Food Combining for Health Cookbook: Better health and weight loss with the Hay Diet. Jean Joice
in Table of Compatible Foods)
Apples, apricots (fresh and dried), cherries, pears, pineapples, grapes, grapefruit, lemons, oranges, peaches, nectarines, tangerines, satsumas, strawberries, raspberries and berries of all kinds.
Note Mushrooms, nuts, oils, raisins, cream cheese, butter, cream, soured cream and egg yolks combine with all meals. Milk and yoghurt and other milk products are not concentrated proteins and combine best with fruit and vegetables.
Weak tea, filter coffee (though not recommended), dandelion coffee, herb teas
Soft drinks: fresh tomato juice, apple juice, grape juice, fresh orange juice, fresh lemon or lime juice with water, fresh unsweetened grapefruit juice.
Spring water
Alcoholic drinks or carbonated waters are not recommended with an alkaline meal
Citrus Fruit and Apple Serves 2
A sharp and refreshing combination of flavours complemented by the warm flavour of cinnamon
2 cups/350g/12 oz red dessert apples, peeled and roughly chopped
1/3 cup/4 tbsps freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/3 cup/4 tbsps freshly squeezed orange juice
1/4–1/2 tsp ground (powdered) cinnamon honey or maple syrup to taste (optional)
1 Place the apple, lemon and orange juice in a food processor or blender, and blend to a smooth purée.
2 Stir in the cinnamon to taste, sweeten with a little honey or maple syrup if desired, then chill for 2–3 hours before serving.
Serve as a breakfast dish, or as a dessert topped with yoghurt, cream or ice-cream.
Rather than purée the fruit mixture, you can just toss the apples in the lemon, orange juice and cinnamon and serve at once.
Melon Crush Makes 570ml/1 pt (US-21/2 cups)
For those who do not favour a substantial breakfast, this drink gets the day off to a good start
1 × 675g/11/2 1b Melon (Galia melons are particularly delicious for this recipe, but other varieties are also suitable – make sure your melon is very ripe)
1 Halve the melon and remove the seeds.
2 Scoop out the flesh, place in a food processor or blender, then blend until smooth and creamy. Chill. We drink the juice like this, but if you prefer a thinner drink add a little water to adjust the consistency.
Add a sprinkling of ground (powdered) ginger for a ‘sharper’ flavour.
Melon should always be eaten alone as a single meal, so do not combine this drink with any other foods.
Pineapple, Apricot and Sultana (Golden Seedless Raisin) Muesli (Granola) Makes 450g/1lb (US3 cups)
2/3 cup/75g/3 oz dried pineapple, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup/75g/3 oz dried apricots, cut into small pieces
1/3 cup/50g/2 oz sultanas (golden seedless raisins)
1/2 cup/50g/2 oz pumpkin seeds, finely chopped
1/4 cup/25g/1 oz pine kernels
1/4 cup/25g/1 oz nibbed almonds
1/2 cup/50g/2 oz sunflower seeds
1/3 cup/50g/2 oz sesame seeds
1 Mix altogether and store in an airtight container.
Serve with the fruit juice of your choice, or with boiling water or diluted cream.
Toasted Millet and Sultana (Golden Seedless Raisin) Porridge Serves 2
2 tsp olive or sunflower oil
1/2 cup/100g/4 oz millet
21/2 cups/570ml/1 pt boiling spring water
2/3 cup/100g/4 oz sultanas (golden seedless raisins)
1 Heat the oil in a large pan and toast the millet grains until golden brown.
2 Remove the pan from the heat and slowly add the water.
3 Stir in the sultanas (golden seedless raisins) then cover and simmer gently for 20–30 minutes or until the millet is swollen and fluffy.
For a very porridgy alternative, simmer the millet gently for a few extra minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mixture becomes very sticky – our favourite way of eating it!
Millet is the only alkaline grain.
Muesli (Granola) Serves 1
Muesli (granola) is now a very popular breakfast dish, but unfortunately the commercial muesli mix bears no relationship at all to the original raw fruit porridge devised by Dr Max Bircher-Benner for his patients. Modern mueslis are essentially starchy cereal mixes, whereas in Dr Bircher-Benner’s muesli, grated raw apple and/or other acid fruit predominated and only a level tablespoonful of fresh rolled oats or medium oatmeal was permitted. Because the cereal content is so small and also because it is raw, freshly made muesli, prepared according to Dr Bircher-Benner’s recipe, may be regarded as an alkaline meal, and the recipe is given below. However, if you prefer a mixed cereal dish this is not muesli and should be regarded as a starch meal
Dr Bircher-Benner’s Muesli
1 tbsp rolled oats or medium oatmeal
1/4 cup/3 tbsps spring water
1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup/3 tbsps whole milk or plain yoghurt
1 large or 2 small dessert apples
1 tbsp grated almonds or hazelnuts
1 Soak the oats or oatmeal with the water overnight.
2 In the morning, add the lemon juice and milk or yoghurt. Grate (shred) the well-scrubbed apples into the mixture and sprinkle the grated nuts on top.
3 Serve at once.
Additional Alkaline Breakfast Suggestions
Cooking (baking) apple stuffed with raisins, cinnamon and toasted, chopped hazelnuts or sunflower seeds, then baked and served with cream/diluted cream
Stewed apple sprinkled with cinnamon and ginger
Fruit – any fruit as listed here, Column 1
Melon eaten alone
Freshly squeezed fruit juice
Fresh tomato juice
Fresh vegetable or salad juices
Fresh grapefruit and orange segments
Sliced dessert apple with raisins and yoghurt
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