Where the Road Ends. Tara Quinn Taylor
was those images of Charles’s little arms wrapped around her that got her out of bed every morning. That kept her eyes open and her mind clear while she continued, day after day, to venture into the unknown for something that might not be there.
She had to believe.
It was that or die.
She made it onto Randolph before she had to pull over. Cold though she was, her body was sweating, her head light. She found it hard to think. The cycle of hope and disappointment got to her sometimes, jeopardized her equilibrium, her ability to go on. Or at least, during moments like these, it seemed that way.
Where was her phone?
Amy looked down at the console, fumbling in the general vicinity of where she’d left her cell. Finally her little finger grazed the plastic.
With her head resting against the seat, she felt the keypad with her thumb, pushed a speed-dial key and hit the call button.
“Hi,” she said softly when Cara answered.
“Amelia! Where are you, love? How are you? Do you have any news?”
If she’d had the energy, Amy would have smiled.
The vent was pointed directly at her face, a blast of heat hitting her on the left cheek. Irritated and hot, she thought about moving her head, the vent, something.
“I’m in Douglas, Michigan,” she said, thankful that she didn’t have to hide the weariness that was swallowing her up. Cara would see past any attempt she made to pretend. Her friend had been there last month, when Amy was pretty much catatonic for the days it had taken to get through Christmas. Cara had tried, forcing Amy to go to Christmas Eve service, insisting on the traditional turkey dinner, buying Amy a gift—a beautiful, one-of-a-kind mohair coat from Amy’s favorite designer.
The coat had brought tears to Amy’s eyes, the only evidence of emotion she’d shown the entire five days she’d been home.
She thought of that coat, tucked away, unworn, in her closet at home. Amy Wayne had no use for a mohair coat. “I found Kathy this morning, but—”
“You what!”
Cara’s shriek resounded in Amy’s aching head.
“I saw her leave a parking lot this morning. I was in a diner and apparently all she needed was the five minutes she had on me. I haven’t seen her since.”
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