets I make myself from baby sealskin. I have only a few of those left.

      ‘Don’t forget that Darasilo’s Trove includes two arcane books written in the Salka tongue, in addition to the large collection of inactive stones. The books’ subject matter deals with sigils, beyond a doubt. I could tell that from the illustrations, even though I’m unable to read the Salka language. One of those books may very well contain the information you seek.’

       Why should I take a chance? I’m going to postpone leaving here until I translate the tablet. That’s final. You do as you please and be damned.

      ‘Beynor, you’ve forgotten the other important reason why we dare not delay. The king of Didion and his family will begin their progress upriver from Holt Mallburn on the day after the Solstice, as they do every year. There’s only one suitable spot for our ambush – just below Boarsden Castle at Boar Creek, where there are fierce rapids and an exceptionally deep eddy. It will take the royal party no more than six days to reach that point in their voyage, making the traditional stops along the way. Six days, Beynor! Barely enough time for you and the Salka assassins to get there and organize yourselves, since they won’t be able to swim at full speed once they’re in the river. If our amphibian friends aren’t in place, ready to attack, we’ll be forced to revise the Didion part of our scheme drastically – or abandon it altogether.’

       Getting the Salka to kill King Honigalus and his family is a needless complication, Kilian. I’ve said that from the beginning.

      ‘And I’ve told you why it’s an absolutely essential step in the destruction of the Sovereignty.’

       Well –

      ‘Pull yourself together and keep your mind concentrated on the great goal that’s finally within our grasp! I’ve done what I promised to do, putting my agents into Cala Palace without getting caught. Your task dealing with the Salka has been more difficult, I’ll grant you, but you’re the bravest, most audacious young man I’ve ever known. This is why I’ve been willing to place my own life and hopes in your hands. Listen to me, Beynor! We may never love one another as father and son, yet we are bound together by our mutual ambition more closely than by any tie of blood. Only together can we exploit Darasilo’s Trove. Only together can we dupe the Salka into assisting us to bring down Conrig’s Sovereignty. Only together can we rule.’

       Damn your eyes!

      ‘Bless yours, my boy – and may you use them to see straight ahead and avoid distractions! I have every confidence in you. Don’t let me down.’

       …Very well. I’ll arrange to meet with the Four Eminences immediately.

      ‘Excellent. I know you’ll convince them. Put your mind at ease.’

       Huh! That’s hardly possible –given that I must shortly confront a pack of inhuman brutes who may well decide to torture me in creatively gruesome ways, rather than strike a bargain.

      ‘Salka minds work more slowly than ours and are deficient in imagination. It’s more likely that the monsters will pretend to accede to the proposal while planning to break faith with you later. We can deal with that easily enough. Don’t take it amiss, but it’s a good thing that the Salka think you a pathetic failure, cursed by the Lights, with only a few puny magical powers left. The arrogant boobies are bound to underestimate you and let their guard down.’

       You state the facts with tactless candor, for one who was once first counselor to a king and now lives in disgrace, under a deferred sentence of death, stripped of all magical talent by the iron hanging around your neck.

      ‘Don’t be so touchy. Neither of us can afford wounded pride. Together we may possibly rule the world. Apart we’re doomed.’

       No more word games, Kilian. It’s time for me to go.

      ‘Before you do, we must discuss your sister. My agents in Cala Palace will do their utmost to disguise their real objective. But if Conrig suspects that either of us might have caused the trove to be stolen, he might pressure Conjure-Queen Ullanoth to put us under close observation. Even worse, he could ask her to trace my agents. No ordinary talent is able to scry the moonstones, but her Subtle Loophole sigil can.’

       Conrig would never let the Conjure-Queen know about Darasilo’s Trove. He’d be afraid she ‘d covet it for herself.

      ‘I suppose you’re right. But the king might use some pretext –’

       Ulla hasn’t spied on me with Loophole since the incident last year that nearly cost her life. I’ve been assured of this by Master Kalawnn himself. That particular sigil is the most powerful one she possesses, and the price of its conjuring is tremendous. Unless Conrig tells her that we might have stolen a secret hoard of inactive moonstones, she’ll refuse to endanger her health and sanity by using Loophole to watch us or my men.


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