Flashman Papers 3-Book Collection 2: Flashman and the Mountain of Light, Flash For Freedom!, Flashman and the Redskins. George Fraser MacDonald

Flashman Papers 3-Book Collection 2: Flashman and the Mountain of Light, Flash For Freedom!, Flashman and the Redskins - George Fraser MacDonald

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what good boys Lal and Tej were being, offering up the Khalsa for destruction, but I wasn’t having that. Gough might be anywhere over the eastern horizon, and I had no intention of hunting him through country which by now was swarming with gorracharra; far better, I said, if I rode the couple of miles to Ferozepore, where Littler would see that Gough got the glad news in good time (and Flashy could take a well-earned repose). Tej agreed, and said I should go under a flag of truce, ostensibly carrying the Wazir’s final demand to Littler to surrender. Lal boggled at that, but Tej grew excited, pointing out the risk if I tried to sneak into Littler’s lines unobserved.

      “Suppose he were shot by a sentry?” squeaks he, waving his podgy hands. “Then the Jangi lat would never know of our good will to him, or the plans we have made for the destruction of these Khalsa swine! And our dear friend” – that was me – “would have died in vain! It is not to be thought of!” I found myself liking Tej Singh’s style better by the minute.

      “But will the colonels not suspect treason, if they see a courier sent to Littler Sahib?” cries Lal. The puggle had worn off by now, and he was lying exhausted on his silken bed, fretting himself witless.

      “They will not even know!” cries Tej. “And only think – once our dear bahadur has spoken with Littler Sahib, our credit with the Sirkar is assured! Whatever may happen, our friendship will have been made plain!”

      That was the great thing with him – to stand well with Simla, whatever happened to the Khalsa. He even proposed that I carry a written message, expressing Lal’s undying devotion to the Sirkar; it would be so much more convincing than mere word of mouth. This so horrified Lal that he almost hid under the sheets.

      “A written message? Are you mad? What if it went astray? Am I to sign my own death-warrant?” He flung about in a passion. “You write it, then! You announce your treason, over your signature! Why not, you’re Commander-in-Chief, you fat tub of dung –”

      “You are Wazir!” retorts Tej. “This is a high political affair, and what am I but a soldier?” He shrugged complacently. “You need say nothing of military matters; a mere expression of friendship will suffice.”

      Lal said he’d see him damned first, and they snarled and whined, with Lal weeping and tearing the bedclothes. Finally he gave in, and penned the following remarkable note to Nicolson, the political: “I have crossed with the Khalsa. You know my friendship for the British. Tell me what to do.”30 He bilked at signing, though, and after more shrill bickering Tej turned to me.

      “It will have to do. Tell Nicolson Sahib it is from the Wazir!”

      So it was that in the small hours a gorracharra rider with a game leg and a white flag on his lance rode out of the Khalsa lines and down to Ferozepore, leaving behind two Sikh generals, one fat and frightened and t’other having hysterics with a pillow over his face, both conscious of duty well done, I don’t doubt. As for me, I went half a mile and sat down under a thorn tree to wait for dawn; for one thing, now that I was so nearly home, I wanted a moment to study how best to wring credit out of my unexpected arrival with such momentous news, and for another, flag of truce or not, I wasn’t risking a bullet from a nervous sepoy in the half-light. I was dog-tired, what with lack of sleep, funk, and bodily anguish, but I was a happy man, I can tell you – and happier yet, three hours later, when I’d been admitted by a sentry of the 62nd whose Whitechapel challenge was music to my ears, and hobbled painfully into the presence of Peter Nicolson, who’d seen me off across the Sutlej three months ago.

      He didn’t know me at first, and then he was on his feet, steadying me as I staggered artistically, bravely gritting my teeth against the agony of my ankle (which was feeling much better, by the way).

      “Flashman! What on earth are you doin’ here? Good lord, man, you’re all in – are you wounded?”

      “That don’t matter!” gasps I, subsiding on his cot. “Small memento from a Khalsa dungeon, what? See here, Peter, there’s no time to lose!” I shoved Lal’s note at him, and gave him the marrow of the business in a few brief sentences, insisting that a galloper must ride to Gough at once to let him know that the Philistines were on the move and ready to be smitten hip and thigh. I didn’t add “courtesy of H. Flashman”, just then; that was a conclusion they could leap to presently.

      He was a smart political, Nicolson: he grasped the thing at once, bawled for his orderly to fetch Colonel Van Cortlandt, pumped my hand in delight, said he could hardly credit it, but it was the finest piece of work he’d ever heard – I’d come through the Khalsa in disguise, been with Lal and Tej, made ’em split their forces, come away with their plans? Good God, he’d never heard the like, etc., etc.

      Jallalabad all over again, thinks I contentedly, and while he strode out shouting that a galloper must ride directly to Littler, who was out on a reconnoitre, I heaved up for a dekko in the mirror over his washstand. Gad, I looked like the last survivor of Fort Nowhere … capital! I slumped back on the cot, and had to be revived with brandy when he and Van Cortlandt arrived, full of questions. I rallied gamely, and described in detail what I’d told Lal and Tej to do; Van Cortlandt, whom I’d heard of as a former mercenary with Runjeet Singh, and a knowing bird, just nodded grimly, while Nicolson slapped his forehead.

      “Was ever such a pair of villains! Sellin’ their own comrades, the dastards! My stars, it passes belief!”

      “No, it don’t,” says Van Cortlandt. “It fits exactly with our information that the durbar wants the Khalsa destroyed – and with what I know of Lal Singh.” He eyed me, frowning. “When did you learn they were ready to sell out? Did they approach you in Lahore?”

      This was the moment for my tired boyish grin, with a little gasp as I moved my leg. I could have told ’em the whole horrid tale, and made their hair stand on end – but that ain’t the way to do it, you see. Offhand and laconic, that’s the ticket, and let their imaginations do the rest. I shook my head, weary-like.

      “No, sir, I approached them … just a few hours ago, in their camp over there. I’d had word, two nights ago in Lahore, that they were ready to turn traitor –”

      “Who told you?” demands Van Cortlandt.

      “Perhaps I’d better not say, sir … just yet.” I was shot if I was giving Gardner credit, when I’d done all the bloody work. “I reckoned I’d better get to Lal, and see what he was up to. But I had a spot o’ trouble, getting clear of Lahore … fact is, if old Goolab Singh hadn’t popped up in a tight corner –”

      “Goolab Singh!” cries he incredulously.

      “Why, yes – we had to cut our way out, you see, but he ain’t as spry as he was … and I was rearguard, so to speak, and … well, the Khalsa’s bulldogs laid hold of me –”

      “You said somethin’ about a dungeon!” cries Nicolson.

      “Did I? Oh, aye …” I brushed it aside, and then bit my lip, shifting my foot. “No, no, don’t fuss, Peter … I doubt if it’s broken … just held me up a bit … ah!” I clenched my teeth, recovered, and spoke urgently to Van Cortlandt. “But, see here, sir … what happened in Lahore don’t matter – or how I got to Lal! It’s what he and Tej are doing now, don’t you see? Sir Hugh Gough must be warned …”

      “He will be, never fear!” says Van Cortlandt, looking keen and noble. “Flashman …” He hesitated, nodded, and gave me a quick clap on the shoulder. “You lie down, young feller. Nicolson, we must see Littler as soon as he returns. Have two gallopers ready – this is one message that mustn’t miscarry! Let’s see that map … if Gough’s approaching Maulah, and the Sikhs have reached Ferozeshah, they should meet about Moodkee … in

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