A Mind of Your Own. Betty Shine
reaction will also be that you do not want it to happen again, because the other problem you are having to deal with is shock.
My ability to see the energy system clairvoyantly has enabled me to study the tremors that occur within the body after an accident. You have probably experienced these tremors yourself, when you have dropped and smashed a piece of china and found that your hands are trembling as you pick up the pieces. What can you do about it?
Prevention is always better than cure. First of all, think before you act. A minute of your time could save a life. The pace of life is getting faster, and to counteract this you must steal a few moments before you act, so that you can have a little prime time for the rest of your life. Not only will you live longer, but the quality of your life will be greater.
Visualisation: You are running across a meadow of wild flowers – in SLOW MOTION. The slower you run, the more exhilarated you feel. Feel the fantastic lift as you put your life into perspective. Some things can wait.
When you avoid accidents, there is always another day.
Affirmation: A moment’s thought could save a life.
In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy.
WHENEVER ADDICTION IS MENTIONED, it is immediately assumed that the problem is drugs. Most of the time it is not. Nearly everyone, at some time in their lives, becomes addicted to something. It can be alcohol, tobacco, television, sports – one only has to think about football to realise how the power of addiction can take over your life. Chocaholics too certainly know all about addiction! Sugar is addictive in all its forms, and parents – with the best of intentions – start their children off on this road by giving them sweets for good behaviour or simply to keep them quiet. I have known people who have become addicted to vinegar, to the inhalation of substances like furniture polish, shoe polish, air fresheners and petrol. In fact you can become addicted to just about anything. This is the real danger. Most of the time you will be unaware that it is happening to you.
Obviously, there are real dangers in any kind of addiction. To overcome the ordinary everyday addictions, try using the following exercise twice a day.
Visualisation: You walk into a small peaceful room, where you see a comfortable armchair; sitting in the chair, you become aware of a warm, comfortable glow as shafts of sunlight steal through the blinds.
You have an overwhelming longing for your addiction. No matter what you do, this longing will not go away. You must now say three words: ‘Please help me.’ You will immediately feel light and relaxed because you have, at last, realised that you have a problem. This is your first step to recovery.
For the first time you notice a table in front of you. On it is the cause of your addiction. Next to it is a small box, in the centre of which is a button. This is your life-line – when you feel desperate, you can press this button and it will switch off the addictive urge. You now have a choice. It doesn’t matter which choice you make the first time. But if you make the wrong choice every time, then you need professional help.
It is amazing how the power of the mind can, eventually, help you to make the right choice. It will show you clearly how strong or weak you are, and then the guilt factor will take over. NEVER GIVE UP. YOU CAN DO IT.
Affirmation: Addiction is an affliction.
Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing: age, which forgives itself anything, is forgiven nothing.
PHYSICAL AGEING IS INEVITABLE and you cannot escape it, in spite of the beckoning fingers of advertising which promise everlasting youth. Beware!
There is a route that you can take to looking and feeling better, however, that costs nothing. By stimulating the energy counterpart of your physical body and strengthening your mind with visualisation, you can bring about a transformation. Your body will be the same, but it will glow with health. There will be a sparkle in your eyes as the power of your mind renews your enthusiasm for living. When this happens people do not see an ageing body, but are captured by the incredible essence that pervades everything around you. Friends will appear, as if by magic, because whatever it is that you have, they want it. I have seen very old, very beautiful people who know the secret. I am giving it to you.
Visualisation: Every night, before you retire, sit on the side of the bed and close your eyes. You will see a blue door. Turn the key and open it. Walk through the door and gently close it behind you.
You will immediately find yourself walking beside a shallow stream. Follow the stream until you see a fountain ahead of you. Standing beside the fountain, you watch as lacy cascades of water fill shallow bowls dotted around the outside ledge. Take one of the bowls and drink the contents. Gradually, you will feel the whole of your body and mind being rejuvenated. Aches and pains will disappear. Feeling light and lithe, you are able to move without restriction. You will feel weightless, as your mind – free of the burdens you have carried around for so long – revels in the freedom of movement, and you experience levitation of the spirit for the first time in your life. When you feel that it is time to return, open your eyes.
In time you will realise that you do not want to carry around the accumulated mental rubbish of a lifetime, and will discard it. Then you will know that it has been worth the effort.
Affirmation: I feel young. I am young.
As we jog on, either laugh with me, or at me, or in short do anything, – only keep your temper.
WHEN YOU ARE FACED with aggressive behaviour, back down and try to remain calm. It can be a very frightening experience. I have seen calm personalities explode and become aggressive when they have been pushed by unwarranted behaviour in others. Everyone has the capacity for becoming aggressive – it is there within us all, because we need to defend ourselves when physically attacked.
Self-discipline is the only way to keep this emotion under control, and the best way to do this is to explode on paper. As the thoughts come into your head, write them down, and keep writing until you are sick of the subject or personality you are attacking. Get it out of your system, because if you keep it there it will rear its ugly head at the most inopportune time.
If you happen to receive a letter written in anger, don’t take it to heart. Allow the author a few weeks to calm down. Given time, they will probably regret having sent it.
Remember, we are only human, and we all have our failings. Forgive.
Visualisation: You are sitting with a friend enjoying a relaxed conversation and a stranger nearby joins in the conversation. Annoyed at this intrusion you begin to feel aggressive. At this point visualise a plastic balloon