Captain in Calico. George Fraser MacDonald

Captain in Calico - George Fraser MacDonald

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notoriety had spread from end to end of the western seas. There had been his exploit against the Spanish silver fleet in the Florida Gulf and talk of a great treasure taken – the heat with which the Spaniards’ protests had been urged at St James’ was proof to a knowledgeable world of the blow their pockets must have suffered, and Vane’s stock had mounted accordingly.

      Of Rackham himself little was known by comparison, and Master Dickey cast back mentally in search of anything he had heard. He thought he recalled the fellow’s seamanship being highly spoken of, and he had something of a reputation as a gallant, too. There had been some mention of a woman whom he was to have married in New Providence before he and Vane had fled … Master Dickey could not be sure. But for the moment his very presence was sensation enough and Master Dickey felt a not unpleasant excitement once his first surprise had settled.

      Woodes Rogers, his voice as level as ever, said:

      ‘I must suppose there is some reason why you should thrust your head into a noose by coming here. For that is what you have done, you realise?’

      Rackham’s smile faded, but he gave no other sign of apprehension.

      ‘If I’d thought that, I’d not be here. I’ve no wish to decorate a gibbet yet awhile, though I can understand your Excellency’s haste to find one for me. You see me on an errand of mercy, or rather an errand of pardon, which in this case you may think the same thing.’

      Woodes Rogers sat back in his chair, staring, and then his brows contracted in an angry frown. ‘Pardon? Do I understand that you come here seeking that? You, that for two years have been at large as a pirate, with a price on your head? By God, ye deserve to hang for insolence, if nothing else.’ He made a gesture of impatience. ‘I must suppose that you are as great a fool as you are a knave if you imagine I’ll talk to you of pardons. I have a sharp medicine for pirates, Master Rackham, as you’ll find, and it is not compounded of pardons but of hemp. Dickey, call me the guard.’

      Rackham stared at him for a second, then shrugged and smiled crookedly. ‘As ye please,’ he said. ‘If ye’re bent on losing a fine ship and a hundred prime seamen for the King’s service it’s your own affair. Call them in and have done.’

      ‘What’s this?’ Rogers came round the table to confront the pirate. ‘What ship’s this?’ He waved Master Dickey back to his chair.

      Rackham answered confidently: ‘My brig, the Kingston, with my lads aboard. Did ye suppose I swam to Providence?’

      There was a moment of dead silence, and Master Dickey watched fascinated the two men facing each other by the table. Somewhere out in the darkness of the sea beyond the rollers washing against Hog Island was a ship manned by desperate men, and Tobias realised that Rogers was faced with a remarkable and difficult situation. Rogers was realising it too.

      He put his hands behind him on the edge of the table and leaned against it.

      ‘Where is she?’ he asked.


      Rogers’ eyes narrowed. ‘I’ve a mind to squeeze it out of you,’ he said.

      ‘You could try,’ said Rackham. ‘And, as I said, ye could lose a ship to the King’s service. To say nothing of the men.’

      That was the point. Rogers’ commission to suppress piracy was of no greater importance than his duty to maintain a force of privateers for the safety of British possessions and the enrichment of the Treasury. Hence a pardoned pirate enlisted as a privateersman was a double gain to the government. Suddenly the situation was utterly simple: a hundred outlaws seeking pardon on the one hand, and Governor Rogers, holding the power to pardon, and urgently requiring crews for his privateers, on the other. Both stood to gain and there was nothing to lose. It was all so convenient that Rogers distrusted it instinctively. Why, he wondered, this sudden zeal for an honest life on the part of a crew of scoundrels? Rogers had been next door to a pirate himself, he knew the pros and cons of life on ‘the great account’, and he knew that not since the days of Modyford and Morgan had the filibusters enjoyed such a fruitful harvest as now. With men and ships urgently needed for the fleets in European waters the Caribbean squadrons were stretched to their uttermost, and piracy was as safe as it could ever hope to be. And none would know that better than Calico Jack Rackham. This was not one who would exchange piracy for privateering without some powerful motive, and it was imperative for Rogers to discover what that motive was.

      ‘We’ll leave the whereabouts of your brig for the moment. Be sure I shall find it when I desire.’ The Governor walked slowly round the table to his seat. ‘Of this request for pardon by yourself and your followers – you’ll do me the credit to suppose that it is not prompted by sudden reformation. Perhaps you will supply me some reason. Your own, personally.’

      Rackham’s answer was prompt. ‘Two years ago, just before you came to Providence, I was to have married – a lady here, in this town. You’ll mind that in those days I was quartermaster to Vane, who then commanded the Kingston. He refused the pardon, ye’ll remember, and fired on your vessels as they entered harbour. As bad luck had it, I was aboard, and willy-nilly I must sail away with him. I had wanted that pardon – by God I had wanted it.’ He leaned forward as he spoke, and his dark face was suddenly grim. ‘But there it was. Every man aboard the Kingston was outlaw from that day forward, or so we supposed. Myself with the rest. But things have altered over two years. Vane is gone, and Yeates, too – it was Yeates that touched off the first gun against you in the harbour fight. And so, when I heard a few weeks back from a friend who had lately been in Providence that my lady was still unwed – for I’d never heard of her in those two years – the notion took me that perhaps the pardon might not be out of reach after all. I thought that if the law will let bygones be bygones, well, I might pick up where I left off.’ He gave a deprecatory shrug. ‘Provided she’s of the same mind as she was two years gone. When she learns how it fell out, I think she will be.’

      Woodes Rogers studied him with interest. ‘She must have considerable attractions,’ he mused. ‘Who is she?’

      ‘Her name is Sampson,’ said Rackham. ‘Kate Sampson. Her father has plantations –’ he broke off at the sudden clatter as Master Tobias’s pounce-box fell from his table, dislodged by the little lawyer’s uncontrollable start. And in turning in the direction of the interruption, Rackham did not see the colour drain abruptly from Rogers’ face at the mention of that name. When he looked back again the Governor had one elbow on the table and his face was shaded by his hand.

      ‘You’ll know him,’ Rackham concluded. ‘An honest little man.’

      Woodes Rogers did not reply, but he rose abruptly and walked over towards Dickey’s desk. There he stopped, as though undecided, his back to Rackham, looking over Dickey’s head towards the windows. The lawyer, glancing at his face from the corner of his eye, saw it strained and ugly, and when the Governor spoke again, his voice was unusally hard.

      ‘That explains your own reason. What of your followers?’

      ‘We put it to a vote; the majority were for coming in. The others had the choice of coming or not, as they pleased, but they fell in with the rest of us.’

      ‘Why?’ snapped Rogers. ‘Surely some must have preferred to find employment with another pirate captain?’

      ‘With twenty thousand pounds’ worth of silver in the Kingston to share when they get shore with a Royal pardon under their belts?’ Rackham was amused. ‘Not they.’

      Rogers wheeled on him like lightning. This time he made no attempt to conceal his stupefaction. ‘What did you say?’ His voice was strained with disbelief.

      ‘Twenty thousand pounds of silver,’ Rackham repeated. ‘Taken from the Spaniards in the Gulf of Florida. There was more, but it’s gone now. Still, they look to what’s left to see them snugly provided for ashore.’

      Rogers for once was at a loss to preserve his calm. ‘Are you mad?’ he burst out. ‘D’ye suppose for a moment they’ll be permitted to keep it? God’s light!’

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