Cecelia Ahern 2-Book Bestsellers Collection: One Hundred Names, PS I Love You. Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern 2-Book Bestsellers Collection: One Hundred Names, PS I Love You - Cecelia  Ahern

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‘I don’t agree with silly celebrations blah blah blah I’m a sap blah blah blah. He really is a Dick.’

      Sharon laughed at her friend sounding like a ten-year-old. ‘OK, so he’s an evil monster of a being who deserves to burn in hell!’

      Holly paused. ‘Well, I wouldn’t go that far, Sharon …’

      Sharon laughed. ‘Oh, I just can’t please you at all, can I?’

      Holly smiled weakly. Gerry would know exactly how she was feeling, he would know exactly what to say and exactly what to do. He would give her one of his famous hugs and all her problems would melt away. She grabbed a pillow from her bed and hugged it tight. She couldn’t remember the last time she had hugged someone, really hugged someone. And the depressing thing was that she couldn’t imagine ever embracing anyone the same way again.

      ‘Helloooo? Earth to Holly? You still there or am I talking to myself again?

      ‘Oh, sorry, Sharon, what did you say?’

      ‘I said have you given any more thought to this karaoke business?’

      ‘Sharon!’ Holly yelped. ‘No more thought is required on that subject.’

      ‘OK, calm down, woman! I was just thinking that we could hire a karaoke machine and set it up in your living room. That way, you’ll be doing what he wants minus the embarrassment! What do you think?’

      ‘No, Sharon, it’s a great idea but it won’t work; he wants me to do it in Club Diva, wherever that is.’

      ‘Ah! So sweet! Because you’re his disco diva?’

      ‘I think that was the general idea,’ Holly said miserably.

      ‘Ah! That’s a lovely idea, although Club Diva? Never heard of it.’

      ‘Well, that’s that settled then. If no one knows where it is, then I just can’t do it, can I?’ Holly said, satisfied she had found a way out.

      They both said their goodbyes but as soon as Holly had hung up, the phone rang again.

      ‘Hi, sweetheart.’

      ‘Mum!’ Holly said accusingly.

      ‘Oh God, what have I done now?’

      ‘I received a little visit from your evil son today and I’m not very happy.’

      ‘Oh, I’m sorry, dear, I tried to call you earlier to tell you he was on his way over but I kept getting that bloody answering machine. Do you ever turn your phone on?’

      ‘That is not the point, Mum.’

      ‘I know, I’m sorry. Why, what did he do?’

      ‘He opened his mouth. There lies the problem in itself.’

      ‘Oh no, and he was so excited about giving you that present.’

      ‘Well, I’m not denying the fact that the present was very nice and thoughtful but he said some of the most insulting things without batting an eyelid!’

      ‘Do you want me to talk to him for you?’

      ‘No, it’s OK; we’re big boys and girls now. But thanks, anyway. So what are you up to?’ Holly was anxious to change the subject.

      ‘Ciara and I are watching a Denzel Washington film. Ciara thinks she’s going to marry him someday,’ Elizabeth laughed.

      ‘I am too!’ Ciara shouted in the background.

      ‘Well, sorry to burst her little bubble but tell her he’s already married.’

      ‘He’s married, honey,’ Elizabeth passed on the message.

      ‘Hollywood marriages …’ Ciara mumbled.

      ‘Are the two of you on your own?’ Holly asked.

      ‘Frank is down the pub and Declan is at college.’

      ‘College? But it’s ten o’clock at night!’ Holly laughed. Declan was probably out somewhere doing something illegal and using college as an excuse. She didn’t think her mum would be so gullible to believe that line, especially after having four other children.

      ‘Oh, he’s a very hard worker when he puts his mind to it, Holly. He’s working on some project. I don’t know what it is; I don’t listen half the time.’

      ‘Mmm,’ Holly replied, not believing a word of it.

      ‘Anyway, my future son-in-law is back on television so I must be off,’ Elizabeth laughed. ‘Would you like to come round and join us?’

      ‘Thanks but no, I’m OK here.’

      ‘All right, love, but if you change your mind you know where we are. Bye, dear.’

      Back to her empty, silent house.

      Holly woke up the next morning still fully dressed and lying on her bed. She could feel herself slipping into her old habits again. All her positive thoughts of the past few weeks were melting away bit by bit every day. It was so bloody tiring trying to be happy all the time and she just didn’t have the energy any more. Who cared if the house was a mess? Nobody but she was going to see it, and she certainly didn’t care one way or the other. Who cared if she didn’t wear make-up or wash for a week? She had no intention of impressing anyone. The only guy she was seeing regularly was the pizza delivery boy, and she even had to tip him to make him smile. Who bloody cared?

      Her phone vibrated beside her, signalling a text message. It was from Sharon.

      Club Diva no 36700700

      Think bout it. Wud b fun.

      Do it 4 Gerry?

      Gerry’s bloody dead, she felt like texting back. But ever since she had begun opening the envelopes he didn’t feel dead to her. It was as though he was just away on holiday and he was writing her letters so he wasn’t really gone. Well, the very least she could do was ring the club and suss out the situation. That didn’t mean she had to go through with it.

      She dialled the number and a man answered. She couldn’t think of anything to say and quickly hung up again. Oh, come on, Holly, she told herself, it’s really not that difficult. Just say a friend is interested in singing.

      Holly braced herself and pressed redial.

      The same voice answered, ‘Club Diva.’

      ‘Hi, I was wondering if you do karaoke nights there?’

      ‘Yes, we do. They are on a …’ she heard him leafing through some pages, ‘yeah, sorry, they’re on a Thursday.’


      ‘No, sorry, sorry, hold on …’ He leafed through some pages again. ‘No, they’re on a Tuesday night.’

      ‘Are you sure?’

      ‘Yes, they are definitely on a Tuesday.’

      ‘OK, em, well, I was wondering if, em …’ Holly took a deep breath and began the sentence again. ‘My friend might be interested in singing and she was wondering what she would have to do?’

      There was a long pause on the other end.

      ‘Hello?’ Was this person stupid?

      ‘Yeah, sorry, I don’t actually organise the karaoke nights so …’

      ‘OK.’ Holly was losing her temper. It had taken a lot to summon up the courage to actually make the call and some underqualified unhelpful little twit wasn’t going to ruin it for her. ‘Well, is there anyone there who might have a clue?’

      ‘Eh, no, there isn’t. The club isn’t actually open yet. It’s very early in the morning still,’ came the sarcastic response.

      ‘Well, thank you very much. You’ve been a terrific help,’ she matched

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