Cecelia Ahern 2-Book Valentine Collection: PS I Love You, Where Rainbows End. Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern 2-Book Valentine Collection: PS I Love You, Where Rainbows End - Cecelia  Ahern

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my idea.’

      ‘That’s all very well,’ Holly heard her dad yelling, ‘but I’m not paying for all those people to eat.’

      ‘He has a point,’ Holly added. ‘Tell you what, why don’t we have a barbecue? That way Dad can be in his element and it won’t be so expensive.’

      ‘Hey, that’s a cool idea!’ Ciara screamed away from the phone once again, ‘Dad, what about having a barbecue?’

      There was a silence.

      ‘He’s loving that idea,’ Ciara came back. ‘Mr Super Chef will once again cook for the masses.’

      Holly smirked at the thought. Her dad got so excited when they had barbecues; he took the whole thing incredibly seriously and stood by the grill constantly, watching over his wonderful creations. Gerry had been like that too. What was it with men and barbecues? Probably because it was the only way that the two of them could actually cook. Either that or they were closet pyromaniacs.

      ‘So will you tell Sharon and John, Denise and her DJ bloke, and will you ask that Daniel guy to come too? He’s yummy!’ Ciara demanded.

      ‘Ciara, I hardly know the guy. Ask Declan to ask him; he sees him all the time.’

      ‘No, because I want you to subtly tell him that I love him and want to have his babies. Somehow I don’t think Declan would feel very comfortable doing that.’

      Holly groaned.

      ‘Stop it!’ Ciara gave out. ‘He’s my birthday treat!’

      ‘OK,’ Holly gave in, ‘but why do you want all my friends there? What about your friends?’

      ‘Holly, I’ve lost contact with all my friends, I’ve been away for so long. And all my other friends are in Australia and the stupid bastards haven’t bothered to call me,’ Ciara huffed.

      Holly knew to whom she was specifically referring. ‘But don’t you think this would be a great opportunity to catch up with your old friends – you know, invite them to a barbecue? It’s a nice relaxed atmosphere.’

      ‘Yeah, right. What would I have to tell them when they start asking questions? Have you a job? Eh … no. Have you a boyfriend? Eh … no. Where do you live? Eh … actually I still live with my parents. How pathetic would I sound?’

      Holly gave up. ‘OK, whatever … Anyway I’ll call the others and …’

      Ciara had already hung up.

      Holly decided to get the most awkward phone call out of the way first and she dialled the number to Hogan’s.

      ‘Hello, Hogan’s.’

      ‘Hi, can I speak to Daniel Connolly, please?’

      ‘Yeah, hold on.’ She was put on hold and ‘Greensleeves’ belted out into her ear.


      ‘Hi, Daniel?’

      ‘Yeah, who’s this?’

      ‘It’s Holly Kennedy.’ She paced nervously around her bedroom, hoping he would recognise the name.

      ‘Who?’ he yelled as the noise in the background became louder.

      Holly dived on to her bed in embarrassment. ‘Holly Kennedy? Declan’s sister?’

      ‘Oh, Holly, hiya. Hold on a second while I go somewhere quieter.’

      Holly was stuck listening to ‘Greensleeves’ again, and she danced around her bedroom and started singing along.

      ‘Sorry, Holly,’ Daniel said, picking up the phone again. He started laughing. ‘You like “Greensleeves”?’

      Holly’s face went scarlet. ‘Em, no, not really.’ She couldn’t think of what else to say, then she remembered why she was ringing.

      ‘I was just ringing to invite you to a barbecue.’

      ‘Oh great, yeah, I would love to go.’

      ‘It’s Ciara’s birthday on Friday week – you know my sister, Ciara?’

      ‘Eh … yes, the one with the pink hair.’

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